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Chicago Teachers on Strike-They earn how much????

Posted: Sep 10, 2012

Must be nice to earn those wages and benefits without a care in the world for the students they're hurting. As teachers, they should understand that Chicagoans can't afford any more tax hikes when a lot of them are unemployed.  It's just another show of greed and "The h---- with you, I want mine attitude." Where will it end? When Chicago claims bankruptcy? 

Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis said teachers had no choice but to strike, despite "intense but productive" bargaining sessions.

Pay is an issue. However, the union said the two sides are close to a pay agreement after school officials offered to increase salaries 16% over four years on average for most teachers. The average teacher salary in Chicago was $74,839 for the 2011-2012 school year, according to the district but that's WITHOUT BENEFITS.

In addition to the pay raise, the school system's offer includes paid maternity leave and short-term disability coverageIt would also freeze health care cost increases for two-thirds of the union's membership.

The high school day would also be shortened slightly, and teachers would be limited to teaching five classes, the district said.

The primary disagreement appears to be teacher job security in the wake of a new program that evaluates teachers based on students' standardized test scores. Chicago Teachers Union board member Jay Rehak called the idea "data-driven madness."

As many as 6,000 teachers could lose their jobs under the evaluation system, according to Lewis, who called the system "unacceptable." The mayor's office, the city of Chicago, and school officials have questioned that job loss figure.

Another sticking point is a "recall" policy that would put laid-off teachers in line for job openings at other schools within the district. Emanuel said such a policy, supported by the union, would take hiring decisions away from school principals and put them in the hands of central administrators and union leaders.

Teachers also want to block changes to their health benefits and win concessions on classroom conditions.


For teachers, they are acting - stupidly.

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Will Obama swoop in and be the savior, just in time for the election?

That's exactly what my husband said... - SK1

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He thinks the whole thing is being staged. We'll see how it plays out.

As for the teachers, I think the country is starting to see that it can't afford the increasing demands of unions and maintain any kind of fiscal solvency. I think that EVERYBODY would like to have a 16% raise and the benefits that some of the unions offer. It's just not possible. IMHO, unions shouldn't be immune from the same belt-tightening workers all over the country have had to implement.

What do you mean being staged? nm - VTMT

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Home town.... - SK1
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There are murmurs that the strike was arranged so that Obama can swoop in, settle the strike, save the day and be proclaimed a hero.
I sincerely hope your source is wrong. I do agree though...sm - VTMT
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that they should have agreed and gone back to work.
Never let a good crisis go to waste. - Rahm
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Pretty simple concept - "deal" with Obama dishonesty
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He thinks we will "love him even more" - sm

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when he gallops to the rescue and "fixes" it.

No teacher I know makes more than about $40K - a year. They have a very difficult - sm

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and demanding job, and one that directly impacts everyone's future, not just the future of the kids they're teaching.

Sad how politicians want to cut the wages of the very people society depends on the most: Teachers, police officers, firemen, nurses, etc.

I think the ones who deserve to see cutbacks are the politicians. Most of them don't need the money, anyway.

What you said! - SK1

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"I think the ones who deserve to see cutbacks are the politicians...."

Hear, hear! 

The problem with that is only those rich enough...sm - VTMT

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to serve without earning an income would run for office.
I don't think so... - SK1
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I think that if we imposed term limits and paid a livable (not outrageous) salary, decent (but not necessarily blue ribbon) benefits, we might actually get people who were interested in serving the citizens rather than keeping their own jobs and sweetening their own deals.
Oh oh, I think you might be an idealist like me! xm - VTMT
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Agree, but those changes would have to be - made by those SM
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very same politicians. Sad.

Guess you don't know any teachers then - Salaries statewide posted here about month ago

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Actually I know quite a few. - Salaries vary school to school.

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But....In PA they only work 185 days a year - PAMT

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You say 40,000 a year, which may be true. But they don't pay for health insurance. They have a pension. They work 185 days a year. If they worked the full year like the rest of us they would be making 80,000 a year. If they need more money let them find a part time job in the summer.

The teachers I know don't take luxury cruises - between semesters. They find xtra work.

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