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Did you hear the one about the delusional president?

Posted: Jul 28, 2015

He's telling the people of Africa that he, too, could get elected to a third term if such were available in the United States.

Does he not know that his words, however stupid, are broadcast internationally?

Oh, I really needed this laugh today.


I love his sense of humor and I am GLAD - he gets under their skin

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Conservatives have been so ignorant through this whole presidency that they deserve this agitation. I think it is HILARIOUS.

Doesn't get under my skin... - Truth

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it just underscores how utterly ridiculous and useless Obama truly is. In fact, hearing him boast and preen is rather entertaining, if pathetic. :)

No kidding! - You can hear

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their collective heads explode!!

He thinks he's a king and has no respect for the law. Why is he - "campaining" in a foreign

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country? Weird.

Honestly, the arrogance of this man is stunning. He is so very delusional. - Truth

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Context is everything--well it has meaning to - the rationale

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As he wrapped up what may be his final trip to Africa while in office, Mr. Obama took aim at some of the continent’s gerontocracy and called on long-entrenched leaders to step down, declaring that “nobody should be president for life.” But it led to an off-the-cuff riff about his own improved political standing and his future.

“I actually think I’m a pretty good president,” Mr. Obama said, departing from his prepared text in a speech at the African Union. “I think if I ran, I could win.”

“There’s a lot that I’d like to do to keep America moving,” he added. “But the law is the law,” he said, “and no person is above the law, not even the president."

His speech, in context, is a criticism of what you are accusing him of...now I'm LOL.

And that statement is what makes him delusional (to use other poster's words) - Truthhurts

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His statement:
“I actually think I’m a pretty good president,” Mr. Obama said, departing from his prepared text in a speech at the African Union. “I think if I ran, I could win.”

He IS very delusional. But I'd rather call him arrogant and narcissistic with that statement. i'm glad when he's gone. Maybe we can get back to being a half decent strong America again, and hopefully we can also repair the damage he has done.

What you don't want to hear is that if he ran - again he would win

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I would vote for him again and I believe a majority again would, especially when you see what the Republican party is putting up. They are an awful, horrible group of idiots who are not competent.

So, no, it's not delusional what he said, it's true. I know the right wing can't believe it, but he won fair and square and would again, whether they like it or not, so not delusional, no.
Yes, 100% delusional. He would not even get the nomination. - sm
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Most intelligent democrats are moving far, far away from him. They know he is poison.

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