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Health Care speechwriter for Obama, Edwards & Clinton without insurance now...

Posted: Mar 20, 2010

For the first time in my life, I am without health insurance and it is a terrible feeling.

In the past, I paid attention to the health care debate as a speechwriter who prepared speeches, talking points, op-eds, and debate prep material on the topic at different times for John Edwards, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and others. Now, I'm paying attention because I'm a citizen up the creek without a paddle.

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Throughout my life, I have been very lucky because my insurance has always been there whenever I had a crisis. When my 10-speed hit a patch of leftover winter sand, and I went flying into a telephone pole, it covered the x-rays and stitches and concussion diagnosis. When a half a ton of sheet rock fell on me, my insurance paid for the cast on my foot. When my depression kicked in and I was hospitalized and painting ceramic pieces in art therapy to boost my self-esteem (sheesh), it made sure that when I got home my medical bills didn't make me reach for a razor. And when there were growths in my uterus, it covered that medical procedure and every regular check-up, lab test, broken bone, sports injury, and antibiotic prescription in between.

Since I care more about my country than my personal pride, here's how I lost my insurance: I moved. That's right, I moved from Washington, D.C., back to Massachusetts, a state with universal health care.

In D.C., I had a policy with a national company, an HMO, and surprisingly I was very happy with it. I had a fantastic primary care doctor at Georgetown University Hospital. As a self-employed writer, my premium was $225 a month, plus $10 for a dental discount.

In Massachusetts, the cost for a similar plan is around $550, give or take a few dollars. My risk factors haven't changed. I didn't stop writing and become a stunt double. I don't smoke. I drink a little and every once in a while a little more than I should. I have a Newfoundland dog. I am only 41. There has been no change in the way I live my life except my zip code -- to a state with universal health care.

Massachusetts has enacted many of the necessary reforms being talked about in Washington. There is a mandate for all residents to get insurance, a law to prevent insurance companies from denying coverage because of a pre-existing condition, an automatic enrollment requirement, and insurance companies are no longer allowed to cap coverage or drop people when they get sick because they forgot to include a sprained ankle back in 1989 on their application.

Even if the economy was strong and I was working more, I still couldn't afford my premium. I am not alone; I've got 46 million friends in a similar situation. We wake up every day worried that a bad cough, an accident while walking the dog, or that dreaded pain on the right side of the abdomen will send us into complete financial ruin.

As luck would have it, I didn't schedule a physical before I left D.C. I thought I could get that taken care of when I moved -- after all they had reforms, automatic enrollment, and universal coverage in Massachusetts, all the things I'd written about for politicians. Health care would be affordable. It didn't dawn on me that it would just be affordable for other people.

Now, sharing my experience doesn't make me an expert in health care policy anymore more than my knowledge that Kajagoogoo sings "Too Shy" makes me an expert in music. What my story does is serve as a cautious reminder that we need to get this right, not right away. A rushed bill will have consequences. Reforms will not be cheap and some people may be priced out.

How could all of these weeks and months go by and no one is examining and talking about what has worked and what hasn't worked in Massachusetts?

While the state has the lowest rate of uninsured, a report by the Commonwealth Fund states that Massachusetts has the highest premiums in the country. The state's budget is a mess and lawmakers had to make deep cuts in services and increase the sales tax to close gaps. The number of people needing assistance has at times overwhelmed the state. The mandate means that some people who can't afford insurance are now being slapped with a fine they also can't afford. There is no "public option" in the way the president describes it, no inter-state competition, no pool for small businesses and self-employed individuals like me to buy into groups that negotiate cheaper rates. So far I haven't found any "death panels," but if I get sick and need a hospital, I sure hope I can find one and a feisty granny to pull my plug.

What makes this a double blow is that my experience contradicts so much of what I wrote for political leaders over the last decade. That's a terrible feeling, too. I typed line after line that said everything Massachusetts did would make health insurance more affordable. If I had a dollar for every time I typed, "universal coverage will lower premiums," I could pay for my own health care at Massachusetts's rates.

So far, the most informed and civil discussion I've had about this issue has been with some of the sales representatives with the top providers in Massachusetts as I searched for an affordable plan. Each person I talked to was kind and considerate and truthful. One man said that he prepares everyone for the "sticker-shock," whether they are a family of four or an individual.

Right now, the truth is if I could buy my health plan from D.C., then I would. If I could buy into a public option, co-op, or trigger plan, whatever they want to call it, then I would. If I qualified for the new exchange, then I'd get into that, too, but four years is a long time to go without a physical, pap smear, and to have this mole checked. If someone were to put Medicare for All back on the table, then I would be fine with that too. Honestly, it's starting to make the most fiscal sense: $450 billion we pay to insurance companies could be redirected to Medicare, $350 billion in savings in paper work, and of course that $500 billion in savings for "waste, fraud, and abuse."

If this country is about to gamble a trillion dollars plus -- and it will be a big plus no matter what the Congressional Budget Office projection is -- then why not use a system that already exists? My experience in politics has been any time a politician says $500 billion will come from "waste, fraud, and abuse" that's a fancy way of saying, "Hold on to your wallet; we'll pay for it later."

