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Cruz "squashes Durbin like a bug" :-)

Posted: Sep 26, 2013

I heard Cruz was excellent.  Good article.






Don't you have any problem with Cruz being Canadian? - me

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I mean, the guy will never be president because he's Canadian-Cuban. Let's face facts. It's going to freak out a lot of people. They're going to see him as a Manchurian Candidate.

His dad was for Castro before he was against him. - Closet skeleton

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No one in the Cruz Family has ever offered any explanation as to why the elder Cruz, who left Cuba in 1957, never became a US citizen until 2005, two years after junior entered politics. IOW, it took him 48 years to suddenly discover his allegiance to the nation that sheltered him from political persecution, educated him and afforded him a lifestyle that allowed him to send his kids to private schools and Ivy League universities. Oh, and junior is just now getting around renouncing his Canadian citizenship, a short 24 hours after The Dallas Morning News busted his dual citizenship status wide open this past August 13. Promises he'll git 'er done by year's end. Can't think of a better reason to become a full-fledged citizen than political expedience, can you? Like father, like son.

Here we go again! - Truthhurts

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Cruz's mother is American. She was born in Wilmington, DE. Surprise! Same place Biden claims. Does that make Biden a non-American?

The U.S. Constitution allows only a “natural born” American citizen to serve as president. Most legal scholars who have studied the question agree that includes an American born overseas to an American parent, such as Cruz.

Isn't it funny? When a Dem does it, it's great. - A republican does it, it's grandstanding (sm)

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Ted is my senator and I'm proud to say I voted for him. He may not (probably will not) be able to defund Obamacaresux, but he has principles, and that's why I voted for him.
It's grandstanding because it's not a real - filibuster-the law passed 3 years ago.
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A filibuster is meant to prevent a bill from being voted on.

This was a very long speech that didn't serve any purpose. Even his own party members are annoyed.

It's great that you're proud of your elected official, I'm not slamming that. But this most definitely was grandstanding. Nothing was accomplished.
It most definitely did serve a purpose, and (sm) - Keep on Cruzing
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I believe a filibuster can also be used according to the Constitution (remember that?) to DEFUND Obamcaresux. Of course, the Constitution doesn't say those words. You probably already knew that. For anyone who actually heard any of it, I beg to differ - it most definitely served a purpose, and at the very least, it sure did give Ted a lot of media attention yesterday, didn't it. Even the liberal MSM had to talk about it. Loved it.
It was not a filibuster. That's why he was able to - read Green Eggs and Ham.
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You're not allowed to hand over the floor for questions or read books in a real filibuster.

The only purpose it served was to put his name out there. It didn't do anything to defund Obamacare.
Kids usually outgrow attention seeking behaviors. - When they don't
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it is considered to be a sign of histrionic, narcissistic and/or borderline personality disorders. I suspect full-blown narcissistic PD in Ted's case. Kinda reminds me of Sarah Palin's 15 minutes, before she was put out to pasture on the Fox lower forty. Though the TP's tendency to take in political strays and elevate them to hero status is commendable on a personal level, it is doubtful that strategy will play out well in the long run in a more national public setting.
Oh, you mean like Obama? Did you hear him on his (sm) - LM
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road show today bringing up Fox news while he tries to sell insurance? He's so pathetic. Which is he, the borderline, histrionic, or the narcissist? In your opinion, of course. In mine, he's all of the above.
The president doesn't have to - try to get attention.
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It just happens as part of the job description. No, I saw no such road show. I did catch the speech where he explained the benefits of ACA and called out his opponents for their crazy arguments and attempts to blackmail a president into stopping the law. He spoke about politicians being held hostage by the Tea Party and gazillionaires bent on denying help to the sick. His scorn for threats to shut down the government (opposed by 80+% Americans) and trying to tanke the economy by refusing to allow the country to pay its bills was right on. He called out extremists for being exactly what they are....extremists.

