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When no one knows the truth, it's easy to get away with lying...
Posted: Feb 28, 2013
Yes, see how it`s spiraling out of control? See how much it`s
growing? Higher and higher all the time? Yes, no. Actually, down is not
up. Night is not day, and the deficit is getting smaller. It`s dropped by
hundreds of billions of dollars during Barack Obama`s presidency.
We are currently experiencing the fastest deficit reduction in several
generations, and nobody knows it. We`re in the midst of a major national
crisis, self-imposed, brought on by fear and loathing and worry and outrage
over the supposed state of the deficit, and 90 percent of the country is
wrong about what the state of the deficit is. I`m not saying 90 percent as
a made-up rounded hyperbolic number. That's the actual number.
Look. "Bloomberg News" just polled on this: Is it your sense this
year that the deficit is getting bigger or getting smaller or staying about
the same as last year? Sixty-two percent of Americans say the deficit is
getting bigger, 28 percent of Americans say the deficit is staying about
the same. Yes, those 62 plus 28, that`s 90 percent of the country that
gives a wrong answer to that question.
So how many Americans know the right answer? A proportion of the
American public who knows the correct answer, which is that the deficit is
getting smaller is 6 percent, total.
If we are supposedly so worried about this problem that we are willing
to inflict pretty big economic pain on the country starting on Friday in
order to strike a symbolic pose of seriousness in addressing this awful
problem, wouldn`t you think that more than 6 percent of people in the
country should be able to correctly identify what the problem is?

I love Rachel! She covers issues others are not - or aspects of them others are not.
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Situations, many very big and important, I might never pick up on.
Peculiarly, given Politifact's low accuracy rating for her, whenever I've done my own fact checking, which at times has covered a lot of stuff, I've usually found her statements factually correct. The worst I'd find would be exaggeration in interpretation of some point or other, suggesting something is more important than I'd consider it. This matters, of course. I don't like it coming from her even less than I like it as a major tactic used by Fox to mislead its viewers, but that's because hers is far and away the TV discussion show I most value for a head-up on what to go read about.
Well-put, and I agree with you - grits
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I really dig Rachel.
Politifact and Rachel - bootstraps
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She and Politifact have an ongoing feud, I believe. I think it's Polifact, anyhow. She went on a rant about them and proved many things they said were either true or false as the opposite.
So... that's probably their motivation for giving her a low rating.
I loved the clip last night from Johnson's speech regarding the voting rights act. Amazing. That's something you don't just see every day. You hear history, in this case the history of the Selma March, but nothing drives it home like a grainy Pres Johnson enumerating to congress a laundry list of disenfranchisement maneuvers by white racists of black voters. Just an incredible and moving speech.
But you're right. Given material from just about any source these days, the best thing to is spend a little time researching.
When I saw her name - that was it for me.
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Didn't waste my time.
The deficit is getting smaller. - sm
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You don't have to hear it from Rachel, you can probably find the stats online pretty easily.
Time well spent - mbmt
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Rachel is really pretty knowledgeable on issues and has a real passion for discussing them, and she is witty and down to earth. I love her show, and that show last night was truly moving.
True... - bootstraps
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And it's unconscionable that growing up and being a witness to this dark part of history that Justice Scalia could make his "racial entitlement" comment.
I'm hoping that at least one conservative justice will be as shocked by Scalia's unfortunate comments and realize, as evidenced and crystallized by the remarks, that we really do need Section 5.
If anything, it should be broadened (my opinion of course).
Oh, then here you go. No Maddow required. - Visual representation
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Courtesy of Investors.com.

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