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He's also cut money to the LIEAP program - and Pence and

Posted: Mar 6th, 2020 - 3:07 am In Reply to: Trump spent the past 2 years slashing the government agencies responsible for handling the - Coronavirus outbreak. sm

Seema Verma head of Medicaid and Medicare at the federal level, changed the medicaid when they expanded it in Indiana to charge a small fee to qualify. If they miss payment they are locked out for six months.

In Kansas the state uses Medicaid money to help seniors make their premiums for Medicare and will help people pay insurance premiums that qualify with medicaid money but now they are finally expanding it under the ACA.

What most people do not understand is that the people who are eligible for Medicaid under the expansion from Obamacare is up to around 30,000 and these are the people who pay the largest percentage of their annual income in taxes to support the state's budget.

For example (I haven't checked but I would guess this would be true for all red states as Republicans like to give the wealthy a tax break -Kansas and Oklahoma did it). But the 0 to 20,000 group pay 10% of their annual income in Oklahoma and cover 20% of the states budget. So, in effect, they pay the first dollar in Medicaid money to get the Federal matching 2.33. That means instead of 1 dollar being spent in the the healthcare industry, 3.33 cents are being spent within the state, which not all of that goes in a doctor's pocket, but would be used to hire workers, those workers will have more money to spend in the local economy. It's like a transfusion and the 2.33 coming from outside the state means that economy grows/increases, the opposite of a recession where it shrinks.

Sam Brownback, in Kansas, when he became governor announced a tax break for 200,000 and above. They had reduced the percentage and since Kansas was in trouble for not spending even 3500 a year on public school and violating the Kansas Constitution, he said quickly how he would offset that - He was taking away the state's Earned Income Credit from the 0 to 20,000 income bracket. They would still get a deduction. Tax credits are much better than deductions. Two furniture stores closed in our town right after that. Westco was one of them. We were so glad when Trump took Brownback off our hands and gave him a job. He did a lot of dumb things and his policies put Kansas in a deeper hole. He said it was an experiment. It failed.


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