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Clinton's Big Lie: OBAMA HASN'T HAD TIME

Posted: Sep 6, 2012

Take a look at the dire situation that America was experiencing in 1981, when Reagan took office, and take a look at what the economy looked like 3 years later.

What Clinton meant to say (his teleprompter malfunctioned) was "No president who's as inept as this one could fix the economy in 4 years - and I doubt he can do it in 8 years either, if he keeps on going the way he's going."



Then why does it take the Romney plan...sm - JTBB

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three decades to fix it?

Because Obama destroyed - it bit time!

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Agree. He has put us so far down in the hole, we - may never recover.

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lolol....sm - JTBB

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"We left him a mess. He hasn't cleaned it up fast enough, so fire him and put us back in."....I'd say that pretty much sums it up.
In his own words... - SK1
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“Look, I’m at the start of my administration. One nice thing about the situation I find myself in is that I will be held accountable. You know, I’ve got four years,” Obama told The Today Show’s Matt Lauer on February 1, 2009.

“A year from now I think people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress,” said Obama. ”But there’s still going to be some pain out there. If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”
That was before congressional "No You Can't" mantra - had sunk in.
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Obama's hopeful optimism has matured into pragmatic realism. If you take nothing else away from the DNC this year, grok this. Backbones located, straightened and firmly aligned. The party is running on its record, principles and policies, not from them as we see over on the R&R side of the aisle. Compromise does not mean (in his own words) "I certainly think bipartisanship ought to consist of Democrats coming to the Republican point of view." (Richard Mourdock (R-IND Senate candidate).

You will see this new approach played out before the election victor is sworn in, regardless of who it is, when the GOP and dems stare down the perilous sides of the fiscal cliff. Guess who's not blinking this time? Guess who can't believe their collective eyes?
I'm sorry.... - SK1
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But that's only one step off from "It's all Bush's fault."
You've been duped - again::: Doesn't it get - tiresome? (sm)
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check out the Bohner/Obama working together on the debt ceiling. They were almost in agreement, and the "Furor" as he was called in Bob W's book, threw a hissy. That was the end of compromise. They then realized what his intentions were - and still are.
...but....but....but...he said he could do it in (sm) - Aunt Sue
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in one term, (whiny voice). Why did so many people get laid off? Why did our credit rating go down? Why is Iran still building a nuclear weapon, didn't he say he would talk to them? Did he forget to bow? Why are 23 million people out of work? Why are so many on food stamps who have never been before? Why have my health insurance premiums doubled? Why did my friend who was starting a small business get regulated to death - didn't he say he was going to help small business owners? If you find any of this funny, you're one sick puppy.

Oh, my. The party of personal responsibility - who is

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constantly dismissing the previous administration "excuse," regardless of how valid the reason may have been proven to be, wastes no time in using the same "excuse" when they think it's their turn. Tell me something. Do cons ever get intraoral lacerations while wagging their forked tongues around?

Reagan also raised taxes 11 times in 8 years, - azmt

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and nearly tripled the federal budget deficit

Here's some antidote for that Koolaid - But I doubt you take it.

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"Fraid it's the simple truth. A lot of his economic policies - were untried theory and bombed. We lost the

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entire savings and loan industry; it literally destroyed itself, and many, many families, after it was deregulated.

The Kool-Aid was Laffer's--an economist who persuaded Reagan that cutting taxes on business would be such a stimulus to business that we'd end up with MORE money in the public kitty to pay our national bills. This experimental new policy was a spectacular failure that lead to an enormous deficit in spite of emergency tax increases. Check the deficit graphs and the by-far-tallest vertical spike in the last 100 years will be this one.

(BTW, business liked this so much anyway that George W. obligingly tried it again--also a giant flop, more giant deficit and, of course, a giant contribution to our Great Recession. I'm still waiting for my thank-you card from our new billionaire class.)

Then there was so much more. It was a highly fiscally irresponsible period. President Reagan knew what he believed in but not how to get there.
History according to Karl Marx. - - not worthy of more, except...
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...to point out that DEMOCRATS have been trying to identify THEMSELVES with Reagan for the past 24 years.

and we're STILL waiting for the trickle. - Middle class salaries and wages

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started to stagnate during his time. Question of the day: How did Clinton ever balance the budget after Reagan ran up those huge deficits? Answer: Arithmetic.

Preserving the Reaganomics myth is perhaps one of the most impressive hoodwinks the GOP has ever pulled off, and to this day the Gipper is their hero. Now, go figure.

If Ronnie were here today he would be saying.... - sm

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"raise taxes", and the republicans would be saying "how high?" Then again, maybe not, a RINO they would probably call him.

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