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Many republicans received invitations too late.

Posted: Aug 29, 2013

Too many links to copy.  Don't believe the MSM and especially Daily Kos.  They're mostly mindless idiots.  The only black Republican senator was only invited to 'attend', not to speak.  Kind of a slap in the face, don't you think?  Oh, and who was that speaker who brought up Trayvon?  That was really, really bad.  Why didn't any of them address the issues that MLK would have?  With it being a political (liberals only) event, it was a sham, and a disservice to a man like MLK.


Invites were sent out in waves 4-5 weeks - before the event.

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Interesting how no republicans made it, but democrats did.

Interesting how none of them sent any representatives in their place.

Interesting how they didn't bother to even show up, even if not to speak.

Weren't republicans trying to claim MLK was a republican not too long ago? You'd think they'd show up in support of one of their own. So darn interesting.

March on Washington Officials Ignored Suggestions - Truthhurts

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Republican Party officials reached out to organizers of this week’s March on Washington commemoration with a series of suggestions for possible GOP speakers, but several of the people they recommended were never contacted with invitations to speak, according to Republican National Committee officials.
Miscommunication and lack of coordination appear to have played a role in at least some of the invites not going out to Republican office-holders. Event organizers say they assumed Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., couldn’t attend, based on a failure to RSVP to an earlier, more general invitation. But his office says he was never actually invited to speak, and he may have been able to attend if he was formally invited.
More than half a dozen different prominent Republicans were invited to speak, but several of the invitations went out quite late in the planning. All sent their regrets.
Regardless of the motivations, the result was that an ostensibly non-partisan program on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial took on a political edge. Heated comments on affirmative action, gun rights, and racial discrimination in law enforcement echoed from the podium, with none of the 30-plus speakers – a list that included all three living Democratic presidents — representing a Republican point of view.
That’s not a tone that members of the King family and other groups involved in organizing the day wanted. And Republican Party officials, intent on reaching out to minority voters and with a large television audience tuning in to the 50th anniversary events, say they didn’t want the GOP to go unrepresented, either.


Nothing but excuses. - nm.

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So, you think that the Republicans should have cancelled all - Truthhurts
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cemented engagements that they had for weeks or months - that they should have just dropped everything and to heck with their constituents just to be allowed to jump through hoops because those in charge of the invitations decided it wouldn't look good if they didn't invite any Republicans?

Baloney. It was a purposeful move by the committee to make the Republicans look bad and they did a good job at it too, now didn't they? No need to answer because I know what you'll say.
Actually - NK
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if the RW, led by Bill O'Reilly and other extreme pundits, hadn't thrown their hissy fits, we wouldn't be having this discussion now. I had a fleeting thought as I watched the ceremony that there were no Republicans there. Just a fleeting one though because I didn't expect any and don't know what they could have said if they were invited to speak. Certainly for the most part nothing that that assembly wanted to hear.

Republicans needed NO help making themselves - look bad.
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It's really tiresome when party ranks who preach "personal responsibility" ad nauseum weep and whine while throwing down the victim card. Give me a break.

This ought to be a good one. - WHO sent those invitations out? Huh?

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Right. I'm sure no republicans knew this event - was happening.

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None of them needed an invitation to show up. Only to speak (which they got, by the way).

Why didn't they show up? Are you telling me they didn't know this event was happening?

So why didn't they show up? Why did they have no interest in participating in the March on Washington?
Reading comprehension problem? I said exactly(sm) - me
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Who sent out the invitations? To speak, of course. It's not brain surgery. It's a simple question.
GOP attendance would anger the Base. Not - attending would anger independents
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and those moderate Republicans who haven't left the GOP.

How to handle? Oh, let's just spread a story that the bad ol' Democrats KEPT us from attending.

"Some people can be fooled all the time." Because they insist on being lied to.

I understand that both Bush's were invited... - ZvilleMT

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but couldn't attend because of health reasons.

I heard W was NOT invited. - nm

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You heard wrong. - nm.

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He was indeed invited but declined after having a - stent insertion for

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a blocked artery 2-3 weeks ago.  When my ex had that done, they advised against air travel for 4-6 weeks.  Otherwise, I believe he would have been there.  For all his faults and shortcomings, I never got the impression racism was among them. Though his politics are completely opposite from my own, I like these enthusiastic images of him where he looks like he is genuinely having a great time.

Nice pics. - Here are some more.
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I really don't care for GWB either, BTW. I'm glad he's out of office, and I cannot believe people voted for him twice. But this trip really did have some nice pics.




...and to his credit GWB issued a nice statement in recognition. - nm

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Let me get this straight. - NK

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Tim Scott declined the invitation because he wasn't asked to speak, and it's a slap in the face because he's entitled to speak because he's black and an appointed senator? Does he have some other civil rights credentials?

bam - nm

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Scott's office confirmed they declined the invite early on. - Logical explanation.

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The Coalition for the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington sent the invitation to attend as a spectator to Scott out on Aug 8. Within ONE day, they received this response:

“Thank you for extending to Senator Tim Scott the invitation to the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington on August 28th. Unfortunately, the Senator will be in South Carolina during this time, so he will be unable to attend the event. Please do, however, keep him in mind for future events you may be hosting.”

The speaking program was scheduled based on those invitees who confirmed their availability to attend the event. Since Scott specifically indicated he was "not available," to attend, he was not asked to speak. Makes perfect sense to me.

Boehner and Cantor both turned down their invitations to speak at the event. Mitch McConnell and Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner did not even bother to answer their invitations to speak, nor did they respond to repeated follow-up phone calls to their offices.

A few nuggets on Tim Scott's civil rights record: Opposes same-sex marriage, supports federal definition of marriage as one-man/one woman, voted NO on Violence Against Women Act, opposes pathway to citizenship and supports racial profiling Arizona style, declined invitation to join the Black Caucus, opposed legal requirements to hire women and minorities but has no problem stripping women of their reproductive right to choice, and (my favorite) supported SCOTUS decision to strike down key parts of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, a stance that would have MLK rolling over in his grave.

A sham? You can't have it both ways - sm

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I thought you people had had enough. At least that's what a few of your fellow partisans posted below. Can't have it both ways, you know.

Tell it to the marines: "Because I may lose my mind if I hear "I have a dream" going through my ears one more time today."

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