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Keeping an eye on O'Malley and switching to democrat

Posted: Apr 1, 2015

What I'm reading about O'Malley I'm liking.  He does not have the appearance of being democrat and I like that.  His knowledge about the constitution and other issues I believe puts him in the middle.  I believe he truly wants to save our country from the destruction we have seen it under.  Of course there is more to learn about him, but right now I think he is the best hope to save our country. 

I will vote for anyone that will knock out the creature.  What she has done in her career should make the hair on the neck of every person's  who has any decency to them stand up.  She is NOT qualified for the postion no matter how much of her megalomanic and narcissistic mind thinks she is.  She is not ready for that "3 a.m. call" as she has demonstrated time and time again.  She is not respected in other countries and her lack of empathy and direct violations had the worse outcome ever imaginable.  And now she just breaks the law and spits her poison into the faces of everyone.  I will not go into the religious aspect of that creature. 

I voted for Obama to keep the creature out and I will vote for anyone else to keep the creature out.  The country needs to heal, not more of the same.

What I'm reading about O'Malley I like so far and he is 100% accurate and he has my vote when he said "the presidency is not a crown to be passed “between two families,”

If I vote for him it will not be a vote for the democrat party as they have been infiltrated by communists/progressives and if someone better comes along in the republican side I will take a look at him/her and if I vote for them it's not a vote for republicans as I believe that party has been taken over too.  Both sides are bad.  I'm looking to the person I think will be the best candidate for the position.  It makes no difference what party they belong to.  They are all the same thing.

But yea, he has it right on - THE PRESIDENCY IS NOT A CROWN TO BE PASSED BETWEEN TWO FAMILIES".  Good for him!!!!

The country is sick and tired of the Bush's and the Clinton's.  There are just a few who keep trying to pass off that the whole world wants that in there.  That is just simply not true. It's just the few that are yelling the loudest.

Whenever I hears people say "oooooh, people are afraid of her" I think yeah, people are afraid of that and rightly so.  I'm afraid of evil, but I have to believe that Good will prevail and we will get a decent person to run the country and fix the damage we have seen over the past 20 + years.

So for now...go O'Malley.  Be safe. When you deal with that I pray you will remain safe.


I'm not a fan... - independent Marylander

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...having lived under his governorship for the past 8 years. He introduced lots of new and unpopular tax increases. His lieutenant governor, who should have been a shoo-in in this state, was defeated by a Republican (albeit a moderate Republican) in the last election, which pretty much never happens here and was pretty much due to O'Malley fatigue. He's a handsome guy, but he's not a very dynamic speaker, as evidenced by his speech at the last DNC. He's definitely a progressive, though (pro gun control, anti-death penalty, pro medical marijuana, pro gay marriage). I agree with his stance on these things, but I don't think he'd make a very good president. JMO.

Neither am I, but for different reasons. I would like to - thank you for stating your opposition in such

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a thoughtful manner -- you so seldom see that on this board. Your opinion, although I do not agree with many of your political leanings, was so clearly stated and with respect, that I had a desire to read your entire post and see what your opinion was.

Many that simply want to attack could certainly learn from your example. Thank you!

Thank you, good info, I will keep an eye on him - another (registered) Indie

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If Hillary Clinton runs, she's got my vote. - sm

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The "good" versus "evil" and endless baseless falsified right-wing rhetoric coming from the media echo chamber doesn't sway me in the least. I've heard it all for decades now, nothing new.

The ballot could say "Hillary - that creature that spits poison - Clinton," and she's still got my vote if she runs.

Not mine - Hildabeast pure evil

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I agree with you. - sm

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I don't know what little stunt she pulled by erasing her entire server, which had been subpoenaed. Instead, she chose to NOT comply with the subpoena. I wonder what she's hiding.

Her ties to Monsanto and Wall Street are way too friendly for any President I would elect.

She will try to be tough like "one of the boys," and next thing we know we're going to attack Iran. After all, she voted for the war in Iraq.

She's too close to Israel, and if she is President, we will wind up letting them do anything they want again (another war against Palestine and this time Bibi finally telling the truth and acknowledging there is only a one-state solution. So Israel will keep killing and STEALING land that belongs to the Palestinians in order to build more settlements.

HILLARY = WALL STREET = MONSANTO = BABYSITTING ISRAEL PLUS forcing us to go to war with Iran (per Hillary's orders).

She's out of touch with most Americans, she's not broke (another lie), and she will do nothing but place the USA in jeopardy!

Sanders/Warren is the ticket I'm voting for, even if I have to write them in on the ballot.
Completely disagree with your opinions other than - not wanting Hildabeast
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Sanders - Avowed socialist/communist; we already got that in Obama.

Warren - Proven liar over and over again; we already got that in Obama.
Please see message. - sm
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There is no such thing as a "social/communist" party. You're either one or the other.

There have been and are "socialistic" facets to our government in the past and present, and that has nothing to do anything BAD happening in our country. In fact, those changes permitted some very important upgrades to where things are.

Unlike you, I don't believe that Senator Warren is a liar.
^No thanks^ - xx
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Sing it Sista! - nm

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion - OP

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I believe good will overcome evil, so I believe she will not make it.

Don't know what "right-wing rhetoric coming from the media echo chamber" you are talking about. Since I don't have TV/cable not quite sure what you are talking about.

I've watched what it has done in it's career. If her poison has affected many then that is something that others will have to answer for. There is nothing good about that. I'm glad to know there are more who are against it than are for it.