Factual. True. Realistic. Perfectly sane. All of the above and then some.
I think it's the "then some" that makes me gag. - (sm)
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and if he doesn't have to try to get attention, why is he always trying to be Mr. Cuhl? Oh, you mean he just IS? Sorry, but he's pathetic. I don't think he had enough attention as a child.
Yes, I mean he just IS. - sm
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Pathetic is when you hurt yourself cuz you have to try so hard. Ted Cruz. Poster child for pathetic. For that reason I, like many other democrats, do fervently wish him and his supporters all the best in their endeavors to get him on the ticket in 2016. That way, it'll be a cake walk for any democrat opponent whose only qualification would be the ability to draw a breath.
what does this have to do with politics? - cuhl?
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Now, now. Someone said the president never used - Truthhurts
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the words "hostage" and "blackmail."

As for allowing the country to pay its bills, the House had PASSED H.J.RES.59 which FULLY FUNDED the government until 12/15/2013 and only defunded Obamacare.

What don't the Democrats understand about that? Fully funding the government means NO SHUTDOWN. Why were the Democrats going around telling everyone, even today, that the Republicans are trying to shut down the government?

Why only one amendment allowed in the Senate and that one by Reid-Mulkuski? That is NOT the way government is supposed to work. This shows how slanted Reid is and he should have NO right to pick and choose what is brought up for a vote.

Real purpose behind the scenes was a 21-hour - Cash for Cruz telethon
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Seems Teddy's PAC (Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund) only had a paltry $313,000 in its war chest.  There is no way I can improve on Time columnist Daniel Ruth's uncanny ability to turn a phrase, so I'm just leaving this excellent link here for further comment.  You will either love it or hate it, I guarantee.



.....and this is bad - because? (sm) - LM
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I notice your president - candidate-in-chief, dictator-in-chief, narcissist-in-chief, now insurance salesman-in chief is always on the road filling up his war chests. He's your President, but that's okay with you? Better he should tend to business instead of being a road show clown.
If you have to ask, no amount of explaining - will suffice.
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For starters, Ted Cruz took the Senate chambers hostage and made a gaudy spectacle of himself, making it impossible for the remaining 99 we elect and pay $174,000 annually to conduct their business. Since Congress was scheduled to be out of session 16 weeks this year, that means they only work 253 day this year, meaning they get approximately $687.75 per day when they do work. That means the Cruz clown circus cost $68,086.96.

Inappropriate on too many levels to count.
whether you like it or not, he is your president - sm
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so buck up and talk to your reps and senators.
I've already talked to them, and he is nothing to me. - but a POSC.
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a piece of what, dear? - nm
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Pretty sure potty mouth acronyms for bodily waste products - qualify for trash can disposal. nm
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I loved it! "Norma Desmond of the Beltway"...lol! - nm
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Me too. The writer is hysterical. - nm
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but - sm

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doesn't that mean that even if President Obama had been born in Kenya, Indonesia or Timbuktu instead of the US 50th state of Hawaii, he'd be a natural born citizen, regardless of what his college transcripts, report cards, dental records, first tax return, job resume (or any number of ancillary docs birthers are constantly in search of) say?

BTW, Biden does not "claim" to be born in Wilmington. He was born at St Mary's Hospital in Scranton PA...to two (count 'em two) American parents. Want the address and phone number of the birth registrar so you can dispel any lingering doubts?

What do the scholars have to say about candidates forced to relinquish their life-long dual citizenship status?

did you really bother to read the article? - bugged

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it's really not about how great Cruz is, doh!

It was a good article! - I like this part

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"This is enraging to Cruz and his followers. They want confrontation, even if the confrontation is purposeless at this moment â and doesnât even involve ObamaCare.

They confuse style with substance. Cruz and others think that standing your ground and fighting at every turn is actually more moral than working on a long-term strategy to get rid of ObamaCare.

That long-term strategy involves winning elections in 2014 and 2016. A budget fight in which the Right is blamed for shutting down the government will be harmful to these crucial goals.

The question is, why do Cruz & Co. despise Republicans and conservatives with whom they agree more than they do Democrats and liberals who are working tirelessly to impose these policies?"

Who doesn't love a senator who tries to win a debate by calling members of his own party Nazis and comparing them to Neville Chamberlain?

What a guy!

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