Obama doesn't care about your health at all..
Posted: Oct 10, 2013
Obamacare means a huge rise in cost for health care premium for most middle class working folk. For the few that do see reasonable pricing to get in now, keep two things in mind: #1-What you pay is based on your income level, not your need for care; the more you make, the more you will pay; so I hope you don't plan to advance in pay down the road because your healthcare premium will rise along with your pay increase and eat it up. The rate you pay as a working person with an income is meant to cover not only your cost, but costs of others who do not work. That's how Socialism operates. ...#2-Have you ever seen a government run program where rates(like taxes) don't continuously rise over the course of time? You're gonna really love Obamacare. The IRS will be the ones controlling your healthcare cause it's a "tax".
Obama doesnt care about your health, this whole thing isnt even about your health, its about him controlling our lives and taking more money from us and our grandchildren. why? headed for new world order. If you're laughing, go ahead, your children and your grandchildren will suffer the most.
New World Order? - mbmt
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Oh please!!!
I seriously doubt President Obama wants to control our lives and take our money, and I also doubt that he wants to rule the world.
I didn't say he wants to rule the world. - me
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He wants a New World Order, just like Henry Kissinger is seen on video (youtube) saying if anybody can bring us to a New World Order, it's Obama. Doesnt mean he will be the ruler but he will be in there somewhere through the United Nations.
"New World Order" has always been an "R" thing. - Libby
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Don't try to blame that on Obama because that's not true.
Try looking in the category of "Koch Brothers" or similar rich corporations, and figure out what all that is TRULY about.
Are you kidding??? - mammamia
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All that and all you can say is Obama doesn't want to control our lives and take our money.!!!??? OMG what hole were you living in for the last 5 years?
Think it was a - Fox hole
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Fox News hole, that is. So are many tea party/republicans who don't make a lot of money yet want "their country back" and hate "socialism" ad nauseum. They don't get that that whole network was formed to build an army of propaganda-fed bottom feeders who will do whatever they tell them to.
I cannot believe how hysterical these people are getting over Obamacare. I have to wonder whether most of them would, in fact, benefit from Obamacare, but they just hate the idea so much they are almost seeking out anecdotal evidence that this is not going to work and is going to penalize them for being "hard-working Americans" - as if the rest of us aren't.
I think some people would rather stick their fingers in their ears and yell "Nananana" than actually find out if they even qualify for a subsidy and reasonable health premiums because they have been told this is the end of times and you must resist at all costs.
Poor will be subsidized or whatever but - 6:35
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But we poor people have friends and family that are middle class and are being hurt (or will be hurt cause its just going to get worse), and the incentive to do better and make more money will be crushed. Ya, the president is fundamentally crushing the United States of America alright, just like he promised he would.
I must have missed where the president - promised that
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Can you provide any proof?
Hard to imagine I missed my president promising to fundamentally crush the United States of America, but if you say so...
Promised fundamentally transformating PROOF - alas
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Here is the president with his own mouth.
short version:
And If you can stand watching this,
Lord knows we needed fundamental transformating [sic] after - W got through with us.
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After all this time, it still makes me shudder to remember those dark, dark days.
I take it in a positive way - when he says that
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Fundamentally transforming the United States of America means to me having a president who represents the views of most of the people of America (we did vote him in, right?) and also the fact that we have finally crawled out of the racism of our ancestors to acknowledge a black man is the best candidate for the job and represents more of what most Americans want for this country.
Not most WHITE Americans, most Americans.
So this is so freaking horrible? Why? Aiyiyi.
In this profession, when our incomes have halved in the past few years, we have MTSOs trying to penalize us financially for any mistakes, our jobs have been offshored and outsourced to the max in the name of the almighty dollar for CEOs making millions in bonuses, I WANT this change, I NEED this change. Even after 5 years Obama can't make a dent, thanks to the idiotic congress, but he does try and the next Democratic president (who I hope will be a woman) should get further.
