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Judge who jailed KY clerk has history of imposing homosexual

Posted: Sep 6, 2015

The federal judge who held Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis in contempt and ordered her to jail for refusing to sign marriage licenses has on two occasions denied Christian students in Kentucky public schools their First Amendment rights by ordering them to undergo re-education training promoting the homosexual lifestyle against their religious objections. In 2003, Federal District Judge David Bunning ordered Boyd County education officials to implement training, which mandated school staff and students undergo diversity education principally “devoted to issues of sexual orientation and gender harassment.” A number of students objected to being forced to watch a gaystapo propaganda video denouncing Christian views that opposed homosexuality as wrongheaded and proclaiming homosexuality as a safe, healthy, and fixed lifestyle that cannot be changed. When it was discovered that students would be punished if they didn’t undergo the training their parents brought in the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) legal organization, which sued the Boyd County Board of Education. In 2006, the gaystapo tool was back at it. Once again he tried to force Christian students to watch a gaystapo propaganda video promoting the homosexual lifestyle, and denying Christian students the ability to opt out of the indoctrination training. Bunning ruled that an opt-out was unnecessary because the training didn’t mean that students would have to change their religious beliefs. Bunning’s decision was overturned in October 2007 by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. The Court ruled that a Christian student could seek damages from the school district because the training Bunning imposed had “chilled” the student’s ability to express his Christian beliefs about homosexuality to his fellow students. Canada Free Press ;

So this judge thinks he has to "reeducate" people - who believe in the Bible?

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Obama's fundamental transformation of America. We are now far into that transformation into an anti-Christian nation. This has profound implications to the way Christians should regard their secular government.

The lesbians Gentry and Stamper said they came to - this clerk's office because they

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"wanted to see the faces of the people being turning down.”

In other words, they chose this clerk on purpose.

Plus they drove an hour. The county is not that big. Where are Gentry and Stamper from?

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut - off from support network

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and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

Always find a way to personalize, polarize and isolate you opponent - the Alinsky way.

Yes, sounds about right.

This is very simple. Davis broke no laws. She upheld - the KY constitution; marriage is

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between a man and a woman.

Federal govt trying to trump states rights again.
WARNING! Homosexual activists group has - purchased FreeKimDavis.com
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They have purchased the domain name "FreeKimDavis.com," which redirects to the Human Rights Campaign donation page.

This is a radical activist group that is doing its damnedest to destroy Christian freedom in the United States and abroad. They are piggy-back on her name and they think they're clever.
Well, it WAS pretty clever - just sayin
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Seems like some Christian group shoulda snatched that up already.

It is a very dangerous doctrine to consider judges as the - ultimate arbiters of all constitutional

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questions. It is one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.

Thomas Jefferson

One nation, one Christian God, the ultimate law. - thumper (nm)

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Ky County Clerk - outahere

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The Pilgrims came to America to escape religious persecution. Look what has happened. So-called "good christians" have and still persecute anyone and everyone who does not hold to their ideals. Christ forgave everyone, regardless of their "sin." What makes this clerk or any other 'christian" think they are greater or more devout that Christ? They're a bunch of hypocrits, nothing more.

That's like speaking Chinese to some people. - NM

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Very true, as it applies to some foreign land - somewhere other than U.S.

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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God, - someone famous once said.

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Christians are being cleaned out of elected public - offices and civil service, just

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like Jews were in Germany back in the early 1930s, under the guise of ‘marriage equality’

Public offices - Empirelady

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I must most wholeheartedly disagree with that statement. I know many, many public officials and employees who are Christians and remain safely in their jobs. Why? Because they perform the jobs they were elected and hired to do. One woman being jailed for contempt of court for failing to do the job she was elected to do doesn't even come close to the millions who hold these jobs.

This situation doesn't even come close to a country mile when compared to Nazi Germany and its persecution of the Jews and anyone else Hitler didn't like. To compare this county clerk's situation to that is a slap in the face to every single Jew and their descendants who suffered true persecution, the likes of which Christians in this country can't even begin to imagine.
It's true what she said about Christians being like Jews. It started out - slow with propaganda and the
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public accepted it. There was a lot of anti-Jewish legislation and antisemitism in general in the early 1930s. Read your history.

For crying out loud, the left has been calling conservatives Nazis for years.

There are so many similarities today to 1938. - Kerry and Chamberlain,

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appeasement, storm clouds gathering and people ignoring it. At least there was Winston Churchill then. We have no one.

IMHO - anonie

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This gay movement would not be so upsetting if they didn't demand that everyone else take up their particular lifestyle.

Not one Christian has ever insisted that everyone live their lifestyle no matter what any of you say. There are some Christians who may be overzealous, but real Christians do not do this as gays and homosexuals do always taking anyone to court if they don't see things the way they do. Where are Christians' rights. We don't seem to have any. They insist on America being this way, no freedom for anything. Imagine being a child of a gay couple. I feel very sorry for these children. They must be terribly confused.

How exactly is the "gay movement" demanding - everyone else take up their lifestyle?

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They just want the same rights as anyone else, they are not trying to impose anything on anyone else, someone like Kim Davis is doing that.

