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Crimea truth

Posted: Mar 22, 2014

These posts about Crimea and Ukraine are disturbing on many levels.  Primarily,  because so many with no understanding of what is actually going on post as if they have the inside track on what is happening, and sanctify the vote as if it was legitimate.  My family came from the communist block and lived first hand the evils of communism, socialism, Marxism...call it what you will, it all ends up the same.  The masses suffer, and they suffer mightily.  Yet some embrace progressivism as it if is their long lost lover (it is the root of communism).  You embrace every single socialist, progressive, liberal concept Obama comes up with, yet scream you don’t want anyone to call you a communist – all those roads lead to the same destination and IT HAS NEVER WORKED, CAUSING THE LIVES OF MANY INNOCENT PEOPLE..    

 If anyone posts the actual truth of this matter, they are attacked here with a vengeance worthy of the KGB, Russian Army, the Secret Police...pick your poison; they are all cut from the same cloth; they squelch the masses any way they can – through fear, rationing of everything from food to healthcare (sound familiar – ever hear of Obamacare) intimidation, starvation.  Makes no difference to a communist.

 Before the Soviet Union fell, we stood in line for EVERYTHING...things as basic what you take for granted daily, i.e., milk, bread, toilet paper, soap, meat, any kind of food for God’s sake.  Whenever it sold out, that was it.  There was NEVER enough of anything...all the while the political elite got whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted it.  You were told what to do, how to do it, IF you could it, whatever “it” was.   Those commoners that sang the glories and benefits of communism suffered right along with the rest of us, and starved right along with the rest of us, too.  Their communist utopia looked exactly like our hell; and yet, some still would not wake up to what was happening to their own families under communist rule.

 For years, Russia has manipulated the press (same as Obama), puts out ONLY what they want and hides the truth from the public (same as Obama), lies about whatever puts them in a bad light (same as Obama), shuts down the internet and social sites allowing only what Russia wants to get through (what Obama wants to do).  Have none of you figured out why Obama gave away the right to control the internet, an American invention, perfected in American, run by an American nonprofit to allow ALL who wanted to post the ability to do so, regardless of their country or political affiliation.  Take off your blinders.

 The bottom line, Russia invaded a sovereign country, Ukraine, for the sole purpose of controlling them through the annexation of Crimea.  Russia now controls them lock, stock, and barrel...free and legal vote my foot.  You control the fuel and food, you now control the masses.   You do not have a fair vote at the end of a rifle, which is exactly what happened whether you want to believe it or not. 

 My family lived the horrors of communism, getting a first-hand education...what’s your education to post such absurd, baseline statements? 


Great Post - Thanks for bringing truth to the board

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My family lived through the same "utopia" - Too bad posters on here

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are clueless when it comes to the destruction progressive/socialism/communism cause. They all post like they are so in-the-know, but come off sounding like the low-information posters they are. Some ideologues will never learn, even if it is their own families suffering. Same as with the Obamacare crap.

Sadly, I think it all comes down to freebies at the end of the line.(sm) - LM

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As long as there is a check waiting down the road and the "I don't have to work for it" mentality, the government will take care of me, this is going to happen. People are happy as pigs in you know what as long as they are taken care of. It's really sad. Yes, it will happen without them even knowing. They will live in it without knowing. I see it coming.

I don't understand how this relates to Crimea - (?)

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Easy to understand if you read about Russian - propaganda and how they get control
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Only way to clear up your confusion is to actually read what Russia has done in the past and what Putin doing now. Just sayin'
I'm not confused - sm
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Plus, last week you all were in favor of Putin, declaring the Crimean election was totally fair. Now you're all agreeing with the OP, who has specifically denounced this point of view. What happened? Maybe you guys are confused?

Excellent post! - SM

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I am glad we in the USA have the privilege and honor of having citizens of your caliber and wisdom. May God bless you and your family.

Good post - Mrs. Tingles

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I had a different take on this situation with Crimea. After reading your post I am rethinking the whole situation and doing more research on it, but from independent sources and overseas sources. It's the only way to find the truth. Throughout your post on other issues I understand, you are correct on so many levels. While my family didn't live the horrors of communism yours did, I am grateful that I got a good education on what life under communism is or would be like. The only ones it is ever good for is the politicians and the ones controlling it, which brings me to remember rules for radicals by Saul Alinksky - There are 8 level of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The 1st is the most important.

1. Healthcare – Control Healthcare and you control the people (We're almost there)

2. Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live. (Almost there too)

3. Debt- Increase the debt to an unsustainable level that way you are able to increase taxes and this will produce more Poverty. (yup, almost there)

4. Gun Control- Remove the ability to defend their self from the Government, that way you are able to create a Police State. (again, almost there)

5. Welfare- Take control of every aspect of their life's (Food, Housing, and Income). - (almost there too)

6. Education- Take control of what the people read and listen too – take control of what the children learn in school. (almost there)

7. Religions- Remove the belief in the God in Government and schools. (almost there)

8. Class Warfare- Divide the people in the wealthy and the poor, this will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor. (we're there).

Sadly, this describes Obama to a T. - The Big O fast ruining this country

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Bet Soros is so proud of his protege, though.

and it's a shame... - cd

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that all of these issues were in the making before Obama was born.

Acutally we need to look to Ayres' parents - sm

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I'm not sure when Soros came into the picture. But research Bill Ayres' parents and their connection. Very interesting and eye opening.

Saying in my area - "If you are too stupid to realize - that alligator (evil)

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will not eat you, too- you're stupid enough to be eaten first."

Sums up those believing progressive, communism, etc., is the be all to end all. The only right about that is that it does end all.

And the paid trolls supporting communism - on this board

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Cannot dispute one fact you posted. Seems they are on here only or the poruse of trying to dress up communism to make it nore attractive and easier to swallow. Exactly what Bernard Shaw wrote years ago. Course, they probably don't know Shaw also pushed for killing anyone not useful to society (based on who's assessment you ask - the communists in powers). Sad to inform them, they would be the first killed. People on this board really need to get out, get some fresh air, and READ, READ, READ...not just post their baby babble that has no truth behind it.

Paid trolls, wow! How do I get in on that? - Paranoid much?

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just disagree with a republican - blammo - you're a paid troll

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then wouldn't this be an example of a paid - commie troll? (sm)

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I don't get it. So many posters have spent the last couple of weeks praising Putin and declaring the Crimean vote legal in spite of international opinion to the contrary.

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