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The attack on women's rights: The even bigger motive behind current antiabortion efforts. By

Posted: Oct 21, 2012

in the United States

"Women are now far more likely than men are to graduate from college or from professional schools. Upon graduation, they enter a labor market that no longer puts a premium on physical strength and instead values supposedly "feminine" traits like the ability to communicate and collaborate, and in which women are outpacing men. "At a certain point in the last 40 years," Rosin writes, "the job market became largely indifferent to size and strength. From then on, men no longer held all the cards."

Women not only are a larger demographic (by a minor margin), we register to vote in larger numbers and actually turn out to vote in far larger numbers than men. (Though discussions of closing the voter gender gap do still always explain how women lag behind men, obviously a questionable method of analysis.)

Now, most would agree pulling equal is nice but pulling so consistently ahead a problem. Men are in trouble, and that they aren't fitting into the modern world as comfortably as women simply can't be allowed to continue. 

As a reader of moderate rightish and moderate leftish magazines, all the discussions of how to address this problem I've come across have centered on working on men, helping them to adjust to change, adjusting change to fit them better--notably without tearing down women to slot them in better.  

It's now perfectly obvious that there's another way to look at this: The very conservative reactionary way, the religious conservative way: Roll back the clock and put men back firmly on top of women. The way God and nature and men always intended them to be, at least as they style it.  

THAT's the even bigger force behind the social conservatives' and religious conservatives' march to the past these days. Repealing Roe v. Wade is the banner, the white stallion that large numbers will follow as it leads the way for us all back to Father Knows Best land. THAT's how women can astonishingly find themselves in real danger of losing 80 years of hard-won rights. Because significant numbers of women will join these schemers to fight to repeal abortion and only belatedly find themselves fighting for low wages and the right to go to jail for not guarding their sacred wombs carefully enough.

Please note that although abortion has been legal for over 40 years, these men have never brought this kind of commitment to repealing it before, and never this commitment to establishing the definition of life as beginning at conception. Important as these issues may have been to some, the larger number didn't bring this zeal until now.

Please also note that even if we stopped it after it started it'd take a generation to get back where we are now, perhaps longer. When healthcare overhaul was stopped in the Clinton era, it took 17 years to work its way up again--as political scientists predicted. Not the next election or the one after, or the one after that. The ship of state takes a long time to turn. 

Megan Gambino discusses the plight of modern men and the implications for the workplace and home for The Smithsonian: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/Its-a-Womans-World-With-the-End-of-Men-169311016.html



Let me see if I can explain this to you. Abortion is HOMICIDE. - Please see message.

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If you follow the SCIENCE of neonatal medicine there are a couple of things you cannot ignore:

1. The more we know about the fetus, the earlier in the gestation cycle that it acquires obvious human traits.

2. The more we learn about premature birth, the earlier it is that we can consider a fetus to be "viable".

I have asked at least a hundred "pro-choice" (whose choice, by the way?) women to tell me just when we can consider the developing organism to be a "human" - and by WHAT criteria?

Not ONE of them could answer the question.


And may God have mercy on those who think otherwise, because personally I would prosecute you just the same as if you had murdered a human being after they happened to be born. There is no distinction biologically between the born and the unborn - and I think you know it.

For the pro-abortionists - this is - just an inconvenient fact to them

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Everything you stated, they can easily document. It is easier for them to kill the most vulnerable and then call it a "right", and then attack a republican with a different POV. May God have mercy on their souls. Next post will most likely be an alphabetter condemning God. If you cannot value and protect life at its most fragile, says a lot about your total lack of respect and compassion for the helpless (something the Libs claim to be champions of, unless it involves the murder of a child).

it's my body, don't tell me what to do with it, thank you - wheres_my_job

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really, why keep fighting this battle? You can't win.
ABORTION IS NOT WINNER FOR THE MURDERED BABY - Clear you wouldn't fight for the
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life of a child. I would hardly look to you to as the determining factor as to who "wins" in an abortion. Your reasoning abilities are severely questionable on a good day, and by your posts, not many of those.
And vice versa, I'm not looking to you - wheres_my_job
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Finally, a point of agreement - you don't look to me as the "determining factor" and I don't look to you.

It's called choice. Reproductive choice.
"MURDERED BABY" - It's called hyperbole - wheres_my_job
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I don't consider it a "murdered baby." We disagree. That's why we have reproductive choice in this country. I won't force you to have an abortion, and you don't force me to NOT have one. That's how it works.
From OP: I'm not talking about abortion itself, but as a shield - to hide OTHER GOALS. nm
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I AM NOT PRO-abortion...I am PRO-my body!! - Kimberly

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I have never been in the position to make a choice like that and do not take it lightly! I am offended that you think YOU or anyone else should make this decision for me. I would not and never have imposed my "beliefs" or choices on anyone else, like gay marriage or contraception...you don't want people in your business, then stay out of theirs!! Religion has gone too far with getting into others business...God will judge not you!

