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I am so urked about an email I received

Posted: Feb 25, 2013

Okay, I get ads all the time in email.  No big deal, just delete them out, but this one REALLY has me ticked off.

It's for "Dragon Naturally Speaking".  It has a button to opt out, but I'm tempted to send an email to the person who provided their email address and tell him exactly what I think of their program.  Their program just cost me my job.  And their twisting of words (maybe not twisting, but in my mind it is) to make it sound like it's a great program.  They are putting US out of work and they want me to buy their product????

DH sent me an article, forget exactly the wording as it was last week, but this company is trying to sugar coat people getting paid less saying something like it helps cut down on carpal tunnel syndrome.  I felt like writing a rubittal saying, how bout you let me worry bout carpal tunnel IF I EVER GET IT!!!  Don't create a program, that doesn't produce "99% accuracy", and then we spend the same amount of time reading through for errors, which there always is a lot of, that it takes us to type a regular report and then tell us your helping us by cutting our pay in half.

This is definitely not one of the type of ads I want in my email.  Give me regular ads for products I can buy and use, give me obsene ads, heck I'll even take porn ads.  Just don't send me an ad for a product that helped in me losing an account.  I'm still tempted to write him and tell him exactly what I think of "Dragon Naturally Speaking", but don't want that associated with my email.

Okay, sorry for the vent.  I'm just so ticked at this company for creating the program to begin with that lost me and others a job and now they want me to buy their product. 

If anyone wants his email address let me know and I'll be more than happy to forward you the email I got.  Maybe if they get hundred of emails from unhappy people who are now getting paid 1/2 of what we used to get because of their product maybe they'll think twice about blind emails to anyone.


Dragon - In House MT

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I understand your frustration. But in reality, should technology stop moving forward?

I work in house, and we use PowerScribe, which is powered by Dragon. We have 50+ docs and I can say with about 3 years of experience under my belt with Dragon (and 11+ years as an MT), good or bad for MTs, the system works really well. We only get around 6% of the total reports dictated to correct. Yes, it makes some really weird word replacements and it's not 100% accurate, but then again, neither am I.

Unfortunately, we need to adapt to technology changes as they move forward. Can you image still transcribing on a typewriter with carbon? Technology will continue to move forward, whether we like it or not. We need to adapt and change in order to not become obsolete.

I wish it was different, but its not and nothing any of us can do to stop things from changing.

Hope your week gets better!

Do you get paid by the line or by the hour? - Just curious

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When I worked inhouse I got paid by the hour. A program like this would have been great.

Never said I was not for "technology moving ahead". That's not what I wrote about. I guess you thought it cute to make fun of me by using your "can you imagine" routine. Heck I'll be for computers that we just talk to it and it will do things. In the mean time it doesn't change the fact that we are getting paid less.

Now...if rent, utilies, gas, food prices, schooling and everything else went down cost wise to make up for the money they are taking away by paying us less for a crappy product then I could see that.

I'm having a fine week so far. There is nothing to "get better". I just wrote that I was urked by getting solicited by a company whose product lost me my job. But I guess I should be happy about it. Sorry no can do.

Dragon - In House Mt

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I honestly was not making fun of you! I do hear from others that they wish things were the way they use to be. I, for one, do not wish that. I do not miss carbon paper!

I know we are getting paid less, but in all honesty, there is not much we can do about it. The industry is not going to change for us. If a company can find a cheaper way to do things, why would they chose to go a more expensive route?

I never said to be happy about an email with a product that made you lose your job, but it was more then likely a mass email that when out to thousands of people. Just delete and move on. Is it really worth getting so worked up over?

I get paid by the hour, as do the six MTs that work under me. We don't just do transcription anymore. We are also now the department that contacts referring physicians for critical findings, we manually fax reports that error out for some reason in our MRM system, we compile critical findings reports, and the list goes on. We've had to reinvent ourselves in order for us to keep our jobs and our department.

You see the product as "crappy" because it took your job away. I don't see it that way because I work with it on a daily basis. No, it's not perfect, but it is good and has made our physicians much more productive, and that cannot be a bad thing.

Again, not saying you should be happy, but hopefully you won't continue to let something like an email irk you so much that it ruins your whole day.
Sorry, in my being upset I jumped to conclusions - just curious
[ In Reply To ..]
I know now you were not making fun of me. Sorry, guess that ad really made me mad and I didn't think. It's not fun losing your job.

Thanks to the poster who wrote about who created it.

I know the product is not crappy. Probably would not have thought anything of it, but seeing that ad and after having just lost my job because they went to that system just made me mad.

So the email is deleted and I'm having a triple shot hazelnut mocha and going to just forget I ever got it.

Thanks to, for not pointing it out, but realized its irk (not urk) LOL.


you may be unaware - but

[ In Reply To ..]
the original programmer who contributed the most to the development of Dragon was a disabled transcriptionist. She went to Voc Rehab and they provided her with the resources she needed to work. She re-trained to become a programmer and developed Dragon. She created her own job. What happened with it is not her fault, but I just wanted you to know about this person. It saved her life.

wasn't that Barbara Grow? nm - Snow Bunny (the original)

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Hmmm, saved her life but ruined the lives of all of us. - nm

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Do you really believe - that

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if she hadn't done it, it would never have been done? Seriously?

I expect all the people who worked in buggy-whip factories felt the same way about the automobile.

Things change. Humans are adaptable. Some humans, anyway. Our buggy-whip factory is closing down. We need to acquire new skills to be able to thrive in the real world. Hiding from the truth and whining about how unfair it is that the world is changing will not pay the bills. Facing the truth and putting some effort into becoming competitive in today's job market will open doors.

Flame away.

My life is not ruined. Transcription may go the way of the horse and buggy but-- - anon

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my life is not ruined by the changes in the industry. There is so much more to life than this stupid job that I do for money. I need the money and will have to find something else eventually for the money that I need but even then, there will still be good books to read, plants to nurture, people to talk to you, etc. My life is changing but it certainly is not ruined.

It's not all about you - anon

[ In Reply To ..]
Just so you know, there are plenty of people out there who, for whatever reason, cannot type. Dragon is an invaluable resource to them.

I also wonder if you plan on bombarding TV stations and radio stations with your ire, especially since I'm sure they pick exactly the time you're watching/listening to play Dragon ads.

Ooh gee...sorry, didn't know we were'nt supposed - to vent here

[ In Reply To ..]
Just so you know....

1. If you read my other message you would know that I was just blowing off steam about getting an ad in my personal email from a company that I lost an account to.

2. I apologized to the other poster for jumping to conclusions.

3. I said I deleted the email and forgot I ever got it. Well that was until your message.

4. If I get an email. Yes, it is about me after all I am getting the email.

5. I don't have TV and I don't listen to the radio, so don't hear/see them, so no don't plan on "bombarding" them.

6. Sometime people just need to vent to get things out. I write lots of letters to places that I never send. Helps me to vent my anger. Then I just throw it away when I'm done.

Sorry I felt the need to vent. Next time I'll check with you on what I can and cannot write here.

But you have yourself a nice day.

The ads that irk me the most are some of the ones - on this very site. You know, the - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
ones for EMR, or voice recognition programs, or for medical transcription schools: ou, too, kan B a transcripshunist! In just 8 weeks, you'll be pulling down $40-60K a year!


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