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Black pastors telling congregants to stay home on
Posted: Sep 16, 2012

What does that mean, and.... - (see message)
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.....where are you getting that from? Very confusing statement.
I've heard of dirty tricks being paid during elections in the past (not sure about a presidential election) where an opponent's dirty supporters have called the opposition's likely voters and "reminded them to vote" on such-and-such a day, giving them the wrong date, i.e., a date AFTER the election. But I haven't heard anything about what you're stating here. Could you clarify?
White pastors telling - rednecks to stay
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in their trailers on election day. Hunker down, buy more cigs and meth with food stamps and don't vote for Crown Prince of Kolob.
LOL - Vintagefine
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Very appropriate response considering the tea party folks on here don't want to have an intelligent discussion on the issues that concern us all. Slinging mud is the extent of their argument for Romney/Ryan.
Lovin' it. The more they show true colors, - the further voters will run
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in the opposite direction, unless they're into turning the country over to the children of the corn.
As a "tea party folk" I and many other are up for - sm
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an intelligent conversation about issues that concern EVERY citizen. But folks like yourself are not interested in discussing issues. You folks are too busy slinging dirt and calling anyone in the tea party nasty filthy names and using a poor attempt at humor to try and belittle posters that do not share your point of view. Call them names and tell them how insignificant they are. After all they belong to the tea party so they must not be citizens and don't have the right to voice their opinion about issues, right? At least that is what you are saying here.
So, lets talk about issues. Since you brought it up you must have one that you would like to talk about. I'm all ears.
BTW, Don't know of anyone who agrees with every single thing Romney and Ryan have done, but the other choice is too horrible and too devastating to think about and since there are no other republican candidates that is who a lot of us are voting for. We are trying to vote the democrats (not just the prez) out. The ones who are involved in destroying the economy and not doing anything to improve it. Most people who are voting for Romney and Ryan agree with more of their viewpoints than they disagree with the other ones ideations. So the choice is do you vote for someone you agree with 90 percent of their ideas, plans, history, voing record or do you vote for some you disagree with 100% of everything he's done to include leading the country down the wrong path (unless we want to be like Cuba, Venezuela, etc). Well the choice is pretty easy I can tell you that. But then again your not interested in issue that ALL citizens care about. Only interested in demonizing anyone who is not a democrat and ridiculing posters that don't follow the pathway with the other sheople.
Now, I'm not telling you what to do of course, but I'll offer some advice. If you truly are interested in talking about political issues you might want to think about using a different moniker so that posters will not know its you. Otherwise, nobody takes this moniker serious. It's main purpose is to ridicule and insult.
O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; - but can ye not discern the signs of the times?
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Wow, and this sage "advice" coming from one of the brave legions of those hiding behind the generic sm ID. Speaking of REAL issues you claim you'd love to discuss, what was your take on the time line post below?
Issues - Vintagefine
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Actually, most of my posts are in response to all the name calling and mud slinging from the other side. A lot of the regular posters on here post nothing but insults, negative opinions, and generalities about how Obama is destroying the economy. So let's start with the economy. What, in your opinion, is he doing that is destroying the economy? As for my moniker, I'm not sure what you mean. How does it ridicule and insult anyone?
There's NOTHING wrong with the poster's moniker. - sm
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This is merely an example of how backward thinking will be voting for Romney.
Uh, huh... and white pastors - considered Rmoney a
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cultist, that is before he was their savior.
lots of nice people live in trailers, smoke, but don't do meth - for crying out loud
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I never think it's wise to meet one ignorant stereotype with another.
Thank you! We have a MH, currently for vacationing, but - it may just be our choice for old age. NM
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my close relative, career army, lives in a lovely trailer - in a lovely town
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Typical lib trash talk - Grow up
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Grow up or go back to the left winger sites. That kind of language is not called for.
