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Politics Latest Messages: Are there any medical word expanders anymore? ..

I have read Robin Cook, I prefer to get my information from non-fiction sources - sm

Posted: Mar 5th, 2020 - 8:34 am In Reply to: Get a grip - me

And yes, I know he's a physician. I am a CCRN, not a transcriptionist. I do know what to do to keep myself and my family safe. It's people who don't know what to do and rely on our government to guide them that worry me.

It's single parents who can't afford to stay home when they have cold or flu symptoms that worry me. It's uninsured people (Thanks Trump admin) that concern me, they notoriously wait until they are very ill to get medical help.

I have a firm grip, I understand the need for community health departments and the need for them to be well-staffed and well-supported. I understand that test kits are just now trickling out. We've known about this virus for several months now. This administration should have been pro-active and prepared our hospitals and health depts before it ever reached our shores.


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