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Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories

Posted: Jun 8, 2013

Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories

Why people who believe in one conspiracy are prone to believe others

Image: Brian Taylor

On Wednesday, May 16, I spent several hours on a hot bus in a neon desert called Las Vegas with a merry band of British conspiracists during their journey around the Southwest in search of UFOs, aliens, Area 51 and government cover-ups, all for a BBC documentary. One woman regaled me with a tale about orange balls of energy hovering around her car on Interstate 405 in California, which were subsequently chased away by black ops helicopters. A man challenged me to explain the source of a green laser beam that followed him around the English countryside one evening.

Conspiracies are a perennial favorite for television producers because there is always a receptive audience. A recent Canadian Broadcasting Corporation documentary that I participated in called Conspiracy Rising, for example, featured theories behind the deaths of JFK and Princess Diana, UFOs, Area 51 and 9/11, as if there were a common thread running throughout. According to radio host and conspiracy monger Alex Jones, also appearing in the film, “The military-industrial complex killed John F. Kennedy” and “I can prove that there's a private banking cartel setting up a world government because they admit they are” and “No matter how you look at 9/11 there was no Islamic terrorist connection—the hijackers were clearly U.S. government assets who were set up as patsies like Lee Harvey Oswald.”

Such examples, along with others in my years on the conspiracy beat, are emblematic of a trend I have detected that people who believe in one such theory tend to believe in many other equally improbable and often contradictory cabals. This observation has recently been confirmed empirically by University of Kent psychologists Michael J. Wood, Karen M. Douglas and Robbie M. Sutton in a paper entitled “Dead and Alive: Beliefs in Contradictory Conspiracy Theories,” published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science this past January. The authors begin by defining a conspiracy theory as “a proposed plot by powerful people or organizations working together in secret to accomplish some (usually sinister) goal” that is “notoriously resistant to falsification … with new layers of conspiracy being added to rationalize each new piece of disconfirming evidence.” Once you believe that “one massive, sinister conspiracy could be successfully executed in near-perfect secrecy, [it] suggests that many such plots are possible.” With this cabalistic paradigm in place, conspiracies can become “the default explanation for any given event—a unitary, closed-off worldview in which beliefs come together in a mutually supportive network known as a monological belief system.”

This monological belief system explains the significant correlations between different conspiracy theories in the study. For example, “a belief that a rogue cell of MI6 was responsible for [Princess] Diana's death was correlated with belief in theories that HIV was created in a laboratory … that the moon landing was a hoax … and that governments are covering up the existence of aliens.” The effect continues even when the conspiracies contradict one another: the more participants believed that Diana faked her own death, the more they believed that she was murdered.

The authors suggest there is a higher-order process at work that they call global coherence that overrules local contradictions: “Someone who believes in a significant number of conspiracy theories would naturally begin to see authorities as fundamentally deceptive, and new conspiracy theories would seem more plausible in light of that belief.” Moreover, “conspiracy advocates' distrust of official narratives may be so strong that many alternative theories are simultaneously endorsed in spite of any contradictions between them.” Thus, they assert, “the more that participants believe that a person at the centre of a death-related conspiracy theory, such as Princess Diana or Osama [bin] Laden, is still alive, the more they also tend to believe that the same person was killed, so long as the alleged manner of death involves deception by officialdom.

As Alex Jones proclaimed in Conspiracy Rising: “No one is safe, do you understand that? Pure evil is running wild everywhere at the highest levels.”

On his Infowars.com Web site, Jones headlines his page with “Because There Is a War on for Your Mind.” True enough, which is why science and reason must always prevail over fear and irrationality, and conspiracy mongering traffics in the latter at the expense of the former.



Find one on why people don't believe when - they are slapped upside the head.(sm)

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Low information is the only thing I can come up with - or just outright stupidity.

I picture it like this: (sm) - nm

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The day will come when the state-run media will be the only thing you can watch on TV, and y'all will say, "That's a good show."

I thought the - RW

[ In Reply To ..]
thought we already had state-run media, except of course Faux News.
I'm talking one channel, like N. Korea. - nm
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with the dear leader's face on 24/7
Lame. Very lame. - nm
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I love a good - conspiracy theory

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and a lot of times the evidence seems very compelling, especially 9/11, JFK assassination, Roswell, etc., but then nothing ever comes of them and I gotta wonder why? I guess most people just don't even care.

Because people don't CARE? How about - sm

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your republican congress people continue to lie to YOU, and you fall for it?

As far as personally caring about the witch hunt the republicans are on, I don't because it's all rubbish. Their frustrations with getting anything on Obama that's REAL are very openly expressed by they, THEMSELVES!

First, Mitch McConnell said around the time that Obama was inaugurated that McConnell's ONLY goal was to see that he is a one-term President.

McConnell repeated the very same thing before the last election, and Obama was elected by the majority of the citizens of the United States.

McConnell has been true to his word, though. He HAS done nothing but try to find something to "get" Obama on.

How many jobs has McConnell help create? How did he help to fix the deficit?

And the budget??? Paul Ryan's "budget" lets people starve to death and takes away the medical care of the poorest individuals in this country. I am certainly AGAINST THAT because I AM a Christian!

Now, Obama's plan will insure everyone. That sounds VERY Christian to me!! Sounds like something Jesus would do, and Jesus would be against all the "money changers" that ARE the republican party!

Like a dog with a bone....sigh... think current events. - Not McConnell

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Exactly what has Mitch McConnell accomplished - sm
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other than to throw witch hunts on President Obama, JUST LIKE HE PROMISED TO DO TWICE????

Please, name just ONE accomplishment that can be attributed, not just McConnell, but the ENTIRE republican party????????????????????? (Other than renewing the FISA law that ya'll are so upset about regarding President Obama.)

Just one, PLEASE.
McConnell IS CURRENT EVENTS (and past events). - sm
[ In Reply To ..]
Like a dog with a bone????!!!

(I don't appreciate being referred to as a "dog," but that's YOUR language that YOU chose to use, so I will respond in kind.)

You guys are the ones with the bones, and you are vicious, growling and snarling if anyone even THINKS about coming close to your "bones."

Then a "sigh" for dramatic effect.

"think current events."

I AM thinking about current events, I only want to know ONE THING that McConnell has accomplished during Obama's term, so I'm asking AGAIN, but I'm not really expecting an answer.

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