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Why do you suppose the POTUS hasn't come out and (sm)

Posted: Oct 19, 2013

made a statement on the problems with signing up for healthcare.  He comes out and talks for other less important things all the time, why not this?  I would say this is a big deal.  If I called something my signature achievement, I'd certainly want to show people I was involved in making it work.


That is a good idea. - Why don't you

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write one of your representatives and make a suggestion? Maybe he's too busy trying to un---- some of the mess caused by the shutdown to get to that just this minute, but I would imagine there are at least a couple of folks working on this.

Already did. - sm

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Obama acknowledged that “like every new law, every new product rollout, there are going to be some glitches in the sign-up process along the way that we will fix.”

He said in its first hours “the site has been running more slowly than it normally will.” He attributed the problems to the fact that more than one million people had visited the site before 7 a.m. Tuesday, which he said was five times more users than had ever visited Medicare.gov.

“We’re going to speeding things up in the next few hours to handle all this demand that exceeds anything we had expected,” he promised.

Obama said a few weeks ago Apple had rolled out a new mobile operating system and had found a glitch which the company then fixed. “I don’t remember anybody suggesting Apple should stop selling iPhones or iPads -- or threatening to shut down the company if they didn’t. That’s not we do things in America. We don’t actually root for failure.”

You would think... - A lot of folks now

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seem to be hoping and praying the country will go down the toilet and are getting p----d off because it's not happened yet. Go fig.

That was it? You're serious? Really? - me

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'in the next few hours', 'exceeds anything we expected'(really, sir?), 'running slowly' (not at all, sir), 'glitches' (major architectural fail by a crony). OMG. You're happy with this? Some people are easily pleased, I guess.

Simply answered the OP's inquiry. - sm

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OP asked "Why do you suppose the POTUS hasn't come out and made a statement on the problems with signing up for healthcare."

Never said I was happy or pleased or not. You read way more into my post than necessary.
I think it was a demonstration that no matter what - the answer if it doesn't condemn
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POTUS it will not be acceptable to this poster.

17+ million visitors to site, 476,000 signed up, - 7 million expected to enroll -- when they can!

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This is tremendous interest, to put it mildly and a temporary problem for the 7 million. However long it goes on.

My heart bleeds for those who try to sign up and discover that, because they live in Republican dominated states that refused to implement the 100%-reimbursed (from blue-state taxpayers) Medicaid extension, they will still not have health insurance.

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