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Was just scanning the board and have one question (sm)

Posted: Mar 30, 2013

What is wrong with calling the POTUS by his full name?  Barack Hussain Obama.  Is that not his name?  What is all this stuff about dog whistle's?  Every time I come here I'm more baffled than I was the time before. 


I wouldn't worry too much about it. - Clear Thinker

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It's usually what happens when there is nothing else to go by. Create something that is not there. I find it along the same lines of "why waste a good crisis".

A name is a name is a name and since Obama says his name is Barack Hussain Obama then you just go by what the man calls himself.

I remember reading an article about this written by a psychiatrist. It stated “When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.”

I also say if his name offends people they should write to him and ask him to change it.

I think as in all fads this will end soon too.

You can pretend it's meaningless all you want. - Sticking your head in the sand won't change..

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February 26, 2008, 1:54 pm

McCain Repudiates ‘Hussein Obama’ Remarks

John Mccain - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog

CINCINNATI, Ohio—A conservative radio talk show host who helped introduce Senator John McCain before a rally here Tuesday used Senator Barack Obama’s middle name, Hussein, three times, while disparaging him, prompting Mr. McCain to apologize and repudiate the comments afterward.

Bill Cunningham, who hosts “The Big Show” with Bill Cunningham, a local program here that is also syndicated nationally, was part of a line of people lauding Mr. McCain and revving up the crowd before his appearance here before several hundred people at a theater here.

He lambasted the national media, drawing cheers from the audience, for being soft in their coverage of Mr. Obama compared to the Republican candidates, declaring they should “peel the bark off Barack Hussein Obama.”

He went on to rail, “at one point, the media will quit taking sides in this thing and start covering Barack Hussein Obama.”

After Mr. Cunningham spoke, Congressman Rob Portman, an Ohio Republican, took the stage and introduced Mr. McCain, who spoke for about a half hour. Neither commented about Mr. Cunningham’s remarks.

Mr. Portman said: “Willie, you’re out of control again. So, what else is new? But we love him. But I’ve got to tell you, Bill Cunningham lending his voice to this campaign is extremely important. He did it in 2000, he did it in 2004, it was crucial to victory then and it’s even more important this year with his bigger radio audience. So Bill Cunningham thank you for lending your voice.”

Afterward, however, Mr. McCain held a scheduled news conference and immediately addressed the comments, evidently informed by his aides about what had happened.

“It’s my understanding that before I came in here a person who was on the program before I spoke made some disparaging remarks about my two colleagues in the Senate, Senator Obama and Senator Clinton,” he said. “I have repeatedly stated my respect for Senator Obama and Senator Clinton, that I will treat them with respect. I will call them ‘Senator.’ We will have a respectful debate, as I have said on hundreds of occasions. I regret any comments that may have been made about these two individuals who are honorable Americans.”

Responding to questions from reporters, Mr. McCain said he did not hear what Mr. Cunningham said, saying that when he arrived, Mr. Portman was on stage.

“Whatever suggestion that was made that was any way disparaging to the integrity, character, honesty of either Senator Obama or Senator Clinton was wrong,” he said, “I condemn it, and if I have any responsibility, I will take the responsibility, and I apologize for it.”

He called Mr. Obama a “man of integrity” and said he was someone he had come to know “pretty well and I admire.”

He also said that it was not appropriate to invoke Mr. Obama’s middle name in the course of the campaign.

“I absolutely repudiate such comments,” he said. “It will never happen again.”

Mr. Obama’s middle name, which is Muslim in origin, comes from his late father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a Kenyan.

Mr. Obama’s campaign has been dogged by whispered rumors that he is a Muslim—he is actually a practicing Christian. Periodically, his full name has been bandied about by conservatives critics, drawing indignation from Mr. Obama’s campaign and others.

“We appreciate Senator McCain’s remarks. It is a sign that if there is a McCain-Obama general election, it can be intensely competitive but the candidates will attempt to keep it respectful and focused on issues,” said Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton.

Updated Mr. Cunningham later posted video on his 700WLW blog of his remarks at the McCain event, as well as his reaction to Senator McCain’s criticism. Sitting at a microphone in an office, Mr. Cunningham said:

Only Democrats, Air America, New York Times, talk-show hosts and newspaper reporters have freedom of speech. I have the right to speak my mind any way that I would like. If I consider Obama to be a hack Chicago politician from the Daley political machine, taking money from this Tony Rezko dude under threat of federal indictment, can’t I speak truth to power?

Mr. Cunningham said the media often say “nasty, negative things” about President Bush and Vice President Cheney, and that The Times had “smeared” John McCain on its front page.