We have to be careful about how we spend this trillion dollars. Right now, we are $1.4 trillion in the hole and the Senate has been asked to raise the country's debt ceiling to $12 trillion. We are fighting two wars and may increase troop levels in one. We have 250 new Iraq and Afghanistan veterans seeking care from VA facilities every day, and unemployment is headed north, past 10 percent. Has anyone else thought, "Hey wait a minute? Why are we proposing to spend so much on a mess of a plan?"

Why can't Washington look north to Massachusetts? What's the lesson for the nation in its successes and failures: universal coverage first or cost reductions? If health care is a right, then why aren't we starting over with Medicare for All? If health care is a responsibility, then why aren't we changing the system to address that? There is a big red flag planted in the middle of this state and it looks like everyone's just pledging allegiance to it rather understanding the warning in its wave.

For now, I'm going to have to get used to this terrible feeling. I'll eat right. I'll drive 55. I'll keep my dog on a tight heel and pet her to keep my blood pressure down. And I'll hope the economy turns around soon and $6,600 or so a year for health insurance doesn't seem so unaffordable.

I want health care reform. I need it, but I want Washington to start over. It doesn't make me "un-American" or "astroturf" or "racist." I'm a critic because what Washington is talking about doing has made health insurance unaffordable in Massachusetts.

If Washington won't go for a simple clean move to a system like Medicare for All, then it needs to do one reform, one new law, at a time -- not with a 1,000 page bill where strange things can hide. Line up the 80 percent of things we agree on and vote one at a time to change pre-existing conditions, cut that $500 billion in Medicare's "waste, fraud, and abuse," create meaningful lawsuit reform, and add some real competition to insurance companies whether it's a public option or a pilot exchange program. Show the country that this is possible with lower premiums and more efficiency and then go for the tough stuff. Critics like me want something done right because we actually are up the creek without a paddle.

If Congress and the president want to fix health care, then it is time to start over. They need to look at what's worked and what has failed in Massachusetts. They are going to have to actually take former Gov. Sarah Palin's advice and "look north to the future." Who knew that would ever make sense? But if we continue on this current path without looking, it's easy to diagnose what's coming to the country when a health care bill passes.

A mess.

Wendy Button has written for John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Barack Obama, and Mayor Tom Menino of Boston as well as other national and international leaders, and is working on a book.

This is so scary.. and to think that we will see almost no - benefits for years, have higher taxes,

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higher premiums, penalty fees(or jailtime)for not paying, and less choice. HOW in the world is this happening? The Obama administration should be ashamed of this, not proud.

Well, then stop "thinking" that. - sheesh

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You're just making yourself miserable.

Its the truth, sheesh!! Are you oblivious?!!! - TX

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Prove it. Prove all those statements - - nm
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For one, I do KNOW its true we will pay for years without - hiya
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benefits other than the "preexisting condition" rule. Otherwise, no real changes until 2014 (at least), but we will pay for it now. All the while, Obama needs this passed just like he needed the stimulus bill passed as an emergency.(stimulus had helped what exactly?) The Govt has gone wacko, which explains why Pelosi is always in our face.
and the pre-existing rule is only immediate for children, NOT adults - Backwards Typist
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It doesn't kick in for adults until 2014.
heard about the high risk pool? guess - not
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you people are a joke.
Speak for yourself, since it is obvious you dont know - what you are talking about here.nm
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Yeah, obvious to you. Now that carries a LOT of - weight
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Obvious to many of us, actually. - MN
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Ignorance is bliss? Problem is, its people who THINK like you that show the ignorance of this country and are too blind to see the Govt is scamming you.
Sorry, should have said Y'all. - Better now?
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Hopefully this alleviates a little bit of your self-imposed misery.
You have that special arrogance of a Pelosi - voter
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Nancy, is that you?
Hmmm, what's your definition of arrogance? - We always
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need to ask, because you people make up your own definitions quite a bit.
Not true. You must be thinking of your - president. nm
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Nope, it's definitely Y'all - :)
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Thank you for the insult. Very intelligent answer. - Backwards Typist
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Would you care to share where in the bill it states anything about high risk pools?
How many times does this have to be said? Unless you make - 200,00 (individual) or 250,000 (couple)
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you will not be paying any additional tax to finance health care.
The numbers dont add up!! EVERYONE will have to - pay more - REALITY BITES.nm
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Ummm, they do according to the CBO report. Suppose you cite - a little proof on your side of the argument.....
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What number's don't add up? The bill could not be more plain. It clearly states that individuals making less than 200,000 and couples making less than 250,000 will not be subject to additional taxes. The majority of the expense will be paid by big pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers and health care insurance companies....which is as it should be. Read the bill. Its in there. Otherwise, prove me wrong.
Uhh, you missed something!! lol. CBO left out the - "doctor fix" -you know what that is?
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That WILL be added in, and with it, we will be many billions in the red again. Surprised? I am not. Anyone with just a tiny bit of common sense can figure this out before its announced... but nice try.
yep. and only way to make it up is we ALL pay more.nm - hiya
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It's a separate bill - always has - been
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George signed one in 2008. It's to keep Medicare reimbursement to physicians high enough so physicians will participate. It isn't part of health care reform.
But it MUST be added into HC cost. It will be..admittedly, - and will put us back in the red again.
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So, this plan is a big exaggeration in savings. It is going to give us low quality at high prices, especially when the private insurers are put out of business, and all we are left with is Govt healthcare..a total nightmare.
Private insurers put out of business? Left with government health care? - Where
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did you come up with that?
You need to start looking deeper. Thats your problem. - William
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It WILL happen. If this goes through, when it actually starts taking hold years from now, private insurers will go out of business. You can remember you were told this now and think back... "oh, yeah, they were right"..sadly.
Based on what? There's a difference between reason and fabrication, so - your projected outcome
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is based on what?
Nevermind, you wont read deeper.. its hopeless. - William
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You are an example of why we have an incompetent president in the WH.
You need to give your shovel a rest. You've already dug to - China - nm
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Somebody must be smarter than you, since Americans - 55 to 35pct are against this bill!.nm
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Now that's a new - one
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Hmmm, you're actually smarter if you're in a majority. That sheds a whole new light on things.
Yep, actually America is waking up to Obama, may be - too late, but waking up to his idiocy
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The majority of Americans voted for him, now are against him on his wasteful sham of a HC bill.
And, a large part of the quoted percentage - includes those who just
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don't think that the bill goes far enough and don't like the bill as it is, watered down by obstructionism. If you are going to quote percentages, at least try and give ALL of the information supporting those percentages.
Yeah, just like when Bill Clinton said the same thing - and then we were taxed the highest
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tax rate in national history. Politicians lie to get the votes.

