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Judge Napolitano explains the creation of our

Posted: Oct 25, 2013

country, the Constitution, commerce clause, the progressive era, and federalism in the modern age in an excellent free series on youtube if anyone is interested. Natural law is included. ;

LOL. :) Here's a link to a pair of scammers explaining - the (bad) progressive gene and how morality

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comes from religion only, never from within (!) and can't be taught by mom and dad without religious references. It's a wonder they don't call for the internment of nonbelievers and apostates for the protection of society.

A great example, BTW, of the propaganda racket. These two make ENORMOUS amounts of money feeding their audience what they tune in to hear.

Sorry, will have to take your word for it, can't stomach watching GB. - Made it, painfully, only to 1:12.

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But, yeah, have heard that sad argument before. What a pessimistic view of humanity, that we'd need to be threatened (by fear of hell) or bribed (by the promise of heaven) to do good. No thanks.

~an atheist

And deeper down into the rabbit hole - we go.

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Morality only comes from religion, aka Christianity - comment

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They need to read up on the parable of the Good Samaritan.

I agree. Religion has "failed" them badly. But I don't - trust their professions of piety anyway. nm

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Why does the president place a hand on the Bible - when being sworn in? nm
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Why was the phrase "under God" added to the pledge - of allegiance during the McCarthy era?
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Fact is, religious people are more passionate overall about including this sort of thing than nonbelievers are about keeping words that mean nothing to them out, and that also makes it good politics.

Way too many people will vote for any cynical manipulator who waves a Bible at them over a good, moral person does not. What might people like that make of it if a president didn't swear his oath on a holy book?

The phrase was added by President Eisenhower - in response to communist
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threats at that time.

Communist killed religious people. They had to make government "god." Communist did infiltrate Hollywood, but worse the State Department, Alger Hiss. McCarthy was a nut I know, but that doesn't change the fact that there were communists.
Eisenhauer did it to placate the same kind of people - who are frightened of their world now.
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There was no chance Communism could take over here. We are the people who saved Europe and Asia from Stalin and Mao.

McCarthy was a genuinely evil man who destroyed many lives for the SOLE purpose of self aggrandizement. The people who followed him? Shameful, ignorant, fearful, and malicious fools for whose actions no excuse has ever been found, even 60 years later.
It's Eisenhower! - nm
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Thanks. I'm not sure I ever tacked that one down. - :) nm
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I don't know. - jm
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The president should have to place his hand on the Constitution rather than the Bible.
I so agree! So much more to the point. :) - nm
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Because George Washington did - sm
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I don't specifically know why he did, except to assume he was a deeply religious man. They don't have to though. John Quincy Adams swore on a book of law. It doesn't really signify anything except tradition. Here's a blurb from Wikipedia:

Theodore Roosevelt did not use a Bible when taking the oath in 1901. Barack Obama, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Harry S. Truman, and Richard Nixon (also a Quaker) swore the oath on two Bibles. John Quincy Adams swore on a book of law, with the intention that he was swearing on the constitution.[8] Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in on a Roman Catholic missal on Air Force One. Washington kissed the Bible afterwards,[9] and subsequent presidents followed suit, up to and including Harry Truman,[10] but Dwight D. Eisenhower broke that tradition by saying his own prayer instead of kissing the Bible.[11]

aka means "also known as" - sm

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Religion is not "also known as" Christianity. Christianity is just one of many religions. Morality is a concept unto itself and does not spring forth from Christianity or any religion. Reading up on the Spanish Inquisition might illuminate this for you.

Edited to add: Oops. I think I might have misunderstood, and we're really on the same page. Please pardon my blunder.
That involved specifically Catholics, much like - the Crusades.nm
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So? - sm
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Are you saying Catholics aren't Christian? The hands of the protestants aren't clean either.

What is really painful is all the crap both groups did to the pagans, from the Druids and the Romans to the Chinese and Africans, from the Native Americans (both North and South) to their own people in Salem. There isn't 1 pagan group on this Earth that the Christians haven't tried to eradicate, either through plain old murder or forced conversion.
Catholics are Christian. - popeleo (nm)
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Catholics are a specific type of Christian, like - Baptists, Protestants,
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Lutherans, etc.
We know that. - you missed the point.
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But to say that the only Christians who have done atrocities are Catholics is blatantly false.
That not what was said, Crusades was - the topic. nm
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Um, no, it wasn't. Are you really reading the posts? - Doesn't seem like it.
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point missed completely - nm
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regardless, it certainly doesn't demonstrate morality - arising from religion
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Funny - sm
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Yes, we are on the same page =] I should title my posts better to lessen confusion, lol.

Oh good lord. - pffft

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People like Glenn Beck and this Napolitano dude won't be happy until the U.S. is a theocracy.

Oh good Lord - describes your post perfectly - pffft back at ya

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Judge Napolitano is not a "dude".  He is a judge.  His name is Judge Napolitano.  The judge knows what he's talking about.  You do not by proof of your statement.

Keep your "oh good Lord" comments for yourself.

"People like" Beck are also people like Scarborough, Matthews, Olberman, etc.