Honestly, a child of a gay couple, as long as that couple are happy together and love him or her, make sure they are fed, housed, educated, will be completely happy and well adjusted.

You do realize that in actual fact the percentage of gay people in this country is less than 5% - I hardly think they're going to take over, do you?

Getting married to someone you love is not demanding that anyone else take up your particular lifestyle. Refusing to give a couple a license to marry when it is your duty as a clerk to do so is.

"They insist on America being this way, no freedom for anything."

Gay people want the freedom to marry and share a life with the one they love, just like everyone else, not greater than anyone else. The Supreme Court decided if you get married in one state that marriage should be valid in every state. People like Kim Davis are the ones against freedom in my opinion.

She was only deprived of her freedom to discriminate against people because she disagreed with their lifestyle. Good thing the law is on their side now.

Homo lifestyle being foisted upon straights. - sm

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I'm not the person to whom you responded, but did you not hear about the bakery going out of business because the owners declined to make a cake for a gay wedding? Or the photographers? Or the pizza shop?

Why can't they support their own kind and go to gay bakeries, pizza shops, etc.? God forbid the Muslims get asked to partake in the homo lifestyle. They'd chop their heads off. Let the homosexuals do their own thing with their own kind. Leave the heterosexuals out of their debauchery.
What a sad society our nation has become. Reality is - treated with contempt. It
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seems as though 2% of the population is demanding how the rest of us must live. The news gives the impression that homosexuals are at least 50% of the population and that's nonsense.

No values, no morals. Anything goes.

Enter the narrow gate, for the gate is wide and the road is spacious which leads to destruction, and many are those who are going in it. I choose the narrow gate.
I choose the narrow gate, too. - Truth is narrow.
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Look how many cities in the US are named after places in the - Bible. That's not coincidental.
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Goshen, Salem (from Jerusalem), Bethesda, Bethlehem, Calvary, Shiloh, Nineveh, Nazareth, Jericho, Zion, to name a few.
So what is your point? - ??
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Isn't it obvious? - NM
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No. - nm
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People weren't very creative and went with - the only book presented?
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first step of brainwashing.
There is a difference between taking up their - lifestyle and performing a business service
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They wanted a cake not a relationship.

The repulsive behavior of some homosexual activists - is why some of us are so angry.

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Marriage is between a man and a woman. It comes down to fundamentals. If you believe in God's Law or not, which does not change to accommodate the morals of the day.

Is this how you celebrate your man made "victories" by having Christians thrown in jail? Are we only allowed not to have a Bible but not live by it?
Once again, Kim Davis was NOT jailed for being Christian. - see here
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She was jailed for defying a court order. She cannot impose her religion onto other people...that's not the American way. She needs to resign since she's incapable of fulfilling her job duties. I'm sure she'll have a lucrative career as a right-wing Christian "victim" anyway.
Why isnt Obama in jail for all the laws he's broken? There - is a higher law, God's Law.
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Mock me all you want, I don't care, but God will not be mocked.

I congratulate Ms. Davis for standing up for her beliefs. Why was she being held without bail?
Who's mocking anyone? What does this have to do with the president anyway?? - see here
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Pointing out the truth does not constitute mocking, and that was not my intent. If you want to play victim, that's your choice.
President Obama broke no laws - another right wing fallacy
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President Obama and Hillary Clinton are portrayed as evil law breaking megalomaniacs whereas in actual fact the true criminals were George W. Bush and the evil Dick Cheney, they will both never leave this country again because in many other countries they would be tried, and convicted, as war criminals.

Despite the rhetoric, this country was NOT founded as a Christian nation. From the link below, Our Founding Fathers Were Not Christians:

"If the U.S. was founded on the Christian religion, the Constitution would clearly say so--but it does not. Nowhere does the Constitution say: "The United States is a Christian Nation", or anything even close to that. In fact, the words "Jesus Christ, Christianity, Bible, Creator, Divine, and God" are never mentioned in the Constitution-- not even once. Nowhere in the Constitution is religion mentioned, except in exclusionary terms. When the Founders wrote the nation's Constitution, they specified that "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." (Article 6, section 3) This provision was radical in its day-- giving equal citizenship to believers and non-believers alike. They wanted to ensure that no religion could make the claim of being the official, national religion, such as England had."
I suggest reading the Federalist Papers and quotes - from our founders.
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Why would I do that - the fact remains that - our Constitution
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As above, contains absolutely nothing about Christianity or any need to adhere to it. I have no need to find other supposed sources that back up my opinion, that is what the Christian right is always trying, and failing, to do.

I believe there were always those who wanted to include some mention or bond of our government to Christianity, but they were outnumbered by those who wanted no religion in govt, just as they are now.

If the conservative right is so sure we all want to be a Christian nation, why don't they propose legislation to that effect or an amendment to the Constitution? Oh wait, they did. See link below. It was tried and voted down in 1863, 1874, 1896, and 1910. Also again tried and failed in the 40s, 50s, and 60s.

Republicans and conservatives are doing their best to make sure they get an unfair piece of the voting pie by gerrymandering and making it really difficult to vote if you are someone who will not vote for them.