Just because you think America is perfect as it is, for whatever reason (you are an MT, right?), why begrudge what the majority of the country wants and try to make his statement into something nasty? It is not nasty, simply stating a fact, that electing a black president would transform the country, just that one act, and it did.
Unfortunately, all the racist crazies crawled out from under their rocks and now we have that to contend with, but it's still better than those 8 years where the rich got many, many tax breaks and got everything deregulated to their pleasure. So my America is worth fighting for too, and the majority of Americans voted for President Obama, like it or not.
So, just because some people don't like the path this administration - Truthhurts
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is taking us down, you call them bottom feeders or am I misunderstanding your comments?
I don't like what is happening to this country, so are you calling me a bottom feeder?
No, I am saying that - Fox News is not news
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Is not news, it is "entertainment" and they actually won a court battle to that effect that allows them to lie because they claim they are entertainment, not news.
They were not allowed to branch out to Canada because Canada has a funny law there, to be a news outlet there you actually have to produce real news and you have an obligation to tell the truth and be accountable (fines, sentences) if you willfully lie to the public.
So, basically I said Fox News wanted to create an audience of bottom feeders and that's my opinion. Anyone addicted to what they say is being suckered.
Nothing wrong with not liking what is happening to this country, but how about a reasoned argument rather than buzz words and talking points from from Fox?
Wow Kissinger DID say.... - Alas
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Kissinger DID say Obama is being primed to create the New World Order.
He really did say that. He Henry Kissinger served under three presidents. he is a promoter of the New World Order and member of and then the video cut off everything after that!!! Then I tried to find it on YouTube and anything that has Henry Kissinger on it is cut off and won't run for me. But it's there. Maybe its in black and white somewhere on the internet.
It's a conspiracy theory catchphrase. Try googling: illuminati new world order - the more you know
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Yep, conspiracy theory buzzwords. - icanhastinfoil?
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The people who believe in the New World Order stuff are also prone to believing these are the "end times." We're doomed; we'll never make it! Everyone go hide in your bunkers!!!
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It's a little hard to hear from background noise. Start at time stamp 2:00 and listen to how Obama is trying to make changes in the Middle East bla bla bla and then he says something about His task will be to develop and overall strategy for America in this period when really a new world order can be created bla bla bla bla.
For the love of God who gives a hoot what HK - says about anything? nm
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A lot of people. What he says has a lot of effect on people - and the country
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PROOF that Kissinger wants Obama to create New World Order - Alas
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It's a little hard to hear from background noise. Start at time stamp 2:00 and listen to how Obama is trying to make changes in the Middle East bla bla bla and then he says something about His task will be to develop and overall strategy for America in this period when really a new world order can be created bla bla bla bla.
That sounds about right for a republican like Kissinger. - Libby
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truckers sick and tired of the government - peace
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Truckers looking for peaceful demonstration in Washington in October 11, 12, and 13. They are tired of the ridiculous laws coming out of Washington. The government, which Obama runs, wants to control the population and take our money. Wake up America.
Ridefortheconstitution.org to see what is really going on.
As a resident who uses the DC Beltway... - gg
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...I can tell you that shutting it down by some wingnut truckers will be far from a "peaceful demonstration."
hey!! my son is a trucker and he is - no wingnut!!!
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give us a break! why is it that when anyone tries to stand up for this country and what is right, and against Obama controlling everything, all of a sudden these people who are fighting for the rights of everyone, is a "wingnut." I take offense. Stop labeling those that are trying to make things better and fighting against corruption... want something free monger!
Oh, please. - gg
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I didn't say YOUR son was a wingnut. The husband of a good friend of mine is a trucker, and he's not a wingnut. The group of truckers who wants to shut down the DC Beltway...now that group is a bunch of nuts. I just calls 'em like I sees 'em.