I read an article on Newsmax. Black pastors (sm) - OP
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via conferencing have decided and are encouraging parishioners that there really is no good choice between a Mormon and a half black/half white President who believes and endorses gay marriage - (after he evolved, of course). Before that he was against it.
Oh, I get you now...thanks for... - (see message)
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...that clarification. (I'm the second poster on this thread who didn't understand the OP.)
And, by the way, I meant to say "I've heard of dirty tricks PLAYED...." (not "dirty tricks paid"--LOL). I was getting ready to pay some bills, so I guess that was on my mind. This is how easy it is for our brains to play tricks on us while we're editing ASR and see the sound-alike words we're hearing....soooo easy to make a mistake, arrrrgh!!!
I'm sure marriage equality is low on priority list - bootstraps
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of issues facing voters, black or otherwise, except the far right.
Appreciate you posting your source.
I am not the OP, but I have heard them interviewed - on the radio. -unhappy with Obama
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that he supports gay marriage. That issue alone is causing this.
No it's not. Staying home also means no vote for - Romney, the Mormon candidate
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I read several articles on this and none of them failed to mention both sides of the story.
I believe that most people who attend (sm) - no moniker today -
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churches who have black pastors are black. I said MOST. If black people stay home, it's MOSTLY a no-vote for Obama, as we know that MOST black people will vote for the half black President. Didn't you see the pins at the DNC? Once you vote black, you never go back.
Then why did they mention the LDS former ban on - men of African descent in the priesthood?....
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....and why did Rev. George Nelson Jr., senior pastor of Grace Fellowship Baptist Church in Brenham TX tell a conference of AA pastors, "I would never vote for a man like Romney," because he has been taught Mormonism is a cult when he attended the Southern Baptist Convention?
Why did Rev. A.R. Bernard, founder of the predominantly African-American Christian Cultural Center in New York, say, "To say you have a value for human life and exclude African-American human life, that's problematic. How can I judge the degree to which candidate Romney is going to allow his Mormonism to influence his policies? I don't know. I can't." He was referring to the widespread perceptions that LDS churches are racist, since they have never formally apologized for their past discriminatory doctrines, while most Christian denominations have publicly acknowledged past discrimination and "repented?" Evidently, it's a trust issue for him, despite the fact that Romney claims he "wept" for joy when he heard the ban had been lifted.
After Rev. Howard-John Wesley, who leads the Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Va, organized a class on Mormonism, congregants concluded that "we could not put Mormons under the boundaries of orthodox Christianity."
The Rev. Dwight McKissic, a prominent Southern Baptist and black preacher, and a conservative who did not support Obama in 2008 based on social issues, plans to "go fishing" on election day, since he thinks Mormonism is racist.
Not an issue? I. Don't. Think. So.
No, but I heard Michael Steele say "do not be fooled - by the canard that
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both parties do it," in his interview with Toure on "The Cycle" while discussing GOP racial code words. But don't take my word for it. Here ya go:
oh please... what percentage of black people were voting - for Romney in the first place!! nm
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Don't know, but why not ask the four pastors discussed in - the "why did they mention" post?"
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Evidently, THEY felt that side of the story was worthwhile exploring, huh?
oh my! - sm
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I can assure you, black people have been voting for white presidents for some time now. What the heck are you thinking?
Nay. They'd rather throw it out there - to see if
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a) it will stick to anything, or b) if they can stir up a little gang warfare.
Those "dirty tricks" you heard of are true and - sm
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are routinely used by the GOP.
Once congregants figure out - they're being told to
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abstain from voting based on religious and gender identity bigotry, I have faith that God will lift them up and plant their feet on higher ground.
This is true. - anon
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I have seen this group of pastors on TV. They do indeed encourage their congregations not to vote for BO based on his stance on gay marriage and they did encourage that if one felt they could not vote for the other candidate over BO, to stay home. People who do not understand their stance (choosing faith over politics) do not understand religion. I understand why it is very hard for black people in this country to vote against Obama for any reason, but for most people who are Christian, there are some lines that just cannot be crossed.
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