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Ain't it the truth!
Posted: Jan 20, 2010

That is the most ridiculous and funny thing I have seen in a long time (SM) - anon
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when considering that the current administration has already spent more money than the last administration did in 8 years and STILL spending. Sadly it still amazes me that each side is so quick to point the finger instead of working together.
Yes, current administration has a runaway spending train! They are - forced to change now....BROWN!!
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Sorry, but that should be an 'O', not a "W". - Backwards Typist
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When are people going to wise up and realize how much further in debt O put us compared to GW?
Is GW to blame for the stimulus, VAT (when they finally get around to passing that), cash for clunkers, health care that does not go far enough to rein in costs and that we have to pay for before it even goes into effect (4 years from now-maybe), the new stimulus plan they have/had been talking about to finally help Main Street (which they should have done first), and all the other crazy tax plans they have batted around but not done anything about yet?
Sorry, but that cartoonist has no sense of what's really going on in this country.
Yep, and by posting that goofy cartoon, shows how - much the OP is disconnected too.
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Obama has basically tripled our debt. How you have the nerve to go back to someone making fun of Bush again is beyond outrageous. -really laughable and pathetic. Brown won last night because people are fed up with Obama, get it? Fed up with his endless spending that is not helping a thing so far, just causing enormous debt.
Just another example of blame Bush for everything, - including Os disastrous plans.nm
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Nope, just another example of selective memory - Colleen
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and delusions. Enough attacks for today. Bye.
Yeah, bye to you too. Cant believe you had the nerve - to post that cartoon TODAY of all days.nm
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Colleen, I am not attacking you, would not attack anyone, but seriously (SM) - anon
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Look at the amount of money that has been spent by this administration compared to what was spent during the entire 8 years of Bush. I am not a republican, nor a Bush fan, but thanks to my son I finally see the light. Yes, we have 2 wars going on, just like we did when Bush was in office, but this administration, in a very short time, has already spent more than Bush did and there is truly nothing to show for it. Where are the jobs that were promised? Now there is talk of making the big banks pay but exactly who do you think is going to suffer from that? I can tell you ... US ... ordinary people such as the likes of you and me, it is a trickle down system. Sure you can find other banks to do business with but at the end of the day, sooner or later, this will end up on our backs.
I admire and respect Obama because he is our President; however, I do not like his policies at all. No, I did not believe that he could "fix" all of our problems in a matter of months but seriously, what has been fixed or even made a little better?
Again, not trying to argue with you Colleen but just trying to understand how the previous administration can be blamed for so much and no blame is being placed on the current administration.
Thank you for not attacking, I was referring more to - Colleen
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one of the other posters. It was just a cartoon. Yes, Obama has spent more money, but a large portion of that was trying to dig us out of the mess of the last 8 years, allowing corporations and insurance companies to do whatever they wanted, and starting 2 wars, one of which should not have started at all. I do not agree with everything Obama has done and frankly wish he would stop trying to bend over backwards and just get things done. Sorry, but by comparison, I do not agree with anything W did, and to see O being blamed for the entire mess we are in now is dishonest and incorrect. It bugs me to see people acting as if this is all Obama when the truth is a large portion of this is the result of Bush and Obama just trying to fix it.
It's been a year and O has tripled the debt, yet no - improvement in anything, including
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of course, unemployment. Also, he is not appearing as transparent. What happened to C-Span.. and what is the deal with the backroom deals.. and deals to unions that no one else gets? I guess you could say that "I do not agree with anything O did"..so far. That cartoon was actually so ridiculous by comparision to OBama ..it was funny.
Actually are ecomony has been getting better - Colleen
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and we were told from day one that the job situation would be the last to recover. I too am bothered by the C-span thing. I did not say he was perfect, I am saying that he had a s**tload of help getting to this point and now has this insurmountable job of trying to clean up. Tell you what, if you cons on the forum will stop trying to hold Obama entirely responsible for our economic problems and stop ignoring that some things are starting to improve, then I will stop reminding you that Bush had a rather large hand in it. Beyond all of that, I think some patience is in order. One year is a rather brief time to fix all that is wrong.
Really, where? 400,000+ more signed up for unemployment this wk. - nm
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Have a read~here is one example - Colleen
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Not that it matters because you have an obsessive need to blame everything on President Obama and will never acknowledge that he has done anything right. I am done with you. I am going to work.