Treat all the politicians the same. We’re not dealing with the messiah here. Obama cannot heal the sick and make the blind see. He’s a hack Democratic politician from Chicago, that’s all he is. Let’s treat him like every other hack Democratic or Republican politician.

Then he continued:

I’m angry at McCain. Why would John McCain repudiate me? I’ve been able to unite McCain and Obama against me. I might become a supporter of Ralph Nader.

Video: John Harwood, of The Times and CNBC, has this report.

If it offends you so much, write and ask him to change it - We're all fine with it. - nm

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You're either not really reading or not comprehending. - SM
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I have no problem with his name.  I have a problem with the way it's used by some people, including the Easter message poster, who, once again, had an obvious agenda with the use of it there.  

Did you actually read the above article?  I know I'm wasting my time with this for you and whoever your "we" is, but maybe some of it will eventually sink in.  Fanatical Hypocrite said it so well:  "His name is not offensive. The way in which his name is used can be offensive."  One more time:  It's not what you say but *how* you say it.

I have no problem at all with his name.  I have a problem with the way it's used by some people, including the Easter message poster, who, once again, had an obvious agenda with the use of his middle name there.  

Did you actually read the above article?  I know I'm wasting my time with this for you and whoever your "we" is, but maybe some of it will eventually sink in.  Fanatical Hypocrite said it best:  "His name is not offensive.  The way in which his name is used can be offensive."  So, one more time:  It's not what you say but how you say it.

I understand perfectly - We're all fine with it
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You want it to be so, so therefore you keep pushing the "oh don't say his full name" thing, that's hot button or racist or whatever (and now an attack on his kids by saying his name).

It's a name, just as simple as that. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Sandra Day O'Connor, Barack Hussein Obama. See, nothing scary, hot-button, or anything to panic over. I read the OP's post when it was first used also. There was nothing cynical or "code word" about it. It's his full name, in which he has stated it himself. There was no "agenda", just like we have write George Herbert Walker Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, etc. There was nothing offensive about the way it was first written.

Now, take a deep breath and relax. Say to yourself three times. Nobody's out to get him, nobody's out to get him, nobody's out to get him. There. See? Feel better?
Okay, got it, it's really a "refusing to comprehend" issue. That's settled then - SM
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Still kind of curious who the royal "we" is intended to be, though. Like I don't already know.
You're right. You are refusing to comprehend the issue - Unsettled - sm
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Don't know how many more times I can write the same thing so you'll understand. We do not have a problem with his name and it was not written in any mysterious "she's out to get him" way. She simply wrote his name. Same way people have written Hillary Rodham Clinton or Sandra Day O'Connor, etc. This is his name. This is what he calls himself. The imaginary victimization with "oooh you write his full name your pushing hot buttons" is all a figment of your imagination. The poster wrote no such "code words". She simply said his name.

You are the one who seems to have a problem with his name because you are creating something from nothing.

The "we", since you don't get it, is the rest of us who are fine and not afraid of his name. The ones who are not making a big deal and whipping up imaginary victimization images that people are out to get him by saying his name, and now by saying his name are "attacking his children".

I don't know why you are refusing to comprehend that. I've written it many times and even changed the words around so you would hopefully be able to understand, but it's at a point where I am unsure if it's possible for some to be able to function in the real world if they keep up with the imaginary "you're out to get him" when there was no inkling of that in the original message.

It is unsettling that some people just refuse to understand.

So, thanks for settling that issue. I'm moving on to other issues now.

I'll just end with this note. The OP wrote his name in no malicious or cruel intent. At least she called him by his name instead of Dubya, Bubba, Bushy, etc.
please hash this out with your own partisans - and let us know how it turns out
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You know, this is really.... - (s/m)
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....becoming a broken record. It's VERY boring to read, basically, this same post over and over.
So true. They just can't let it go. It's creepy. - poster who's sane
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It's very telling that the name Hussein embarrasses you - folks. Hmmmm......
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Where do you get embarrassed? - boot Hussein straps
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I'm not embarrassed.

Meet my new moniker.

Some people really hate him, Baffled. They have various reasons, - which only each of them know for sure,

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but typical are that he's not right wing and that he is black. Both of those are more than enough, separately, much less together. The same people typically have a particular animus and fear toward Muslims, and combined with the other they also love to insist he's a secret Muslim. Here and there, someone actually believes it and that he is engaged in destroying the U.S., even an agent of Satan, that he's already turned the country over to the control of a U.N. that patrols us with black helicopters, is building concentration camps in the midwest where conservatives who oppose him will be taken. And so on and on.

No matter. Whatever. The thing is, whether his name is just his name or a vicious insult depends entirely on what's going in inside the person speaking.

