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Get out your hankies, naysayers because the truth hurts

Posted: Feb 3, 2013

The next time one of those reality repellent nay-sayers tells you that Obama is a liar or the next time one of them tells you that he has done nothing for America since being elected, take this list of promises President Obama has kept and….. well, you know what to do with it.

This list has all been fact-checked and, in fact, is an abbreviated version of the list of promises that President Obama has kept from  http://www.politifact.com/. Be sure to check out their website for the completely unabridged list of promises and see for yourself all the detail on each of these 188 promises.

  1. Add another Space Shuttle flight
  2. Allocate Homeland Security funding according to risk
  3. Appoint a special adviser to the president on violence against women
  4. Appoint a White House Coordinator for Nuclear Security
  5. Appoint an American Indian policy adviser
  6. Appoint an assistant to the president for science and technology policy
  7. Appoint at least one Republican to the cabinet
  8. Appoint the nation’s first Chief Technology Officer
  9. Ask people and businesses to conserve electricity
  10. Assure that the Veterans Administration budget is prepared as ‘must-pass’ legislation
  11. Attract more students to science and math
  12. Ban lobbyist gifts to executive employees
  13. Begin removing combat brigades from Iraq
  14. Bolster the military’s ability to speak different languages
  15. Centralize ethics and lobbying information for voters
  16. Champion the importance of arts education
  17. Change standards for determining broadband access
  18. Close the “doughnut hole” in Medicare prescription drug plan
  19. Conduct robust research and development on future space missions
  20. Consider “smart growth” in transportation funding
  21. Create a best practices list for private businesses in accommodating workers with disabilities
  22. Create a community college partnership program
  23. Create a consumer-friendly credit card rating system
  24. Create a ‘Green Vet Initiative’ to promote environmental jobs for veterans
  25. Create a Homeowner Obligation Made Explicit (HOME) score for mortgage comparisons
  26. Create a military families advisory board
  27. Create a national declassification center
  28. Create a rapid response fund for emerging democracies
  29. Create a real National Infrastructure Protection Plan
  30. Create a Social Investment Fund Network
  31. Create a White House Office on Urban Policy
  32. Create an Advanced Manufacturing Fund to invest in peer-reviewed manufacturing processes
  33. Create an artist corps for schools
  34. Create an international tax haven watch list
  35. Create job training programs for clean technologies
  36. Create new criminal penalties for mortgage fraud
  37. Create new financial regulations
  38. Create White House performance team and chief performance officer
  39. Create youth service corps
  40. Direct military leaders to end war in Iraq
  41. Double federal spending for research on clean fuels
  42. Eliminate the higher subsidies to Medicare Advantage plans
  43. Enact tax credit for consumers for plug-in hybrid cars
  44. Encourage farmers to use more renewable energy and be more energy efficient
  45. Encourage water-conservation efforts in the West
  46. End the “Stop-loss” program of forcing troops to stay in service beyond their expected commitments
  47. End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war
  48. End the use of torture
  49. Enhance earth mapping
  50. Equalize tax breaks for driving and public transit
  51. Establish a credit card bill of rights
  52. Establish an Energy Partnership for the Americas
  53. Establish an independent health institute to provide accurate and objective information
  54. Establish program to convert manufacturing centers into clean technology leaders
  55. Establish ‘Promise Neighborhoods’ for areas of concentrated poverty
  56. Establish school programs to highlight space and science achievements
  57. Establish special crime programs for the New Orleans area
  58. Expand access to places to hunt and fish
  59. Expand eligibility for Medicaid
  60. Expand eligibility for State Children’s Health Insurance Fund (SCHIP)
  61. Expand federal bioforensics program for tracking biological weapons
  62. Expand funding to train primary care providers and public health practitioners
  63. Expand housing vouchers program for homeless veterans
  64. Expand loan programs for small businesses
  65. Expand Pell grants for low-income students
  66. Expand public/private partnerships between schools and arts organizations
  67. Expand teacher mentoring programs and provide incentives for more planning time
  68. Expand the Nurse-Family Partnership to all low-income, first-time mothers
  69. Expand the Senior Corps volunteer program
  70. Expand the Veterans Administration’s number of “centers of excellence” in specialty care
  71. Expand Veterans Centers in rural areas
  72. Explore whether International Space Station can operate after 2016
  73. Extend and index the 2007 Alternative Minimum Tax patch
  74. Extend child tax credits and marriage-penalty fixes
  75. Extend monitoring and verification provisions of the START I Treaty
  76. Extend the Bush tax cuts for lower incomes
  77. Extend the Bush tax cuts for those making less than $250,000 (couples) or $200,000 (single)
  78. Extend unemployment insurance benefits and temporarily suspend taxes on these benefits
  79. Fully fund federal contribution to the preservation of the Everglades
  80. Fully fund the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
  81. Fully fund the Veterans Administration
  82. Fully fund the Violence Against Women Act
  83. Fund a major expansion of AmeriCorps
  84. Give a speech at a major Islamic forum in the first 100 days of his administration
  85. Give tax credits to those who need help to pay health premiums
  86. Grant Americans unrestricted rights to visit family and send money to Cuba
  87. Help states and localities address sprawl
  88. If you don’t have insurance, or don’t like the insurance you have, you’ll be able to choose a new plan on a health insurance exchange