Don't trust them. If you do then you're just gullible.
Don;t these people watch the news? It has been - doe
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stated over and over on the news. One of the worse things is Nancy Pelosi saying we need to pass the bill so we can see what's in it. Who knows, maybe it will require the firstborn to be given to the government. In your own personal life, who would sign a document without even knowing what is in it, no one that I know of. She is some leader!
That is, don't. Should have checked better. N/M - doe
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This post proves the point - stop "thinking" things - you people
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just love to be miserable.
Its not just "thinking" things. We know how to READ! - Fargo
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and research. Try it sometime instead of just "thinking" Obama and friends are looking out for you. They are simply crooked politicians out for power over the people.
It's the comprehension part you have trouble with - Glad to hear
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you can read though. :)
My comprehension is just fine. I dont believe in - Fargo
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the fairy tale of Obama. Pelosi is probably even worse. These people are the worst representatives we could possibly ask for.. and we got them.
Are you saying the bill should be signed so we can see what's in it? - doe
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I hope that is not what you mean, because if it is, you have a real problem, and I don't want one like it. You would sign something blindly, not knowing what it says? Wow!
She knows there are those of you who need to - see something in
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action before you can comprehend.
Your worship of these people is astounding. You sound like - doe
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it is a bad thing that I should expect to know what I am getting before I agree to it. I feel sorry for you, you aren't very wise.
You just love that word "worship" don't you? It shows how extreme - you are
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I suppose you "worship" everything you understand.
How silly, only used the word worship one time and - xx
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you say I love the word worship, what are you talking about?
lol - - how
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Stop telling people to think. That's what got us in trouble in the first place - anon
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People are thinking and are researching and are watching and are doing their due diligence. This is twice now I've read someone (could be you because it was the same exact words) to stop thinking.

People did stop thinking and voted in this crowd.

You should be encouraging people to think. We think, we read, we research, we listen, we add and subtract. WE think.

You just want people to stop thinking, become good little obots, watch the shows they are dumbing down America with, and never say a word.

Sorry, I'll pass on that. I will stay with the thinking crowd. We like to be informed. Sorry you don't.

As for miserable...what they are trying to do to us and America is enough to make anyone miserable.
Oops - meant - Stop telling people to "stop" thinking - anon - nm
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You didn't even interpret the posts correctly. You - people
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are scary. There should be a reading comprehension test all voters have to take before being allowed to vote. No wonder you arrive at such unreasonable conclusions. The sky is falling, the sky is falling! lol.
If people had to take a reading compehension test before allowed to vote - Obama would have lost
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You should be careful in what you say...your words come back to haunt you.

Again with the sky is falling line? Don't you realize what a serious situation we are in with the health care bill. You think its funny to ridicule and make fun of people because they are concerned about what it is going to mean for them. Guess you don't care that deeply about the issues at hand, but there are those of us who do.

One thing for sure is if it doesn't pass you'll be singing a different tune.

The issue is how susceptible you are to FUD - tactics
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It's just sad.
Agree. Pelosi is a disgrace and embarrassment - to women in general. As far as
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not reading the bill, its unbelievable. Its also unbelievable that these politicians, not the medical field, are deciding what is BEST for Americans. I want to vote every single one of these arrogant thugs out.

Unfortunately, bribes and deals will pass this. This may - be the most corrupt admin. in history, sadly.nm

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Bah-loney on your bald-face lie. - nm

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The one lying is your Govt.. WAKE UP !.nm - NoBamaBot
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Utter BS. - nm
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