Just out of curiosity... - pffft

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Do you think this country would be better as a theocracy?
That's not what they were saying. Morality does come from - the 10 Commandments,
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an example of a church/state system would be Islam. Christianity is about individual choice, doing the right thing when no one is looking, self responsibility.
Morality does not exclusively come from the 10 Commandments. - pffft
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Are you saying that people who are not of the Judeo-Christian persuasion are not moral? Sorry, but I disagree. And if Christianity is about individual choice, why do so many (not all) Christians want to impose their worldview upon the rest of society?
No, I am saying that morality came from the Bible and - Judeo-Christian roots.
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There are many off shoots of Christianity and they all claim to be the "correct" one. Not all Jews/Christians try to "impose" their world view.

Our country was founded on these Judeo-Christian principles. Each state had their own religion; Virginia was Anglican like King George, Maryland was Catholic, and on and on.

I believe this country is in trouble because we have turned our back on G-d.
But that wouold mean people of other faiths - had no concept of morality. No sense
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of right and wrong, no moral codes to learn at their parents' knee. That would reduce them to the level of animals.

Actually, psychologists have determined that there is such a thing as inborn moral intelligence. They are able to measure it by testing, like ability with math. Both are a part of a person; they can be further developed through training, but they don't start with nothing. It is true that people's ability to understand complex moral issues varies - again like math. Some are good at it. Some are quite challenged; but that doesn't mean they have no sense of right and wrong, even if they can't always explain why.

BTW, psychologists, of course, do not limit their testing to Christians. And historians didn't discover records of moral codes only among peoples of Judeo-Christian cultures. All cultures through all ages have developed moral codes to live by, which are much more alike in their basics than they are different.
I don't agree that we have an inborn moral intelligence, then you would . - not have to be taught right
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from wrong.

As far as other religions, I'm not saying they aren't virtuous. Jews were the first to believe in one G-d, one Creator, monotheism. From there, Christianity.

I don't believe in pushing religion on anyone. I think we should arrive at it ourselves.
This isn't an issue that must be taken on faith. No more - than a CBC is an abstract conception. nm
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you are mixing your metaphors - sm
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morality does not come from the 10 commandments. See: Native America and its long history of moral civilization.

The fact that our founding fathers came here for religious freedom does not mean that the 10 commandments are the basis for morality.
Agree, agree, agree. Just, the religious freedom - settlers were 150 years before our "FFs."
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they were only some of our early settlers. Fortunately given their rigid, highly intolerant beliefs. As a group, not exactly the nicest people on the continent
See there you go - shame
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I was reading a very good thread with very good arguments on both sides. Very enjoyable, each giving their opinions, and then came yours, filled with hate and blame. You are the one with intolerance. You evidently have an issue with people who believe in Gd. You are lumping everyone into one group and saying they are not the nicest people on the continent? I can think of others who are not nice and your post falls into that group.

So much for the enjoyable read, you had to interject it with your perception of hatred towards a group you don't like. Good goin.
I think the poster was referring to... - pffft
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...the Puritans. Did you ever study them in school? As a group, they were highly intolerant and rigid in their beliefs. Ever hear of the Salem witch trials?
In case you haven't noticed - Miss Smarty Pants
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This is not the 17th Century Massachusetts. Salem witch trials have been over for hundreds of years now.

Wait, let me take that back. They are still going on, except now it's not witches from Mass, its against tea party and republicans.
Yes, but this whole discussion hasn't been about - the TP or the Republicans.
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Nice non-sequitur there.
Only on this board can a discussion about history - turn into the Tea Party's fault nm
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What? - no one said that
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Do you even bother to read the posts before replying? Or do you just read the titles?

Here's link to Puritan beliefs. No doubt many lived - decent lives within the rules, but
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heaven help those who were suspected of being different in any way. Not that conformity would save just anyone. They believed that God chose who would go to heaven and who to hell before birth. People born into prosperous families or who did well on earth were believed to be among the "chosen." Everyone knew people born poorer were God's rejects -- and treated as such. Doing well for a while, but then have a health problem, husband die for no known reason, misbehaving child? That person's friends might interpret that as a sign that she was not among the chosen and shun her as unworthy.

Read a bit at the link below. This is only a bit of the iceberg. Their beliefs were so harsh as to be incredible today.

And back to the point of what on earth has any of this to do with the TP? Absolutely nothing. Discussion just wandered off this direction. If THESE people had been our founding fathers, the nation they created might make Soviet Russia look like the land of freedom in comparison.
Very interesting! I'm egalitarian by nature, so jjust - trying to imagine living in a system that
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encouraged abusing others makes me cringe. Because, of course, behind all the piety, it would have done just that. We all know some people grab every excuse to kick down, that many accept abuse of those who are weaker as part of the natural order, even in our society where it's supposed to be wrong.
What's with the name calling? Miss Smarty Pants? - pffft
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Is that really necessary? Doesn't seem very Christian to me. And are you suggesting that tea partiers and Republicans are being burned at the stake for their beliefs? That's a tad hyperbolic, don't you think?
Sorry, you missed the mark - sm#1
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She was specifically talking about the Puritans, who were rather a nasty bunch.