  89. Implement “Women Owned Business” contracting program
  90. Implement and fund proven health intervention programs
  91. Improve climate change data records
  92. Improve relations with Turkey, and its relations with Iraqi Kurds
  93. Improve water quality
  94. In non-competitive markets, force insurers to pay out a reasonable share of their premiums for patient care
  95. Increase efforts to reduce unintended pregnancy
  96. Increase funding for land-grant colleges
  97. Increase funding for local emergency planning
  98. Increase funding for national parks and forests
  99. Increase funding for progams that conserve lands and habitat for select species such as the Osceola turkey
  100. Increase funding for the Environmental Protection Agency
  101. Increase funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund
  102. Increase funding to expand community based prevention programs
  103. Increase minority access to capital
  104. Increase non-military aid to Afghanistan by $1 billion
  105. Increase special operations forces and civil affairs
  106. Increase spending to prepare for longer space missions
  107. Increase the size of the Army and Marine Corps
  108. Increase the Veterans Administration budget to recruit and retain more mental health professionals
  109. Initiate a grant and training program for law enforcement to deter cyber crime
  110. Invest in all types of alternative energy
  111. Invest in public transportation
  112. Launch a supportive services-housing program for veterans to prevent homelessness
  113. Launch an international Add Value to Agriculture Initiative (AVTA)
  114. Launch educational initiative for employers on tax benefits of hiring employees with disabilities
  115. Make greater investment in advanced military air technology
  116. Make military deployments predictable for troops and families
  117. Make National Guard leader a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  118. Make U.S. military aid to Pakistan conditional on anti-terror efforts
  119. More controlled burns to reduce wildfires
  120. No permanent bases in Iraq
  121. Open “America Houses” in Islamic cities around the globe
  122. Open new consulates “in the tough and hopeless corners of the world”
  123. Organize successful Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference in 2010
  124. Partner to enhance the potential of the International Space Station
  125. Promote cultural diplomacy
  126. Promote innovative ways to reward good teachers
  127. Promote more pre-school education
  128. Protect American intellectual property abroad
  129. Provide $30 billion over 10 years to Israel
  130. Provide affordable, high-quality child care
  131. Provide grants to early-career researchers
  132. Provide grants to encourage energy-efficient building codes
  133. Pursue a wildfire management plan
  134. Push for a college football playoff system
  135. Push for enactment of Matthew Shepard Act, which expands hate crime law to include sexual orientation and other factors
  136. Raise fuel economy standards
  137. Raise the small business investment expensing limit to $250,000 through the end of 2009
  138. Rebuild schools in New Orleans
  139. Recruit math and science degree graduates to the teaching profession
  140. Reduce subsidies to private student lenders and protect student borrowers
  141. Reform mandatory minimum sentences
  142. Reform No Child Left Behind
  143. Reform the patent system
  144. Reinstate executive order to hire an additional 100,000 federal employees with disabilities within five years.
  145. Release oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve
  146. Release presidential records
  147. Remove more brush, small trees and vegetation that fuel wildfires
  148. Repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy
  149. Reproductive health care will be “at the heart” of health care reform.
  150. Require 10 percent renewable energy by 2012
  151. Require Cabinet officials to host Internet town hall meetings
  152. Require children to have health insurance coverage
  153. Require economic justification for tax changes
  154. Require health plans to disclose how much of the premium goes to patient care
  155. Require insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions
  156. Require large employers to contribute to a national health plan
  157. Require more energy-efficient appliances
  158. Require new hires to sign a form affirming their hiring was not due to political affiliation or contributions.
  159. Require states to provide incentives for utilities to reduce energy consumption
  160. Restore funding for the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne/JAG) program
  161. Restore funding to the EEOC and the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
  162. Reverse restrictions on stem cell research
  163. Seek verifiable reductions in nuclear stockpiles
  164. Send two additional brigades to Afghanistan
  165. Set goals and timetables for implementing Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act
  166. Share enviromental technology with other countries
  167. Sign a “universal” health care bill
  168. Stand down nuclear forces to be reduced under the Moscow Treaty
  169. Stop the development of new nuclear weapons
  170. Strengthen and expand military exchange programs with other countries
  171. Strengthen antitrust enforcement
  172. Strengthen the levees in New Orleans
  173. Support airline service in small towns
  174. Support commercial access to space
  175. Support funding and reform for Amtrak
  176. Support high-speed rail
  177. Support increased funding for the NEA
  178. Support network neutrality on the Internet
  179. Support regional innovation clusters
  180. Use the International Space Station for fundamental biological and physical research
  181. Use the private sector to improve spaceflight
  182. Vigorously pursue hate crimes and civil rights abuses
  183. We will kill bin Laden
  184. Will seek more accommodations of bicycles and pedestrians
  185. Work to build natural gas pipeline from Alaska
  186. Work to overturn Ledbetter vs. Goodyear
  187. Work toward deploying a global climate change research andmonitoring system
  188. Work with international allies on space station