My dad is a wingnut trucker. I love him anyway. - nm
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LOL. As it should be. Trucker Hubs isn't, but if he were - I'd love him all the same. nm
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What corruption? Safe roads? Bridges that don't crumble - out from under them?
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Low bridge warning systems? Close oversight with oversize loads permit policies? Strict Homeland Security clearance for truckers who enter our ports? Frequent rigorous routine safety inspections and audits on their rigs? Strong enforcement of alcohol- and drug-free cabs while on duty? Log book checkpoints to insure they are not driving 24/7/365 with no sleep? Hazmat guidelines? Weigh station enforcement of truck load capacity and axle balancing to prevent accidents, breakdowns and load loss on the highways we use to transport our kids? Is that enough? I could do this all day if you like.
Those are NOT improvements, yet that's what these TP truckers would do away with.
oh gee whizz - they never said that
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they want to do away with ALL DOT regulations...just the stupid ones, like having to stop for a half an hour every day to eat your lunch. Sometimes these truckers are on a heavy schedule and have to get their loads to a certain destination in a certain period of time, and the dispatchers, who really do not understand how this is going to happen, have the truckers running all over the place from one end of a state to another, one to drop a load, and another to pick up an empty trailer, and another to take it back to another destination to be loaded, and still they are "required" to stop for a half an hour and eat lunch. Some truckers can actually drive and eat at the same time. They do not have to actually stop their trucks, in the middle of god knows where, and eat lunch. Since they are already following the DOT regulations about only being able to drive a certain number of hours during a 24 hour period, making them stop to eat lunch also seems a bit redundant, and something else that the dispatcher does not always account for! Maybe they need more dispatcher regulations as opposed to trucker regulations. Truckers are not stupid either, they know which regulations are good ones and which ones are not. They are not out to discontinue all of them, and whoever thinks that is the case is also a "wingnut." :-P
Pardon me, but no one forces truckers to take - 1/2 hour for lunch
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It's a downtime GUIDELINE, aimed at not exceeding 11 hours per driving shift plus 4 hours downtime (any nondriving time during the shift which includes wait times, gassing up, loading and unloading, eating, bathroom breaks etc) before the 9-hour off-duty time span which they SUGGEST should be used for sleep.
I do dispatch for my husband and another driver. FYI, I am VERY aware of their time constraints and do not ever schedule them in ways that would require them to violate the drive-time regs. The pressure is not coming from dispatch. It comes for the middle-man shippers, forwarders, etc who promise clients and customers the moon in their efforts to enhance the profits bottom line while paying the truckers as little as they can get away with to move the load so they can stick it to their customers, clients and the drivers. In return, dispatch and truckers promise THEM the moon, then turn around and prioritize the very reasonable regs over the ridiculous demands made on them by those folks who push pencils, count bucks and crack the whip. It's a balancing act the middlemen almost always come out of on the losing end.
As any logical person could figure out, there is no way for DOT to enforce time-outs for lunch except for inspecting the "cooked" log books truckers keep.
Eating and driving is NOT SAFE. - Really. It is not safe. At all.
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Neither is texting and driving, fiddling with the radio and driving, or whatever else people tend to do when they're driving when they find themselves in an accident.
I don't want truckers eating while they're driving. They're already tired enough as it is.
DH had to shut down 15 miles from home one trip - Truthhurts
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Other times, it's been 50 miles from home. Those are the PITA days.
My son is also a trucker and he used to do the ports. His dispatcher could never understand why he could only do 1-2 round trips a day. He only saw the miles and figured the hours to get there and back but never took into consideration the wait times for the containers. He no longer works for that company. :-)
Part of the problem is security clearance for truckers entering our ports - Truthhurts
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Those truck drivers don't need a CDL. They don't need to read English or even understand English. They don't know the rules and regulations of trucking in this country.
There have been quite a few "international" truckers who have hit a local bridge that was lower than the truck because they couldn't read or speak English and I'm not just talking about Mexico..There were Chinese, Indian, and Egyptian drivers.
