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The meltdown

Posted: Dec 10, 2016

Came across this video.  One of those things where you listen to what these people say and it makes you say "huh?".  Thank goodness there are more Americans who are smarter than these.  If Hillary was the person these groups supported, all I say is thank God America is filled with smarter people.  This is the kind of people Hillary supporters are.

The second guy...can you really take him serious?  He says "this is not a dream, this is a nightmare".  Seriously dude?.  Can we say drama queen?  Luckily the country feels otherwise.  This is the greatest dream for America and the best thing is it's not a dream, it's real, and it feels fantastic!  After 8 long years of living in a nightmare I'm glad America has won over evil.

Have to love that poor pitiful girl laying down saying how "dumb" people are and then follows that with "Donald is a millionnaire from New York.  You think he can relate to you redneck country --- bumpkins".  Oh you poor pitiful creature.  You think Hillary is poor?  You do realize she got billions of dollars (probably even more billions than Donald Trump has).  She also has never done anything for anyone, let alone women, whereas Donald has created jobs for people and helped them.  Now who is the one who doesn't relate.  Better yet, now who is the one who is looking "dumb".

Next guy...do not presume to speak for everyone in the country.  You don't "apologize to the world".  There is nothing to apologize for and that's what the other countries are saying too.

Next guy was just scary to say the least.  Someone that unstable with a pet.  He's freakin scaring the dog.  Carrying a baseball bat around.  Dear Lord help that poor dog.  I pray for it's safety with someone so unstable.

Next one says "like many people around the world".  Um, lady, have you not been watching the reaction from the people around the world.  They are excited and happy for our country.

Next lady paining her face...what the heck is her story?  Just a weird one.

Next little girl is so pitiful she made me laugh.  Crying...seriously?  Does she really think people are going to take her seriously after that performance.  Oh, but she's still going to support Bernie Sanders.  "He's my number 1 guy".  Then says "I hope we educate ourselves more than we have..." Er...okay, how about you first.

The next girl with tatoos and a hat?  Well she's just one scary dudette. LOL

Next Hillary supporter screaming obsenities....oh yeah, that furthers your cause.  Can we give more "shut the ---- up"s?

Then we have the "I'm better than you, you are garbage" oh yeah, and "your deplorable.  You are a piece of s---"  "I think you're f------ dumb" - Ana Kasparian

This ones good - "I don't give a ----.  I don't want to have a civil discussion.  I want to call you ---holes".  "You're sh--".  Then she proceeded to call the guy she was talking to disrespectful - Wow!

The leftist media sure did a number on these people.  I thank God each day their role model Hillary who taught them all this crap are not the majority of the country.




Scary ignorant people out there. - Typical Hillary supporters?

[ In Reply To ..]
Honestly I have never experienced so many people without logic who supported a person under FBI investigation and stupid enough to put a private server in her home. Hillary is a typical elite who believes laws do not apply to her and takes bribes from special interest groups for votes in their favor. She is so deep into corruption yet these ignorant supporters cannot draw that conclusion. Then again, maybe they are not educated like the voters who elected Trump.

The Democrats blew this by running Hillary. Biden would have beat Trump. But the Clinton Clan strong-armed the Democrat party and decided Hillary was a no-contest winner to be the first woman president. The Democrats were WRONG from top to bottom. Running Hillary with ongoing baggage was clearly stupid.

Good video and breakdown. I've seen many, but this is good. - Thanks for posting this

[ In Reply To ..]
I honestly don't know why they are acting like that. These are the people that when the O was put into the position the last time they all told us you can just vote him out in 4 years. Told us to quit whining, get a grip, yelled at us "yes he IS your president", sour grapes, stupid if you didn't vote for him. But the main one that sticks is we were told "according to the constitution" we can just vote him out in 4 years. Also told he will not be able to fix things overnight (they never accounted for the last 4 years where he fixed nothing and made things worse". But someone needs to tell those people in these videos that we see the same thing they told us. If you don't like what he does according to the constitution you can just vote for someone else in 4 years.

Again that's for posting. The analogy of the people in the video is right on.

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