Like crooks, do ya? Liberals are nuts. - nm

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Evidently they do or work for the "Elect Hildabeast" PAC - nm

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PAC appropriate, but in her case it should be PACK. A pack of - Hildabeast lovers.
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She is so deceitful, such a liar. If erasing all that evidence - against her is not enough to show
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how rotten to the bone and what a lying sneak she is, nothing will wake someone up.

She did not erase all those State Dept emails because they exonerated her and proved her innocent..quite the contrary.

I hope they are able to trace them to the recipients and get them that way. I cannot stand to look at her lying mug. Her and Cobammie evil personified.
Better get ready for eight years of her as president. - Like it or not. nm
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Why don't you tell us what you "like" about this liar - being President and (sm)
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why you would be so happy about it. Enlighten us - please.
I guess most of us don't buy into the whole.....sm - Alice
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right wing mantra that Hillary is a lying, disgusting, worthless piece of dung that you obviously believe she is. We dems are ready for her and all your hate speech against her will not amount to a hill of beans.
That's funny...elections have not happened yet - sm
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A lot can happen between now and then. So to say she's already the next president and "get used to it" is immature (i.e. too soon to say with certainly). Wanting someone to be president is one thing, stating it as though it has already happened and is fact when the future has not even arrived yet is another.

She has no qualifications to be a president and if criminal activities buys you the seat then the country is in more trouble than anyone realizes. There are way many people more qualified. If it's another democrat so be it, just not that thing.

It doesn't matter whether or not someone likes someone. If she is put in the position it will be because of her foreign investors that paid millions to her or her 1%er buddies and wall street.

But that's in the future and nobody knows yet who will be picked. I'm hoping and praying for justice and that the next office she plans on seeing is the cell she so deserves.
Perfectly. Stated. Truth. - nm
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But the poster didn't say that. - sm
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The poster actually didn't say "she's already the next president" nor "get used to it" so how exactly is it (your word choice here) "immature"?

The poster said: "Better get ready for eight years of her as president. Like it or not." This is actually good advice considering the electoral college system of voting and that it appears (at least right now) that she will run.

Since you said "it doesn't matter whether or not someone likes someone," perhaps it's equally true that it doesn't matter whether or not someone hates someone. If you believe Mitt Romney, then the Democratic nominee already has "47 percent" of the vote locked up "no matter what" (Romney's words).... no matter how much anybody hates her.... just like Obama. All the hateful name-calling and "praying for justice" and right-wing propaganda against Obama in 2008 and 2012 got nowhere.... 47 percent.

The more crazy the right-wing rhetoric gets (and wow does it get utterly crazy), it just pushes people away, and I think Romney's "47 percent" number is more like 49 percent in 2016, whoever the Democratic nominee happens to be, and Democratic votes and prayers will keep winning the presidency. If he/she is actually "put in the position" in the way described in your post, that will be fine too, and yet one more example why all the perpetual fear and anger rhetoric coming from the far right-wing won't matter anyway.
Um yes she did - Read the subject line - Clearly states - sm
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She said "Better get ready for eight years of her as president. - Like it or not".
Umm - usual word salad without bothering to read - what they wrote
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Here's more info on O'Malley - Truthhurts

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Does he still support federal funding for abortion like he did? If so, doesn't he realize that it's against federal law to fund abortions? If he doesn't know that, he better bone up on federal law really fast. Here are some of his views that he either supports or opposes:

1. He supports government-run healthcare, expanding Obamacare

2. He supports privatizing Social Security.
3. He opposes vouchers for school choice (public or private).
4. He opposes strict enforcement of pre-determined sentencing threatens civil rights and should be used cautiously. Police, courts and prisons should focus on effective enforcement rather than strict enforcement. The death penalty should be used with extreme caution, if at all.
5. He opposes the absolute right to gun ownership. Limit availability of guns by whatever means are effective.
6. On taxes, over the last seven years, he raised state income taxes on the top 15%, and raised fees or taxes 24 times. The other 85% went down.
7. He was the first state to support the Dream Act He believes social services should be offered to all residents of the United States regardless of immigration status. Illegal aliens should be offered amnesty if they prove themselves as productive members of society. He also believes amnesty should be granted to illegal aliens who have been here 5 years.
8. He supports free trade, only restricting it when it poses a security risk. He also supports NAFTA and trade with Mexico, the WTO and GATT, and expanding free trade agreements to more countries. He believes a 'Global Economy' helps the US economy,
9. He favors “green energy.” He favors raising the gas tax 2% every year, favors the Clean Cars Act, opposes a long-term vision to make energy affordable, and supports emission permits for greenhouse gases.
10. He favors never legalizing marijuana (that may have changed) but signed legislation that allows police officers to issue citations instead of arrests. “Let Colorado experiment, not Maryland.”
11. He believes in extending unemployment as long as necessary and raising the minimum wage to $10.
12. He strongly favors stimulus projects instead of market-led recoveries and opposes limiting budget growth below inflation.

He doesn’t seem to have any opinions on foreign policy! Anyone running for president needs some background in foreign policy.

He considered a left liberal leaning but he has very progressive tendencies.

His opinions and views may have changed but from what I've read so far, some of the above views are still true.

Thank you for this info. I agree, a bit weak in foreign policy - (registered) indie

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I couldn't find much either on foreign policy, but then I haven't had time to do much research today.

Thanks Truthhurts - that was me you were replying to - OP

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I'm going to read what you wrote at my next break.

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