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114th attacks Social Security on first day

Posted: Jan 6, 2015

aimed at seniors and disabled (AKA "deadbeats") by imposing hindrance/prohibition on routine fund allocations unless benefits are cut or their payroll tax rates are hiked.  They are too cowardly to do it in broad daylight, so they've decided to take cover under the House rules guise.  The link further exposes GOP demonization of handicapped/disabled Americans.  They must have gotten bored with beating up on the poor and immigrants.  

"Empathy," GOP style.



Having trouble getting link to post. - Second try

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Maybe a different browser??


Maybe this is called - "not kicking the can"

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as it has commonly been called - start to fix things now rather than putting them off and things just get worse - we have to make changes - has anybody looked at the debt clock lately???? We are spending more than we are taking in and that has to change - how long could we get by in our personal finances if we did that -
Yes, there are a lot of people on SS disability that need to be there and we all know someone who does need it - but we also all know someone that could be doing something to earn a paycheck and chooses not to - because they knew a lawyer who knew a judge and they are now taking the SS away from the senior citizen......

GOP candidates didn't campaign on plans to - subjugate routine SS allocations

[ In Reply To ..]
to seniors and disability benefits cuts and raising payroll taxes, and with good reason. Quite the opposite. They campaigns ATTACKED the very same changes they are now enacting. They knew voters would not support their policies, since poll after poll after poll has shown support for OTHER solvency measures that would PROTECT benefits, like raising retirement age, reducing or eliminating benefits to wealthy retirees, eliminating the cap on wages subject to tax and raising employer contributions. 59% oppose cuts to benefits and, in fact, support RAISING cost of living adjustments so retirees can, at the very least, live a hair's breadth above the poverty line.

The above described package had 71% support in October 2014, according to Forbes, including 68% of Republicans and 65% of those earning $100,000 plus, who would pay the biggest tax increases. 77% support tax increases to preserve SS and 83% support a hike on top earners. Raising full benefits retirement age has less support than other measures, but it is clearly preferable to cuts in benefits.

In other words, the GOP is enacting all the changes the public opposes. No, this has nothing to do with can kicking and everything to do with deliberate deception and predictably slimy tactics of cons living up to their diminutive nickname.



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