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ACA's Lower-Than-Projected Premiums Will
Posted: Dec 31, 2013
Save $190 Billion. 
See link provided.
This is good news for those who want the ACA to...sm - VTMT
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succeed, not so good for those who want it to fail.
Until next - year...
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when they figure out the majority of those signed up are older and sicker - then premiums will go through the roof. I don't necessarily want to see it fail, but there's just no way it can succeed as it stands right now.
Where did you read that? Please provide a link. - nm
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No one's given any numbers out - yet...
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that would give too much away at this point. It's just an opinion on my part. Next year when the insurance companies reevaluate rates, I think everyone who still has insurance will see much higher premiums to cover the older and sicker people that have signed up. I'll also be interested to see how the states are going to handle the higher numbers of Medicaid recipients. I understand the feds are going to cover that for the first year or so (where's that money coming from?), but after that, the state will be responsible for a percentage - states that are already having trouble.
Too many questions left unanswered, too many variables that work against us. If I'm wrong, I'll gladly eat crow :)
LOL .. that's all ... it is costing me peace of mind as - of today, I basically have no insurance
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I won't go into details other than I have employer offered plan that covers NOTHING but preventive (no copays, no pharmacy) till hubby and I pay $7500 out of pocket. I am paying about $450 a month to get the contracted rates. Many prayers being said that we don't have any problems. Some people it has helped, many many it has hurt.
I went to einsurance to see what was offered .. and in my state that was not much better, even with estimated subsidy.
Oh and for those celebrating the subsidy ... that will be phased out too. Get your health issues treated this year for sure ...
I wish it had worked, and eventually it may. There are just too many casualties alone the way for celebration. JMHO .. flame away.
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