Oh no Colleen - anon
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Nobody is blaming everything on Obama. We all admit that Bush didn't leave office in the greatest condition. However, you are not holding Obama accountable for anything. Not one thing that is going on are you putting blame where blame is due. He has more than doubled the debt in one year than what it took Bush 8 years to get. No, stop blaming that on Bush. That is Obama's blame. With all the spending (and no they don't have to spend because of Bush), the continuing war that Obama said he would not continue, but is continuing. Then there is the stimulus (no not Bush's fault), the massive health bill they are trying to shove through (another trillion or so - again, no, not Bush's fault). The dirty deals, closed door meetings, oh so not transparent administration. Once again, no, no Bush's fault. The sweetheart deals with FM/FM and the democrat congressmen, Geithner tax cheat, cushy deals that unions will not be included in having to pay for the health care plan, the Louisiana purchase, sweet deal with other states to buy their votes, etc. Once again....no, not Bush's fault. All these things are not Bush's fault. They are this current administrations fault. The start of the war certainly is NOT Obama's fault. Bush takes all the blame for STARTING it. Obama needs to take the blame for CONTINUING it and not having any end in sight. That is Obama and his administrations doing. Not Bush.
I opened the link up you provided. I did not find anywhere where it said the economy is better. Truth is it is not. You should read what economists are saying. It is certainly is not good, and the economy certainly is not improving. If you voted for Obama and you like him as president that's fine. Nothing wrong with that. But to post lies that our economy is better when it is not. I've learned from living with my partner who works with the stock markets that they are manipulated, so you cannot use the stockmarket as an indicator for the economy. What you do use is unemployement, credit, housing, etc. Just this week an additional 400K signed up for unemployment as another poster wrote. People are still losing their jobs, foreclosures in this country are on the rise, credit card companies are closing out people's credit cards, dropping their credit line, which in turn puts them at a higher percentage rate owed and ruins their credit, and there are so many more indicators to tell about the economy.
You should read Gerald Celente and what he writes. It certainly is not a pretty picture. There are other economists who also agree that it's going to be a long long time before the economy starts to get better. We are on our way downhill and right now there is no "hope" for a recovery anytime soon.
Those reports are fine if you want to pay the money to get the real story - Backwards Typist
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Maybe the housing market is improving, but the banks are still not giving the money for those mortgages with the low rates...and I noted that the one report states "Positive Pending Home Sales Streak Ends" dated 1/10/2010 and one of them even states that a surge is 'predicted' by 2011 which is another year from now.
So, my take on this is the housing market is still in up-and-down stages and will not settle for another year.
I wasn't attacking you. I was pointing out how - Backwards Typist
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the cartoonist is out of touch with the country.
If you feel you're being attacked for a difference of opinion, well, I don't know what to tell you.
Selective memory indeed...your short-term memory seems.... - sam
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a bit impaired, in reality. Curse one, completely excuse the other. Do you really not see anything really wrong with that? Not an attack, a serious question. I was not a Bush fan, am not a Republican, but I cannot understand why the blinders will not come off. At least hold EVERYONE responsible accountable. Be an American first.
That might be more plausible - sm
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except for that cause and effect thing. A comprehensive assessment requires the backdrop of context. Given the self-critical phase of recalibrating democrats are engaging at the moment, and the GOP's do or die denials and failure to address current issues within that framework, I'd say the onus of short and long term memory problems lies elsewhere.
ROFL! Thanks for the chuckle, Colleen. I thought it was very funny. (nm) - Nikki
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That does not surprise me Nikki because it is obviously clear that (SM) - anon
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you are on the far left because of your postings. In the past you have claimed that you are not for either side, and yet almost all of your postings are aimed at the right. It is amazing that you are so dedicated and have so much time that you are able to post these things on a daily basis. Wish I had that much time but thankfully I have a job to do.
Have a good day!
Please cite me ONE example of where I have (sm) - Nikki
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claimed that I'm not for either side. I'm clearly a liberal and proud of it. I've never denied that.
I've also posted some things lately that are critical of Democrats.
Believe it or not, it doesn't take long to post articles, but your little dig about having a job is something personal that you know nothing about.
You have a good day, too!
Leave the poor old dead horse alone. - Sam
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Come on. Time to let it go. America spoke in Massachusetts. Your days of glory in the sun are over. The idol has clay feet. Zip, zilch, nada. If the hard left continue down this road, 2010 is going to be ugly for the Dems indeed. Cannot understand this mad desire for self-destruction. When it is all about a party and not about America, something is seriously, seriously wrong.....
No dead horses for as far as the eye can see. - sm
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Don't expect W to disappear from the dialog anytime soon. The so-called legacy of that smoking pile of manure he left behind in the current administration's in box, it's stench and poisonous pollution is very much a part of our current political environment. Those who live downwind will not hesitate to draw attention to the fall-out every chance they have.
As long as you folks keep trying to blame O - Colleen
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for the state of the country and our financial issues, I will continue to remind you that he had a TON of help and that when the market crashed and this thing started, he was not President.
Sorry, hope it was clear that I was not actually - Colleen
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responding to you, but to the person you were responding to.
As usual, the comments below continue - sm
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to frame political dialog in terms of an insult and injury hurling competition rather than facing up to fact and presenting plans, solutions and alternatives. I'm with you. I will be ready in wait every time I see the blame shifting, dodge, deflect and deny players show up on the field. Without a drastic change in strategy, this is one game they are destined to lose.
