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House Republican Budget 2015

Posted: Mar 17, 2015

I have linked to the Fox story, lest conservatives refuse to read. Even Fox seem a little flabbergasted by it.

To wit:

"House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price’s $3.8 trillion plan borrows heavily from prior GOP budgets, including a plan that would transform Medicare into a voucher-like "premium support" program for seniors joining Medicare in 2024 or later. They would receive a subsidy to purchase health insurance on the private market.

Meanwhile, Republicans are proposing using tens of billions of dollars in additional war funding to get around tight budget limits on the Pentagon."


"Price has also signaled he'll replicate Rep. Paul Ryan's approach to cutting Medicaid and food stamps by transforming them from federal programs into wholly state-run programs that receive lump sum funding from the government. That approach makes it easier to cut these programs without saying how many people would be dropped or how their benefits would be cut."

As a liberal (and someone who anticipates retiring within 20 years and may need food stamps soon due to wage theft by MTSOs), this sounds horrible, but by all means, defend it or discuss it, maybe I'll learn something.


Taxes would need to be raised further/longer - Independent

[ In Reply To ..]
Repealing the affordable healthcare provisions would cost a fortune, not to mention most states cannot afford to implement a health plan without federal help, which was the whole point of Obamacare. The federal government would also have to do a comprehensive look at state debt first, which of course, it's not going to do before foreign debt. So IMO, it's not only bad for seniors and those needing healthcare, but it's passing the buck for these problems onto already financially-overburdened states who do not receive as much help as they should, or if they do, are not running allocation of the funding correctly.

(However, perhaps if state officials want to use funds to decorate their offices like Downton Abbey, that's perfectly okay;)

And just who is going to pay for that?

Well us of course, by raising our taxes even more, and them just saying "but...but we really, really need THESE changes, not the ones the libs say."

Rrrright, it's all the same - it all costs money neither the poor nor the shrinking middle class has.

As for war funding, well I guess they'll need it since 47 Republican Senators took upon themselves the unconstitutional liberty of going around the president, the Secretary of State, the US Ambassador of Iran and even other members of Congress as a whole - but somehow trying to make it appear it WAS Congress as a whole - and wrote Iran a letter.

All this accomplished was essentially letting the world know how divided we are, as well as they are just as unconstitutional and power-hungry as anything they've ever accused the president of.

May I remind both the president AND those Republican Senators that the powers in this country are to be derived from the governed - not half the governed, not just the Republicans or the Democrats, but ALL the governed.

I'm sorry, but I didn't vote or even know about that ridiculously embarrassing Republican power-trip letter, not even conservative constituents knew about it. A letter which pretty much rings like a dinner bell to actual terrorists.

Forget Aaron Schock - that power-trip letter to Iran alone is the single most hypocritical and scariest thing I've ever seen that group pull, and one can only hope Iran laughed at it rather than said to themselves "oh, let's proceed with nuclear arms and attack, they hate each other and won't protect each other anyway."

Oklahoma would be in horrible shape. - IMANMT2

[ In Reply To ..]
I guess I should say Oklahomans.

Education and condition of the roads wouldn't even make the radar.

A lot of the states couldn't do it. It would be going back to people just going hungry that couldn't afford to eat. And that would include the working poor, that after bills, there just isn't money for food.

Medicare/Medicaid is the standard for reimbursement. Private insurance always looks to see what Medicare pays and pays a little above it.

Colorado's medicaid program receives the least amount of federal funding, it's dollar for dollar and that is the least, that's 100% matching, right? Poorer states get more. And in the poorer states it isn't enough to cover all who need it. Very sad.

And that would be money the states don't get back into their local economies, job creation. The loss of 50% of administrative costs for food stamps, not to mention the hit the grocery stores would incur and then pass on to folks paying cash in higher prices because they couldn't buy in the same volume and get the special deals the wholesalers offer.

Everyone is out of control. It starts with inflammatory speech and then you get actions.

That Aaron Schock, man. Is he going to get in trouble over that. I know he resigned but will he at least have to pay it back? Anyone else would be looking at jail time but not a politician, I guess.

I guess we need to shout on here? Ok. THIS POST WAS MISSED OPPORTUNITY AT RATIONAL DISCUSSION - Independent

[ In Reply To ..]
Ya know, this was actually an awesome post, an attempt to generate discussion - many could've given their thoughts or ideas on it.

So some constructive criticism?

I have ascertained, during my time here, that apparently posts are only read and responded to if you scream in capital letters or if they contain the words "dirty", "scum" "beast", "commie" "sissy pants" or some other derogatory term, then hypocritically turn right around and accuse anyone that reacts to those words as being irrational, nasty and not checking their facts.

Then, after that (and even more inexplicably), you should start accusing those same people that reacted to your using these derogatory terms by crying they are "bullying" poor little innocent you (in capital letters, of course).

Perhaps try doing those things more, next time?


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