Here's an interesting article on what they did to the Quakers, as an example.
You, you, you, you, you! - nm
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That is an extreme example of a group that started in - England, led by a fanatic,
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almost cult like.
What? - sm
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So, then how to do explain either the Greek or Roman empires? Seems to me they were pretty moral. Plus, their philosophies and democratic processes form the basis for our own government, not the Bible.

As far as Judaism being the first monotheistic religion, that is not wholly true. Zoroastrianism was also developed within the same time frame and there is obvious evidence that the 2 religions influenced each other.
Right. And then there's the rest of the planet, some - peoples arguing philosophy in beautiful
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gardens while people in northern Europe were still wrapping themselves in blankets and sleeping around the fire in the middle of the hut.
what are you talking about? - sm
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who is talking philosophy in beautiful gardens, while who in northern Europe are still wrapping themselves in blankets?
Advanced civilizations of the past in Asia, Africa, - the Americas. "The rest of the planet."
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We always talk about Western civilization as if it's the ONLY one, but far from it.

Remember because of global chilling and warming, peoples moved north and south over the ages, and the greatest advances were dependent on growth of populations allowed by favorable climate conditions, neither killing hot or cold. Northern Europe was cold and relatively sparsely populated when, for instance, Egypt was a magnificent center of culture and science.
FYI... 2 sms in play in this specific convo - so I will be sm#1
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Yes, although there were peasants in Greco/Roman civ who also lived in huts and slept around the fire.

Fact of the matter, though, is that the morality of a civilization is not dependent upon whether or not they're a Christian civilization.

Celtic Ireland was also a very moral and well-developed civilization before the Christians invaded, and they lived in fortified wooden "huts." They also had an extremely progressive (for that time) stance on women, one that puts the view of their Greco/Roman counterparts to shame, frankly.
Nice reading. FWIW, I was just keeping it simple - for those who were never interested in history
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and always assume the word civilization will be preceded by the words Christian and Western.

We're just one part of a big, fascinating amazing planet, after all, around which many spectacular civilizations have developed and declined over thousands of years.
Maryland wasn't Catholic. It was - Anglican/Church of England
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Catholics were pariahs in this country, really up until JFK was elected. A lot of colonies actually had anti-Catholic regulations written into their Charters. There was no "Catholic" colony.
They settled in Maryland - no msg
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Not just Maryland, but also New York and Penn. - sm
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And there's a big difference between just settling somewhere and claiming that a state was specifically for that religion.
Whatever. It's fun to see people actually have an - interest in yesterday. Good for us. :) nm
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Agreed - = ]
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Maryland was founded by and for Catholics in - 1634..
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in 1649 and, later, in 1689 after the Glorious Revolution placed severe restrictions on Catholics in England, the laws were changed in Maryland, and Catholicism was repressed.
Hmm. Fair enough - =]
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I'm not sure which piece of misinformation to address first - sm
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Morality does not come from the 10 commandments. Many moral societies predate the 10 commandments. Many moral societies do not embrace the 10 commandments as part of their faith. This does not make them immoral.

Islam is a religion. It is not a church/state system.

A church/state system is a theocracy, which was the topic of the thread to which you responded.

Christianity is about a lot of things - as are all religions. That's why it's important to govern morally - and pluralistically - as, presumably, all citizens are equal under the constitution.

The church needs to stay out of government as much as the government needs to stay out of the church.

If you promote Christian rule, you promote theocracy - something, incidentally, you appear to abhor in the Islamic nations.

Lastly, theocracy is ruling in the name of God. I don't want to burst your bubble or anything, but Christians are not the only religious beings who believe in God.
I simply made a statement and you say I "abhor" something? - You draw conclusions based on bias. nm
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Have a nice weekend.
I said "appear to abhor" - sm
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Since you juxtaposed Islam with Christianity, that was my impression. And I had the good sense to say that this is what it "appeared" like. I went out of my way NOT to express my point of view as a fact.
That is what I call a conclusion based on what - you thought "appeared"
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like something, and a bias.
I told you it was my impression, and I told you what it was based on - that's why I said "appeared"
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I was very neutral in my language.
Nice message, nm, considering the responses. Accepting - that others can also be moral people
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need not take away from Christianity. I think if you read more about Christian doctrine you will find sophisticated and highly respected thought that has no trouble respecting what is fine about both their own religion and about other beliefs as well, even if they do believe Christians are favorite children. :)

You have a nice weekend too.
Then something is wrong with my kids, - who have never set
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foot inside of a house of worship of any stripe, who have never been baptized or otherwise indoctrinated into any religion, and yet protect other kids from bullies, point out cheating when they see it, sit with the new kid at school, share what they have, show love and compassion to all living things, respect their elders, and know that stealing and murdering is wrong. I'm agnostic and my hubby is atheist. How can they be so moral if morality only comes from religion? I respectfully submit that, while morality may be reinforced by religion, it stems largely from experience and innate goodness/conscience. My hubby stops to render aid at accidents, move injured animals off the roadway, returns found money,etc. My kids see this and know it is the right thing to do because they see their parents do this.

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