Still waiting with my hanky - for that truth you're talking about

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To be fair, there are some partial truths in the post.

Well hang onto that hankie and now go grab your glasses so... - vf

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so you can SEE the list of promises that are right before your eyes; OR if you wish to remain in the dark, you can keep listening to Fox, Rush, Beck, and the rest of the shysters who are getting rich by keeping you misinformed.

What's a shister? - Rushie

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link - sm
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Nice (NM) - :-)
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Oops, my bad... - vf
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now that I have corrected the spelling error, Rushie, maybe you can respond to the real issue.
I think that's an alternate yet still acceptable spelling. - mraker
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It's being transliterated from Yiddish/German after all. I don't have my "The Joys of Yiddish" anymore (great book!), so I can't look it up there, but the below link offers some etymology info. You'll also see other spellings like sheister and scheister, etc. (shyster most common)


"Shyster, shuyster, schister, scheister, sheister, schyster, shister, shiester, and schiester. At Best....."


Glasses won't help the left-winger libs - to see through their blinders.

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I like - sm

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When everything is said and done, in history he will go down as one of the best Presidents.

The way the press and the media fawn over him, - I have no doubts you're right (sm)

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they probably write the history books too. Please stop, you're making my sides hurt! LOLOL

all that means is... - Des

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he's trying to justify raising taxes on the lower-middle and middle class, who are already taxed to the bone.

He has DONE NOTHING to bring back jobs from offshoring, like raising taxes on businesses that send American jobs overseas.
He has DONE NOTHING to reduce government spending; in fact, the list above says he's increasing government spending.
He has DONE NOTHING to help American workers get retrained to replace the career that was lost due to offshoring and technology, such as reorganizing educational financial aid to reflect the need of Americans, i.e. give more financial aid for continuing education courses that put Americans back to work within months; and give less financial aid for worthless degrees that cost tens of thousands of dollars and likely won't result in a job, except maybe a cashier job at a grocery store or fast food restaurant.

That entire list you mentioned up there is just a bunch of hot air; none of which will make any real difference in our American economy, but sure looks good on paper... or on the internet.

1000+ likes since we're only allowed to vote once. LOL (no msg) - Truthhurts

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Did you get this off a WH blog? LOL - Please provide proof for each. (sm)

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Hopefully by then I'll be up off the floor where I am from LMAO at your list.

With all these regulations, it's no wonder he doesn't - get anything of import done.

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To all you regulation phobes - vf

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I honestly don't want to be alive when the time comes when the entire human race finally understands the need for regulations because that's when it will be too late, and oxygen and water will be a thing of the past. And it won't even matter that 98% of the population will be corporate slaves because everyone (rich and poor, alike) will all be on the same sinking ship. To get to where I am on this issue, just take some time to think about it. Thinking really doesn't make your brain hurt; just try it, you might actually enjoy it.

Thinking isn't part of it. When conservative followers are told - they're against something, they are. When

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their leaders tell them to be for something, they are, big time. No analysis required or done.