Since you're so up on safety issues, tell me why they get special treatment?
What are you talking about? Any trucker entering the port - to deliver export goods
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are subject to the same state and federal laws and regulations that OTR ground transport drivers who never go there are subject to. In Texas it's the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR), Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS), Texas DOT, and Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV). Federal agencies are Department of Transportation (DOT) for United Carrier Registration (UCR) oversight and the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration (FMCSA).
Drivers entering the port who enter restricted or unescorted areas are also subject to Transportation Safety Administration regs (TSA) which requires Department of Homeland Security (DHS) clearance before a Transportation Workers Identification Credential (TWIC card) can be issued. They are also under various county port authorities. For my husband, its Port of Houston, Port of Galveston, Port of Beaumont and Port of Port Arthur.
What kind of license they carry (Class A, B or C, the latter two both being CDLs) is defined by state and federal law, and is determined on the rig's total Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR), weight capacity of the bed or trailer and total number of axles the rig has. This also applies to passenger CDLs, bus drivers, etc.
TH, not all transportation workers at the port drive commercial vehicles, but the ones who do DO NOT get preferential treatment. In fact, the only TWIC card holders REQUIRED to have a CDL who service US ports are (wait for it) MEXICAN and Canadian nationals.
Now I got to the part of your post that is really confusing since we have suddenly jumped from the port setting to OTR drivers you claim rammed into low bridges because they couldn't read or speak English (LOL)....AS IF speaking English would be an issue impacting a driver's ability to negotiate a bridge clearance.
Here's the deal on that. Oversize load permits dealing with bridge issues, road conditions, topography, etc that vary according to geographic location are regulated by the STATE. Different states place different emphasis on different criteria according to conditions specific to their locale. For example, the NE states are NOTORIOUS for their low bridge clearances since many of them are older structures, while Colorado and California permitting criteria place emphasis on winding highway systems that negotiate narrow mountain passes with steep ascent and descent inclines.
It stands to reason that a driver's native tongue has pretty much NOTHING to do with his skill as a driver. If he or she has passed a driver's test....ANY driver's test (A, B or C endorsements), they can read road signs and numbers. They are also aware of the difference between metric vs standard units of measuring height, width and depth, pretty much because their lives depend on it.
The most recent incident we posted about before was the ENGLISH-speaking Canadian driver whose company had been issued ALL the appropriate oversize state permits and were in compliance with escort requirements, yet the driver still ended up taking down the Skagit Bridge on I-5 north of Seattle. In that incident, the driver was NOT at fault. The investigation concluded that LAX regulations played a major role there (regardless of the iron-clad denials GOP onlookers were throwing down), since Washington State leaves it up to the driver to choose his own route when issuing oversize permits, whereas most other states take a hands-on approach by assigning a route that insures the safety of both the truck driver and the other folks traveling along that same route. The permit they issued for that trip did NOT specifically note the Skagit River Bridge as a hazard on the route, even though the outer trusses were a full foot LOWER than the truck. An earlier permit issued to the same company for a different driver on a prior trip gave specific numerous clearance warnings. Oops.
I agree with you. With the gov't now taking over the exams - Truthhurts
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it's ridiculous. The doctors the gov't approved to do these CDL exams are forcing truckers out of business. They are denying licenses for those who are overweight even if their living has been trucking for over 30-40-50 years, no accidents and no driving violations.
DH had to travel 30 miles to a federally approved doctor for his exam. He used to go to his regular doctor for his exam. Wearing glasses is a now a "hazard" (for want of the correct word). He retired this year because driving 30 miles to keep his license for only 1 year and all the rules, regulations, while being treated like a piece of sh** by the different state officials after 45 years of driving and no accidents or violations just wasn't worth it anymore.
