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Does anyone have experience with bankruptcy

Posted: Nov 22, 2016

I am looking at filing bankruptcy soon and am looking for any insight anyone can give me.  I'm not sure I will even be able to file as I have no assets.  I don't own a house or a car.  I just have massive credit card dept.  Years ago I made almost 70,000 a year.  Now I'm barely making one-third of that.  Most of my credit card dept is groceries, through over a year ago I purchased a washer and drier, and had a ramp put on the front of the house I live in (live with a friend) so I could enter and exit safely as I can not longer manage stairs.  I don't know if you are able to file bankruptcy if it is only for credit card dept.  Please, no judgment.  I know I screwed myself up.  I don't know whether to file bankruptcy or reorganization (or whatever it is called).  Anyway, any input from your experience would be greatly appreciated.  TIA.  


Been pretty close because of credit card debt - nn

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I don't know if it varies from state to state, but as far as I know, you can file for bankruptcy on credit card debt. I was pretty close a few years ago because this field has gotten so bad, pulling cash advances off one card to pay the bill on the other, but by the grace of God and family, was able to get myself together somewhat. A lot of mine was groceries on credit cards too - those costs rack up fast, especially with 2 kids! I say go sit down with a bankruptcy attorney, or 2 or 3 like I did, and discuss your options. Usually the consultation is free and it will give you great peace of mind to have an idea of where you need to go from there. And please don't beat yourself up over it! There are so many in this profession who have been were you are and everyone feels like they are in over their head sometimes! The best of luck to you and God bless!

Thank you for your reply and wishes, they are truly - appreciated (nm)

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assets - Effie

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Bankruptcy works fine for people with no assets. I declared about 15 years ago and I would do it again in a heartbeat if I needed to.

Chapter 11 - bankruptcy

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My advice, go to a bankruptcy lawyer and file Chapter 11 ... no paying anyone back. You will need money for the lawyer though to file. Over the next 7 years, you can rebuild your credit. It's not your fault, it is the fault of businesses in this country turning us into slave laborers.

Yes. I filed about 8 years ago and sadly on the verge of - filing again.

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Google attorneys in your area. There are some who will take payments or start the process with a partial payment. Of course, there is much info online and you can file yourself but it doesn't seem worth it to me (scared to mess it up). I filed after a divorce, he kept everything except the kids, I had nothing but debt. I filed chapter 11. Over the last 8 years, the only thing it really affected was my ability to get a decent rate on an auto loan.

The process was simple. I had to pull credit reports, fill out paperwork listing all debt and assets, take a state mandated budget "class" online (about 45 mins), and show up on the court date. The judge asked if there were assets not listed on the paperwork (there were none lol) and that was it. A few weeks later, a letter arrived via USPS legally discharging debt and soon thereafter the credit card offers started rolling in. Love America! ;)

Good luck. It's a bad situation to be so stressed financially. I've been in this field for 15+ years and it seems like income decreases every year. I'm sole support for 3 kids, and at under 30K/year, things have been tough!

How do you do it with 3 kids at under $30k? Have you considered a second job? sm - Curious

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I am not saying this as bashing, so please do not take it that way. I've been where you are, but there are ways to earn extra money to be able to have what you need and not have to declare bankruptcy. I understand the first time; divorce financially destroys so many people, but not the second. There are a lot of options, especially this time of year, including retail, Uber driver, waitress. I wouldn't just accept making under $30k and BK.

I'm sorry that you are stressed (with three kids!) but there are ways to work around that. One or two nights a week working at Chili's or somewhere like that could put an extra $200-$300 cash in your pocket each week, adding an additional $10,000-$15,000 a year to your household.

Stop blaming this business. That doesn't solve anything. sm - Get A Second Job

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I am so sad when I read that people feel trapped and blame the industry for their financial issues. Get a second job. Be a waitress, be an Uber driver, deliver pizzas, work at Walgreens. There are ways to earn money outside of transcription and everywhere I go, it seems there is a sign for help wanted. Think of it as temporary and use the money to get out of debt, pay bills, etc. Stop saying that it isn't someone's fault because it is. You don't have to work for peanuts, and if you do choose to, work double with something else to make more peanuts. I like heat and air conditioning and electric and food, so I make sure that I do what I have to do.

I know this sounds harsh, but it's reality. It's up to us to pay our bills, feed our kids, etc., so it's up to us to make sure that we earn enough to do so.

Stop blaming this business - noname

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Would you like to pay for my vehicle to be fixed or buy me a new vehicle so that I have transportation to find another/2nd job?

No, it is not necessarily soley the MT businesses fault, but when you are working harder and doing more for half or less of what you used to make, which isn't even minimum wage in a lot of cases, there is NO ONE else to blame but the MT business.

I used to support 5 people on what I used to make, so don't tell me to stop blaming the business. I sure as H-E-double hockey sticks didn't decrease my pay! Not everyone is able to get or work a 2nd job, get to another job, get to school to try to learn a new/better career, etc.

Please put yourself in my shoes and tell me how you would do things better!

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