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Did a little research this morning. Love that Sharpton guy! (long)

Posted: Jul 14, 2013

Tawanna Brawley. Remember her case? 




Note at around 6:50 where Sharpton called the investigators ‘crackers’ (they’re white). This shows his racism. The sad part is the suicide by the accused young policeman because of the horrendous race baiting/hating Sharpton and his colleagues.


If you think I’m showing only one side, see the below link (not a video, but just a story):




BTW, Sharpton and his cohorts were slapped with defamation of character judgements. Sharpton paid his $66,000 judgment to Pagones, with help from OJ Simpson lawyer Johnnie Cochran and others. Maddox has forked over his own bill of $97,000, and Mason, now disbarred and a Baptist minister, is getting his wages garnished for his $188,000 bill.  It took until 1998 for Pagones to get some satisfaction in the civil courts. A Dutchess County judge issued a $185,000 defamation judgment against Brawley, but she had vanished by then. With interest, her debt is now $429,000.



The George Zimmerman case started as a ROUTINE HOMICIDE and the law found there was not enough evidence to bring charges.  Enter Sharpton, Jackson, the DOJ and the President and their role in fanning the flames of hate and bias in this trial. Add to that NBC and MSNBC doing the same thing, even going as far as doctoring audio and video to try the case via their channels and you and your on air partners in crime fanning the flames with their over-the-top rhetoric.  Let’s also investigate Sharpton and Jackson’s background to see how much criminality is there.  I do believe they should be sued for defamation of character just like Pagones did.


Politics have NO PLACE in ANY criminal case. The attorneys for each side are there for one thing...to get justice for their client. If the attorneys have the evidence to convict or find not guilty, then so be it. That is called justice; but it’s not what happened in this case.

Justice WAS finally done albeit not without the race baiting by Sharpton and Jackson, the actions of the president and the DOJ. Because of them, George Zimmerman will never have a normal life again and the Martin's will forever mourn the loss of their son. I can only hope he brings a civil suit against them.

Race relations in this country have been taken back 40 years thanks to the race baiters and I'm afraid it's only going to get worse. Watching This Week, I can see that Pierre Thomas and Tavis Smiley are certainly seeing only color in this verdict and not the evidence that was presented. They are not the only ones and it’s sad. I'm sure if they were being beaten, they would have taken steps to defend themselves and, yes, used a gun if they had one. Lady Justice should not have to take a back seat to real crime. This was a political case, nothing more, nothing less.


*********** - Give it up.

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Don't know what is causing your long-winded ***** rants but you really should focus on yourself *****************.


Not racist but I hate race baiters and instigators - Truthhurts

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like Sharpton and Jackson, who have to stick their noses in where they don't belong. Why aren't they in Chicago trying to clean up that town? The murders over the July 4th weekend were horrendous, yet they avoiding that uncomfortable truth like the plague.

You need to focus on the evidence and not the media bias as you have been doing. TM was not an "innocent little boy" and there is plenty of proof of that. He was almost an adult yet acted like a gansta. Can't deny that.

What about those videos I posted? Bet you didn't even look at them, did you? You don't need to answer because I know the answer. *************

BTW, the FBI did an investigation back in 2012 on George Zimmerman and whether or not he was racist. They interviewed 30 people and they (FBI) found NO RACISM in his background, so if that report hold up, there's no way the DOJ can bring hate crime charges against Zimmerman.

Not a racist but I hate - Mary

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If this chat board/forum is a mini version of society, it seems to me the things you are saying about the President and DOJ are similar to your proposed actions of Sharpton and Jackson. President Obama didn't have any involvement in GZ's case and the DOJ is just doing it's job, which this country needs them to do.

Trayvon Martin was an innocent boy that night--he was walking home and was not doing anything unlawful or wrong. Your argument is unbalanced if you are going to bring up Trayvon's past and not George's. Not sure how you are proving Trayvon acted like a "gansta" and somehow deserved to die.


I looked at your links and I guess if you want to be mad at Sharpton for making noise that's your business, but everyone in this country knows Sharpton makes noise for a living and not everyone agrees with him. If you think anyone who doesn't agree with the verdict in the GZ trial, or thinks Trayvon's civil rights have been violated, agree with Sharpton then you are guilty of profiling.
Obama made comments about TM when this whole thing started - Truthhurts
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He had no business doing that. He is the President of ALL Americans, not just a few, and in this case, he inserted comments about "if I had a son, he's look like Trayvon" or words on the order of that.