This is what the government wants. They want to destroy the trucking industry (which they almost did when they deregulated it) and because of the subsidies they pay to railroads, they want this to be the means of delivering goods again. What they're not thinking about is how those people in rural areas will get their goods. They certainly won't run tracks to those areas. In fact, in the 70s, most of the RR tracks in this state were ripped out of the rural areas. Do they think they'll really replace those tracks after the defunct RRs sold off the land.
Sorry. I get carried away sometimes, but I hope the truckers really have a good showing and we're pulling for them.
the government is not taking over the exams - sm
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It's just that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is now requiring its medical examiners to be Nationally Registered:
"Beginning May 21, 2014, all MEs who wish to conduct medical examinations for interstate CMV drivers must complete training about FMCSAâs physical qualifications regulations and advisory criteria and pass a certification test to be listed on the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners. All medical certificates issued on or after this date must be issued by examiners listed on the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners."
Any physician who wants to be part of this National Registry is free to apply and take the exam.
Only TP truckers who act against their own interests. - What else is new?
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ATA is the largest trucking trade association and advocacy federation in the country. Their goals include nurturing innovative, research-based policies that promote highway safety, security, environmental sustainability and profitability. Political action arm works to educate policymakers and the general public about the essential role trucking plays in the economy, promote responsible policies to improve highway safety and advance the industry’s environmental goals.
DOT regs (along with the state's) can be a real pain in the neck but without them, highway safety and security, both over the road and at our nation's ports, would be impossible to maintain.
The ATA cannot distance itself far or fast enough from this effort. Their statement in response to these hot heads is short, sweet and to the point. The following statement is the ONLY space they devote to this protest on their site, indicative of the effort's overall insignificance:
In response to a number of media reports concerning an alleged trucker strike, ATA issued the following statement:
“The American Trucking Associations is not a sponsor of this ‘strike’ nor do we endorse or condone the activities of these FEW individuals.”
The people who are laughing probably don't spawn - anyway so don't care.
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You nailed it - cloverport
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You nailed it right on the head!!!! I am so glad that some people get it. Sometimes you feel as if you are on a deserted island .
It's a breath of fresh air when people do understand and get it - The Sarge
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Too many people are to busy wrapped up in what the Kartrashians are wearing or whose the latest contestant on some game show to read and understand what is going on. Reading your posts and others is a breath of fresh air.
I also have high hopes for the country. My dad who is a liberal to the core talked to me over the weekened and he said the same thing. This is not about health care and that Obama is making the country suffer cos he's acting like spoiled child that is not getting his way, so let the country suffer while he goes through his tantrum.
I just said "way to go dad. Glad more and more liberals are waking up". He said even though the area I grew up in has a lot of liberals they also understand what is really going on. He's expected a republican win because of this.
Do you really think anyone ever believed - Obama care about
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our health? He's a politician like the all the other Ds, Rs, and everything in between and out in left field. The only winners are the insurance companies.
Please, please learn what socialism is. It's very tiresome to see the word thrown around where it doesn't belong.
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Republicans Just Don't Understand Health CareNov 16, 2010 ...
Interesting Video On Health CareMay 25, 2011http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJIC7kEq6kw&feature=youtu.be
This guy makes a lot of sense to me. ...
Ah, Yes...British-style Health Care.Mar 09, 2010This is the kind of thing you get when the government muddles around in the health care system - and it will be coming to a government database near you soon!
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/7408379/Patients-medical-records-go-online-without-consent.html ...
Fraud In Health Care SystemMar 13, 2010It is estimated that there is at least 100 billion dollars health care fraud annually. There are truly needy people and they should be helped. But there are also many people who don't have health insurance because they just do not want to pay premiums, use their money for other things instead, when they could pay and are able to pay. This is just not right and this needs to be stopped, and that should make a dent in health care costs. Why not go after the health care ...
Good News In Health CareOct 26, 2010
Health care employment rose by 24,000 in September. The increase was concentrated in ambulatory health care services (+17,000). Health care employment has risen by an average of 21,000 per month this year.
http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf ...