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Our fuel tank is outside because we have kerosene. - And the county taxes it, too!

Posted: Mar 6th, 2020 - 6:20 am In Reply to: I am barely making it myself as an MT. I keep my house - at 68 degrees, my furnace is 25

That is $4.10 per gallon before tax. It is just insanity. We heat with wood too.

We have a local businessman who gets half the town signed up for energy program, sells them oil or firewood. Prefers firewood as he makes out better. He hauls wood in from Canada on flatbeds, already bundled with wire straps, maybe 3/4 cord of spruce. He pays 45 bucks and is able to because people use their energy assistance credits. He sells them oil if they want that too.

Trouble is when all these people get it for free, they don't buy chain saws, snow machines & sleds to haul free firewood from behind their houses and get addicted to the free govt welfare wood.

My husband has been hauling in 10-15 cords of birch for so long during the warmer weather of winter but he likes spending time in the woods.


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