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Buh-bye Bryan. Maybe Al Sharpton can take your place.
Posted: Feb 7, 2015

Al is so funny when he fights with the teleprompter. - LOL
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For some good laughs this fine Saturday night, Google these:
Al Sharpton versus the Teleprompter #1
Al Sharpton versus the Teleprompter #2
Al Sharpton versus the Teleprompter #3
Here are the links. - My sides are aching.
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The most recent--from January 2015
It sounds as though Reverend Al - ProMT
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needs some speech therapy... LOL..!!!
Thanks for the giggles.
If Al stands in for Brian, I'm going to tune in for the laughs. - SM
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Who can't use a good laugh these days?
P.S. Maybe Al can pay off his back taxes with the extra money he pulls in.
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