When I see an Obama "plan" that works, I will be all - for it. NOTHING has worked so far.nm
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Interestingly, the economy was booming during W' - presidency until last 2 years when
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dems took over Congress.(even recovered from 911). They are the ones who forced banks to make all those loans that killed the housing market, which was the beginning of the problems. You guys wont acknowledge this, but it is fact. Voters were angry at Bush over the wars, voted in more dems, and everything started going downhill. Now, we are in a huge hole with Obama. We may never recover with all the damage he has done, but Tuesday gave me real "hope". We'll see.
Don't know what country you were living in - Colleen
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but it sure was not America.
From the Foundry dated March 2009 - Hope this helps
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President Barack Obama has repeatedly claimed that his budget would cut the deficit by half by the end of his term. But as Heritage analyst Brian Riedl has pointed out, given that Obama has already helped quadruple the deficit with his stimulus package, pledging to halve it by 2013 is hardly ambitious. The Washington Post has a great graphic which helps put President Obama̢۪s budget deficits in context of President Bush̢۪s.
What̢۪s driving Obama̢۪s unprecedented massive deficits? Spending. Riedl details:
President Bush expanded the federal budget by a historic $700 billion through 2008. President Obama would add another $1 trillion.
President Bush began a string of expensive finanÂÂcial bailouts. President Obama is accelerating that course.
President Bush created a Medicare drug entitleÂÂment that will cost an estimated $800 billion in its first decade. President Obama has proposed a $634 billion down payment on a new governÂÂment health care fund.
President Bush increased federal education spending 58 percent faster than inflation. PresiÂÂdent Obama would double it.
President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty programs. President Obama has already inÂÂcreased this spending by 20 percent.
President Bush tilted the income tax burden more toward upper-income taxpayers. President Obama would continue that trend.
President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt), President Obama̢۪s budget would add $4.9 trillion in public debt from the beginning of 2010 through 2016.
UPDATE: Many Obama defenders in the comments are claiming that the numbers above do not include spending on Iraq and Afghanistan during the Bush years. They most certainly do. While Bush did fund the wars through emergency supplementals (not the regular budget process), that spending did not simply vanish. It is included in the numbers above. Also, some Obama defenders are claiming the graphic above represents biased Heritage Foundation numbers. While we stand behind the numbers we put out 100%, the numbers, and the graphic itself, above are from the Washington Post. We originally left out the link to WaPo. It has been now been added.
CLARIFICATION: Of course, this Washington Post graphic does not perfectly delineate budget surpluses and deficits by administration. President Bush took office in January 2001, and therefore played a lead role in crafting the FY 2002-2008 budgets. Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for the FY 2009 budget deficit that overlaps their administrations, before President Obama assumes full budgetary responsibility beginning in FY 2010. Overall, President Obama̢۪s budget would add twice as much debt as President Bush over the same number of years.
Wow - great post. Really does put things in perspective - anon
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Thanks again for the research. There has to be a point where democrats say.... Okay, President Bush certainly was not the greatest president. There was an increase in debt, a war, etc. But there comes a time when the responsible thing to do is say, no matter what President Bush's faults were, it's continuing on with Obama and getting worse. These are not Bush's faults, these are now Obama's. People need to put blame where blame is due. With Bush there was blame and with Obama there is blame.
Yes, we DO live in AMERICA and yes poster is correct - what country do YOU live in
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Certainly not America, or was the hatred for Bush to blinding to see that the economy was booming until the dems in congress too over. I had a good job, everyone in my family had good jobs. Our health care was affordable, we were able to buy things and save, go on vacations, send to charities, etc. You could buy a house with a decent wage (one within your pay range that is). We had a future to look forward to. Then the dems took over the congress and it went downhill from there and continued.
So yes...we DO live in AMERICA. Times and the economy was good in Bush's earlier years. You might want to read up on history/economy, and surely not from any left-winger rag like Raw Story or Huff post, and certainly not MSNBC.
Right on! -just easier for them to blame Bush. - mtt22
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History is clear, and all they have to do is go back and check, but they would rather continue to bash Bush instead of see the TONS of mistakes Obama is making to ensure our grandchildren pay for those mistakes! I love the USA, and we need to put our country ahead of any leader if we care about the future.
Speaking of blind - sm
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Nice to hear how rosey things were behind your own front door but the rest of America was grappling with tax cuts for the rich that widened the parity gap between wealth and poverty and warchests (less money in, more money out) that defied the logic that one has to have money before they pay debts. Opposition from a majority of leading economists fell on deaf ears. Wealth and the war machine received a whopping 83% of total revenues while entitlements and domestic spending grappled for the remainder.
Free trade policies, efforts to privitize social security, failure to regulate the housing and subprime mortgage freefall and the bank chicken coup...err, I mean coop, the widening income disparity of flat growth, bursting housing bubbles, stock market crashes, W's challenged intellect to understand economic stimulus and other such boondoggles. Yeah, those were the good ole days all right.
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