As for regulations in general, aka "big government," they get in the way of unfettered exploitation by big money people, so good conservative followers do their best to help as directed. As I said, thinking not actually part of it.

To change their behavior, you have to change who they accept as their leaders, or the behavior of the leaders themselves. Note, they won't accept just anyone, as evidenced by the difficulty the current GOP leadership is having redirecting them away from the destructive behaviors they previously encouraged.

You have it bassackwards. You folks are going to regulate - yourselves into oblivion. May be a good thing.

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Here you go. - since you don't like regulation
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That's not even in this country. Let them regulate - themselves if they want clean air.
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Oh, and BTW, what does that list of stupid regulations - have to do with air?
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Did you not read the list? - lol
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Very little there regarding clean air. - nm
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Oh really? - if you say so.
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9. Ask people and businesses to conserve electricity
24. Create a �Green Vet Initiative� to promote environmental jobs for veterans
41. Double federal spending for research on clean fuels
44. Encourage farmers to use more renewable energy and be more energy efficient
45. Encourage water-conservation efforts in the West
52. Establish an Energy Partnership for the Americas
100. Increase funding for the Environmental Protection Agency
101. Increase funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund
110. Invest in all types of alternative energy
111. Invest in public transportation

Frankly, I don�t feel like looking lower on the list for more, though I�m sure they�re there.

I see a lot of "invest" and "increase funding" - - more taken from the middle class.
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You're right. Let's live like Beijing. - you win.
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The problem is government does not spend wisely. - Solyndra
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can we make up our minds? - sm
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shouldn't you be out defending the rich? All we heard from the right during the campaign was how mean it was to decrease taxes to the middle class whilst raising taxes for the higher brackets!

Stop listening to Al Gore. He's an idiot in the #1 spot - The rest of the liberal media is just as bad

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You all put down the conservative networks but the liberal media is much, much worse. I have never seen such hate and lies from those sites. Just because some people don't like the way Obama is running this country, don't like the 2000 regulations his EPA or is it DEP have put in place just last year and the conservatives speak out against them, they all hate Obama and/or every word out of their mouths is racism.

To the liberal press and liberals in general, anyone who doesn't agree with them are racists and we'll all die because there will be no regulations. That's ridiculous.

For your information, since Obama became President, we've all been on the sinking ship, but you're too proud to take the life raft because the conservatives have offered one.

Why did you have to bring racism into it? - Why not just address the list?
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Because the people that don't want to go along with Obama's agenda, - the liberal media and liberals in general, includi
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those in Congress call those people racists and how much they hate Obama and that's the only reason they think the people are against the majority of spend and tax issues plus forcing more regulations on people that aren't necessary.
No one mentioned racism in the current topic - until you brought it up.
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None of the liberals in this thread brought it up, so I don't see why you would. Unless I guess you want it to be brought up.
I'll admit - grits
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that when someone I don't know insults the President personally, or states extreme dislike of his policies but can't give details on exactly which policies or why they disagree with them, my mind fills in the blank with ignorance and/or racism.

I know plenty of people who dislike Obama and disagree with him strenuously, but I know it's not because of his race because they can debate the issues and point out exactly where their beliefs clash with his policies. I also know plenty more who are indeed racist but would never admit it, so they cloak it behind "I think he's bad for America, period" with no further discussion. And, of course, there are the unrepentant, out-and-proud racist boneheads that exist everywhere. Unfortunately, around here* it seems to be the default setting.

I won't assume you're a racist simply for disagreeing, but the way you come across is up to you. If you don't want me to assume, don't leave blanks for me to fill in on my own. It might not be accurate and it probably won't be flattering.

*the Deep South

You're kidding, right? You think these "promises" are fantastic? - Truthhurts

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Words like INCREASE, EXPAND, REQUIRE, PUSH, EXTEND, all mean government expansion and the word FUND means more spending. In fact, most of those items require more spending. Some of his "requires" mean it will cost us more money, such as the energy-efficient appliances.

Reforming the patent system...well, guess what? He reformed it all right. Copyrights, trademarks, and patent infringement is much EASIER for other countries to steal.

Just like when he states we need to "invest" in future energy projects. He really means "we need another stimulus" and "spend more money" on projects like those that went bankrupt after giving them money.

Also, I noted that most of those you listed could all be lumped into only a couple 'lists" such as Health Care, Energy, etc.

Sorry, but I'm not impressed with that list at all.

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