As for "dog whistle" terms, since calling someone like this some of the more disgusting words of de-nig-ration will not pass socially, they substitute "code" words to mean the same thing or refer to particular issues. His middle name used with malice is one of them, always meaning he's really a secret Muslim, is not a legitimate American and is, in fact, an evil enemy.

Of course, since the purpose of all this is to insult him and inflame others, they don't actually want people to miss what they're really saying. That would spoil the fun.

That's about as clear as mud. Henceforth, I shall call - him by his full name. (sm)

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Barack Hussain Obama

It's Hussein. - speaking of respect

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Speaking of not having any till he earns it (sm) - Abby
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I shall call him Barack hussain obama. P.S. His kids take too many vacations.

Or you could call him President Obama. - nm

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Like that's gonna happen. - LOL
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right, but you know what? I don't even see it anymore - sm
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Certain things can be overused to the point they just mean nothing. Or sometimes derogatory labels are embraced by the focus of the attack (Obamacare for example).

It is his middle name, so it is what it is. When I see it used here and then the post attached, I assign my own label and my conclusion about the veracity and intention of the poster to engage in a conversation (i.e., just a drive-by snipe or bringing up a point with an opinion that will invite an intelligent debate).

It's usually just to inflame and get a rise out of people and make them waste their time on responding to something/one that deserves no attention at all, because the intention is only to incite, not invite.
Exactly. What's in a name anyway? (sm) - Hussein, Hussain, all the same anyway.
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Osama, Obama, what difference?
What does that mean? Osama, Obama? - and you brought it up
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If you don't know the difference, you can try Google or Easter Egg Bing.

But in a nutshell. Osama is the guy responsible for the terrorist attack on NY. Dubya and pals allowed it to occur. Then Dubya started an unfounded war that resulted in thousands of deaths and ruined lives. Then he said he didn't care about Osama. He and his VP got the war they dreamed of, so why bother with Osama, right?

Then the people elected Obama whose administration orchestrated a plan to kill Osama. The Navy SEALS carried out the order from Obama, and Osama, the guy responsible for the terrorist attack, not Iraq, the country Dubya invaded for no reason on false pretenses, was exterminated.

It's all on the Internet if you don't believe me.
I'm thinking it was sarcasm. Harder to tell on this board than on average, though. - anon Hussein commie
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We're a little more prone to Poe's Law here, due to especially the prevalence of unresearched/poorly researched (Easter Egg Bing indeed) extremism, IMO.
Boy, is that true. My tendency to extreme sarcasm - is a tendency to self sabotage. :) nm
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"Henceforth," it's every bit as clear as attacking his - children is. nm

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So now calling Obama by his name, a name that he even calls himself, is now attacking his kids? - Riiiiigggghhht
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Okay now, you have a good time with that one.

Kids middle names Hussein too? - I never heard that.
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Clear as mud? I found it to be crystal clear. - nm

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talk about baffled... - priceless commie

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I am still trying to figure out the Easter post:

Since you asked - Fanatical Hypocommie

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His name is not offensive. The way in which his name is used can be offensive. My father's side of the family is Jewish. Saying "Yeah, he's a Jew," depending on context and tone, can be a simple statement of ethnicity or with the proper amount of disgust in the tone can pretty much be a slur.

The problem isn't saying his whole name. The problem, which I suspect most people who keep asking what's wrong with this already know, is that it is meant to point out that he is different. It is to single him out and highlight his race. In that context, it is racism. Not always the more classic, frothing out the mouth racism that nominates a master race while impugning others, more generic brand racism. The person doesn't believe that race should die. They just don't really trust them and readily blame any character flaw or difference in opinion as a trait of their background.

During the election, the connection between Obama's middle name and Saddam Hussein was brought up and often played with for comic or derogatory effect. To many Americans, Hussein is a Muslim name. It's a terrorist name. It's a name that says "This man is the alien. He is the Other. There's us and then them."

Ask yourself, why use the full name? How many other politicians do you refer to by their full name in your posts? When you talk about previous presidents do you use the full name? Are you putting Hussein in there for clarity's sake so people know you're not talking about some other guy named Barack Obama? Or are you putting it in to highlight something? Is it to make a point? What is that point?

It's not wrong to use his middle name. Just have to ask why. Honestly, I find "President Obama" usually gets the job done. Very few people have come back with "Wait, which President Obama?"

Of COURSE, those pretending innocence know - what they're doing. It's a game, and the

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more people giving them the attention they crave, the bigger the win.

That's why almost no one goes to see the annual parade in our Southern town of...an old political group that most people strongly disapprove of, even if curious about who's in it. We allow them to take what satisfaction they can from parading through empty streets.

No concern of mine what your interpretation is. - Barak Hussain Obama

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Haven't the faintest - libertarian

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I'd rather go back to the vegetable conversation, personally. ; ]

it's all yours.... - sm

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