However, in this country the majority still rules, despite their machinations, and thank goodness for that.
The Federalist Papers explain how the founders - arrived at the Constitution and
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I guess they don't teach that in public schools anymore.
She is in contempt of a judge's order - she has to agree to not break the law
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to be set free and return to her position.

"Take up their particular lifestyle?" - Empirelady

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I have friends who are gay, and I have friends who are lesbian. Never once, in all the years I've known them have they ever, ever felt I should "take up their lifestyle." Ever. I have never in my life, once it was known that I was heterosexual, had an LGBT person insist that I become a lesbian and take up that lifestyle.

As to the other statement of "no Christian has ever insisted" that everyone take up their lifestyle, oh I beg to differ. Some types of being "overzealous" are most definitely insisting that lifestyle should be taken including the threat of hell fire and brimstone.

Christians have so many freedoms and rights in this country, they can barely be counted from entire television networks, movie studios, churches on every corner in every city/town, freedom to sit out in one's front yard, if one wanted, to carry on a worship service, as long as it isn't disruptive to a neighborhood by noise, and the list is endless. What rights don't Christians have? The only "rights" I see Christians as not having are to discriminate against others, most especially in government situations or in businesses that are advertised and open to the public. And, those aren't rights, not in this country. Every citizen of this country has human rights, nothing more, nothing less, and our forefathers most specifically set it up so that no religious belief would dictate what those human rights would be. In fact, most left England and other countries and then fought a revolution here to escape that very scenario.

Thank you, Empirelady, for speaking the truth. - sm

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It seems many conservative Christians feel as if they are persecuted, when in reality they're just frustrated that they can't impose their religious values onto society at large. You are entitled to your religious views and values, but you do not have to right to impose those on other citizens, as Kim Davis has tried to do. In her case, as in so many others, it seems "religious freedom" is just a synonym for intolerance.

There has been a breakdown in the family going on for - years. What is being taught in

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some schools is inconsistent with what their parents are telling them. When I was young I saw incredible poverty. My father would give free medical care to poor people and sometimes I would come.

Children, white and black, had intact families, discipline and manners. The federal government had not interfered with the family unit yet. There is a link to the disintegration of the family, redefining it, and the breakdown of society.

When I was young sex itself was a choice. Now people pretend that gender orientation is normal. It's not normal.

Equality - Tim

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I usually don't comment on any political stuff at all but am wondering how many who are so concerned about upholding God's law feel the same way about denying marriage licenses to people who have been divorced, as the Bible also clearly condemns that as well, with God going so far as to say He hates divorce. Or if we are also so upset when people complain or speak negative, another action that God's law tells us not to do. Honestly to me, it seems like we are only concerned about upholding God's law when it is something that we have an emotional or gut reaction to. Seems to me I remember Him speaking about protecting and standing up for the outcasts of the community. Now that I think of it, the law commanded no contact with lepers too. Seems we have become as zealous about upholding the letter of the law as the Pharisees did in Jesus' day. I'm just glad He didn't conform to their demanding He uphold it as they saw fit.

Actually in the past divorce was treated with shame, regret - and remorse. Today's philosophy is

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you should put yourself first to be happy. In this self indulgent society responsibility and sacrifice have been replaced with get mine first to the detriment of our families.

In your search for absolutes, in one corner we have heterosexuals - who sneer and scorn at

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the institution of marriage.

In the other corner, we have homosexuals who desire to practice their lifestyles in marriage unions, when God instituted marriage between a man and a woman.

Another example of this upside-down world.

Because homosexuality violates natural law, - which is larger than any

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court order.

Thank you, Tim - nm

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So much for religious freedom in the Western world in the 21st - century. There's a judge in Oregon

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being charged with the same so-called "violation" - now facing an “ethics investigation.” The very thought of an “ethics investigation’ is so ironic! And then there are the cake bakers, one in Colorado and one in Oregon, both painfully penalized for standing up for their beliefs! And the wedding singer in Seattle punished as well and the pizza shop in Indiana. The GoFundMe site will not take donations to help Christians anymore. Cowards.

Once I got the scales off my eyes I could see what's going on. What Kim Davis did was to stand up for God’s Law in the face of lawlessness. I don't know if I would have the courage to do that.

Lawlessness? You're kidding, right? - oy

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Gay marriage is the LAW of the land, as decided by the Supreme Court.

God trumps 9 people in a black robe. Sorry. - Slavery was law at one point too.

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Rough times ahead.
Sorry, but our laws are based on the Constitution, not the Bible. - sm
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The United States of America is not a theocracy.
Morality comes from the Bible. Our rights come from God. - If government of men can give then,
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they can take them away.
Just because you think these are "morals" - doesnt mean everyone else does.
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And if a person perceives their religious "beliefs" as preventing them from doing their job, they're in the wrong job to begin with.
They aren't "my morals," God make the rules, not - me.
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The US is not a Christian theocracy. End of story. - NM
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Imaginary deities don't make rules, people - who believe in them do.
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Remember, Satan never rests. Except maybe when he's - on the golf course.
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Look in the mirror, and you'll see him. nm - Emdot
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