The DOJ led by Holder, is prejudiced. Holder picks and chooses which laws to follow as AG. An example is illegal immigrants and not allowing ICE to deport them as per the law. Another example is the voter Intimidation by the New Black Panther Party in 2008. Even though the local police department found it to be a case, Holder made them drop it.

TM's rights weren't violated. He was not an innocent boy. He attacked GZ. GZ's rights, on the other hand, were violated.

Sorry if you don't agree with that, but that's my opinion and I'm not profiling. I followed the trial and I read reports but didn't listen to MSM like so many other people did.

Sorry, but I stick by my opinion of Sharpton being a race baiter and a racist, too, only because he is...if you would watch a lot of videos, you could see it. He sure didn't take lessons from MLK.
There is no reason under God's green earth - sm
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the President of the United States shouldn't comment on whatever he darn well pleases to comment on. He's no different than the rest of us when it comes to 1st amendment rights and, beside that, he outranks you.
He hardly outranks any - of us!
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He's a human being and a citizen of this country - just like everyone else. Just because he's the president doesn't make him any better or any more right than anyone else. Don't put him on a pedestal - he's just as flawed as the rest of us.

I'm not black or racist - Just so you know

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I concern myself with things I can do to help myself and my family. I can do nothing about Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, nor any other leader with or without a political agenda. They have the right to free speech just as other conservative "leaders" exercise free speech and try to convert others to their way of thinking.

I don't care if Zimmerman is racist or not. I care that he profiled a kid without knowing his background, followed him, confronted him and killed him. I truly don't believe Zimmerman should have followed him and the gun made him brave. Zimmerman had the need to be recognized, a hero, because at the age of 28 he was pretty much a failure, had bad credit, was not paying his rent and had been turned down by a police department he had applied to and failed classes to graduate from community college. It is my understanding from Mark Osterman book, Zimmerman was estranged from his family and they did not attend his wedding service.

I am Caucasian so it's not like I am sticking up for my race as a black person. I do believe Zimmerman is a wacko and a liar who got away with murder for whatever reason. Wrong is wrong.

I am a mother and can't imagine the pain of losing a child who just turned 17. The death was so unnecessary and it is all due to Zimmerman's bad decisions.
I'm with Truth Hurts... - me
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The 4 minutes the jury had to sit in silence between the phone call Martin was on with his girlfriend, to the time he attacked Zimmerman is the telling point here. This kid's picture shown was one from 2 years ago - he was a gang member, a stoned one at that - and told Zimmerman he was gonna die...As for Sharpton, Jackson & Obama I can guarantee you if this had been a white kid killed, nothing else would have happened. These are supposed to be men who think they are like Martin Luther King? I don't think so, not by a long shot. Justice was served.
You are obsessed with Sharpton, Obama and Jackson - Settle down
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You believe a proven murdering liar's story and that liar was set free. Do not let your ************ mess up your celebration that Zimmerman is free to do more vigilante work and carry his gun wherever he pleases. He may even decide to shoot another black teen and claim self-defense. **************
Maybe you should look at the facts of the case - before spouting off
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You are wrong. Period. The facts of the case don't lie. TM was 6'3, GZ was 5'9. TM was not just skipping home with a bag of skittles. He was looking for drugs, he had drugs in his system. GZ was in a neighborhood watch program because homes were being broken into and TM had instruments to break into peoples home. He had a gun, drugs, women's jewelry, talked about raping girls and being a "gangsta". Had he gone home and stayed home he'd be alive, but he chose to come back and start a fight with GZ. TM threw the first punch, TM broke GZ's nose, kept pounding his head into the ground and put gashes in his head and hurt his back. TM was on top of GZ telling him he was going to kill him. Since GZ kept yelling for him to get off of him and he wouldn't and couldn't fight him off then he had no other choice. Live or die? I say live.

Don't let yur little bull-stink story mess up your little theory. Unfortunately it is wrong. GZ is not a vigilante. He was there because people were breaking into homes and he was there to keep an eye on things. Nobody is going to shoot another black teen, please stop with the drama queen antics.
Absolutely! It's clear sailing ahead for Zimmerman. - nm
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