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Why I have to be a Democrat

Posted: Mar 7, 2015

President Obama's speech in Selma today. Some really good parts on voting rights and loving America. link below.;

Who's "we"? - nm

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I'd like to know that too. It's not Americans - nm

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Because Obama hates America - His actions prove so

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Oh sure. He hated America so much, he - decided to run for president.
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THAT sure makes a lot of sense.
Bingo!! Yes, actually it does. - LM
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I agree with the poster above me. Of course he does - sm
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What better way to destroy a country. So, yes, that DOES make a lot of sense.
Because Rudy G-man said so, and mobsters don't lie. - nm
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Well, I guess the memo has been circulated to the Reich-wing with their new mantra from the paranoid fantasies of Rudy The G-man.

Just when you thought conservatives had hit rock bottom, Rudy comes along and takes out his shovel and lowers the bar even further.
G-man/mobster oxymoron. - nm
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Um, yes, Americans are supporting President Obama - sm

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That's why he won twice.
Um, no....Bankers are supporting Obama - That's why they put him in there
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Um, yes. I am no banker or stock broker. - nm
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Didn't say you were. The simple fact is no matter - who you vote for
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The bankers/wallstreet put in whoever they put in. We just think we put them in there. We don't have a choice.
I don't think it's that bad yet - otherwise Romney would have won
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Do you really think they prefer President Obama over Mitt Romney? He would be their wildest dream come true.

It was the little guy, minorities (who are growing in percentage of population - yay!), who voted President Obama in - us 47%, NOT who rely on the govt for handouts as Mr Romney put it, but who rely on the govt to at least attempt to make govt fairer and not rip us middle/lower class off in favor of big business and Wall Street.

I do think we have a choice. We can vote and we can push to get rid of Citizens United, ALEC, the Koch Brothers who are spending lots of millions on buying candidates instead of paying taxes they manage to wiggle out of, etc.

If the bankers and Wall Street were that powerful, they would certainly have gotten Romney in.
Nope, don't agree - who you vote for
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It's whoever they use to manipulate is who they put in. Obama still has his usefullness so they can get the race bating going.

Mittsky has no use to them.
Really, you think Mittsky has - no use to them?
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I guess they wasted billions of dollars trying to foist him on us last election for nothing then?

There is no way Obama is preferable to Romney to the corporates, and they are trying to blot us out by throwing money into races, but the people still can win sometimes, thank goodness.

Citizens United is an abomination and all that money the fat cats are spending buying candidates is money they are avoiding paying tax on, while we lowly paid suckers pay through the nose.
I'm not sure I said that - Poster you replied to
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and actually I'm too lazy to read my post again. What I meant is they use every person they put in office. They can get more use out of Obama, all these phony race things. Everytime someone disagrees with an EO, policy, procedure or whatever all they have to do is cry racism. They have more use for him than they did Mittsky. What if people disagree with him? There is nothing they can use against them.

So for them the O is of more use and that is why they put him back in.
Again, why did they spend so much money - on Romney then?
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I cannot agree that the Wall Street money people would rather have President Obama. I don't see how they use the "phony race" things really. How does that benefit them?

I recall the last election, the conviction that Romney and Fox News had that they would win, and I do believe if the big guys were able to make it happen, by hook or by crook, they would have, and yet the little guy still prevailed.

Most of us who are for President Obama just ignore all the nonsense spouted by the right about him, and we are obviously a higher percentage than those who voted against him, so I do have hope and I don't believe corporate interests have been able to completely control our govt YET, despite the best efforts of the conservative members of SCOTUS.
Umm, can you read a poll because they do not support - your Obama worship
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Ummmm, plenty available to dispute your every claim. Ummm, try Google - your friend.

You don't speak for me. - No way!

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I don't need the government running my life.

Yes, it is the only hope we have.... - sm

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The forces of evil are working to divide us any way they can, subverting and destroying the goodness and love in religion. United we stand, divided we fall. Too bad that the number one goal for the last six years of a select few has been to see our president fail.

Obama failure all on his own - Needs no help, EPIC FAILURE

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Umm, stock market way up, unemployment way down.... - sm

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more people with health insurance, OBL dead, no attacks on the homeland, fewer hungry children, more equality for women and LGBT citizens, better support for veterans and their families, turned around the US auto industry, saving us from a second major depression with stimulus. Then there is his humane gift to Dreamers and their families.
Ummmm. Unemployment under reported, 92+ million stopped - looking for work under Obama - No jobs
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Ummm...Stock market out of the reach of most Americans because they canot afford to put food on their table.

Ummm...deductibles and premiums more thabn double under Obama.

Ummm...Most insurance sign ups are now for MEDICAID, which many doctors/hospital refuse to take, rending it useless.

Umm..There there is the flat out violation of USA law with the Dreamers, payments ILLEGAL ALIENS, health care for ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Ummm...ATTACKS ON THE HOMELAND! Do you even live in the USA. Can you say Boston? What the psycho psycologist that murdered his fellow soldiers? What about the attack on our American embassy considered American soil?

That's not even the top of the iceburg.
Ummmm. Obama didn't create the recession. - sm
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You said: "Ummm -- NO BODY WITH A BRAIN THE SIZE OF A PEA IS BUYING YOUR SPIN AND PROPAGANDA. That's not even the top of the iceburg."

That's because the pea brains are too busy buying the spin and propaganda spewing from the right-wing party of whiny victims who blame Obama for the world not being perfect. If Romney had won the 2012 election versus Obama, the pea brains would have turned on a dime overnight and started spewing propaganda praising Willard the Rat for lower unemployment and bragging about how he turned things around! LOL


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