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The new look for food stamps, so people won't
Posted: Jan 6, 2013

Snort, guffaw, rofl - pfft
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Hy-lar-eee-us! Because people down on their luck should feel proper shame when buying food. You slay me!
Wow! You can use em - to buy cigs too?
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I'm trading mine for beer and crack!
I see you took my statement below as a challenge. Here's - another: display this in person to people
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who know you by name--neighbors, acquaintainces at social events, at work. Post it on your Facebook page.
I can and do discuss my views honestly, face to face, without worry about being shunned. I'm not popular with everyone for them, but I don't have to hold them secret until I can let them spill behind the safety mask of anonymity.
What on earth's happening to the poor hatemongers? Reactions are different - than they used to be, aren't they?
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The evangelical/family values wave from the 1980s into the new century had allowed them to hide among masses of people who genuinely sought a more moral way of life by moving farther right. For 30 years, the entire adulthood of many, they were able to disguise hateful views by giving them a surface dressing of pretend morality.
I spent 20 of those years "wondering" what happened to bigotry. The mainstream media never reported on it, only family values and reborn Christians. It was so out of style that I almost came to believe all the hatemongers had been reborn. What other explanation could there be?
Well, that didn't happen. But, wonderfully, as we now know, during those years racial bigotry and other forms of hatemongering were genuinely continuing to quietly decline. For some, the move to greater morality was very real. The election of 2004 must have been a major wake-up for those capable of understanding it. Of course, interpretations have also taken other forms, such as evil plots to destroy America and so on.
Whatever. :) Because now, finally, so happily, we have seen a countermovement of mainstream conservatives who reject their unacceptable association with those who hid among them. The synergistic power hatemongers enjoyed and used to such bad effect has evaporated. Even the great GOP now has to find away to disavow them or be destroyed; but the precipitous drop in GOP membership is only one indicator.
Another, no doubt felt much more personally, and perhaps leading to great confusion, is that hatemongers have lost the protection of the conservative crowd in social situations. Their disguise has stepped away, and they are now finding themselves standing exposed and alone.
So, here they are. Their safe times are not only over, but the days when some might have felt encouraged to believe they also were moral, mainstream conservatives are over, because most people just don't want to be associated with malice toward most.
If I were a true bleeding heart, whatever that actually is, they might have my sympathy, poor things. But they don't. It's way past time for them to take a look at their behavior and fix what's wrong.
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