The Constitution disagrees with you. - sm

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A "citizen" that will receive all rights and privileges is a person who was either "born" or "naturalized" in the United States. No mentions of embryos, fetuses, or the glitter in your daddy's eye when conceived.

This makes it pretty clear to me: If an embryo/fetus is VIABLE at abortion, it's a "citizen" and it is criminal.

If it can't survive independently outside of the womb, then it isn't.

Very simple answer.

Holy moly. Then a citizen of another country isn't - human?

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I have to be honest with you. I've never read such unmitigated garbage in my life.

The Constitution does NOT define who is human and who is not, nor does "citizenship".

I am absolutely at a loss for words over this convoluted kind of thinking.
Just a "simple" way for them to justify the murder - of a child
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It's not a "child" - wrong terminology - wheres_my_job
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good grief, are we striking the word "fetus" from the English language? Quick, let all the doctors know they can't use fetus anymore, it's a child!!!!!!!
Hmmm. -
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When the movie stars (who support abortion) or most everyday people for that matter (who support abortion) are pregnant, do they say, "I'm having a fetus," or "I'm carrying a fetus?" Is it called "a fetus bump?" No. They correctly say, "a baby," because no matter how much you would like to get around it, even they know that is exactly what it is. My heart goes out to anyone in the position of having made a decision about abortion they regret. I have known at least one. As well, I know several women who have and are in the process of adoption because they cannot conceive a child. The wait is long, the cost is high, and the process is grueling. Most wait a minimum of 3 years, some as long as 5 or more years for a child. I would like to see government make some changes to simplify adoption. I don't understand why women with undesired pregnancies cannot at least be counseled and offered solutions before abortion is chosen. There are alternatives out there. And yes without hesitation, I would be willing to pay a higher tax to help the orphans and the children in need in this country. As much as we waste and have wasted under both parties' administrations, I think we need to get our priorities in order.
That is what it will BECOME - wheres_my_job
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Higher tax to take care of orphans and children in need?

There are ALREADY children (and adults) in desperate need all over the United States. And no, the anti-choice party (Republican) has NO INTEREST in helping any US citizens in desperate need (remember Paul Ryan didn't think the people flooded out in East Coast should have funds released to help them). So the whole idea that US will be a kinder, gentler nation once abortion is illegal is a FARCE.
Don't jump so fast. -
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Didn't say US would be a kinder, gentler nation. Simply responding to poster who asked if anyone would hesitate before being willing to pay for the care of those children. I am pro-life with exceptions, but I will never (no matter what you or anyone else says) see that it hurts for a pregnant woman to know ALL of her options before she takes the abortion route. Many actually do change their mind after a sonogram or counseling. I can't believe any citizen would want to deny a woman that much. We all deserve to be able to make our decisions with all the facts and with a clear head. Oftentimes, particularly young women, make that choice feeling like it is the only one.
Brainwashing..."counseling centers" - wheres_my_job
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They prey on women at a vulnerable time, guilt-tripping them in the name of "compassion."
It's the 14th Amendment. Try reading it. - nm
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Why don't you read the whole Constitution? Blows the - hell out of Obamacare - Oh wait
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That means not only would you have to READ it, you have to UNDERSTAND it. Nice try on the cherry picking though, to defend the murder of a baby - must be proud.

Nothing "simple" here but your response - Another pathetic lib talking point

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This is a matter of science, not religion. From the moment of - conception the organism is human.

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How many human beings do we murder every single year, simply because they do not (to our very superficial and limited view) look like humans?

Here's an exercise that I recommend: Start with the day of birth and step backward in the gestational process. Try to identify the day or the moment when that child "becomes" human, and be able to say why you've chosen that day, and not the day before or the day after.

Good luck!

Good grief, "human" doesn't enter into it - wheres_my_job

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Read up on European history. Jewish people were accused of stealing children for religious purposes - why - because Christian Europeans didn't want to admit that Christian women were killing their babies because they couldn't take care of them. So blame the minority.

Really, this whole abortion hysteria in the US reminds me of Salem witch trials and the "blood libel" (look it up) in Europe. Hideous and frightening.

Here is something that is quite funny about the abortion-murderers. - sm

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These are the same people who will argue that traits like homosexuality are genetic - i.e., built into the genetic fate of the organism.

But being human is NOT.

These people want it both ways. Well, they can't have it both ways. Either human traits are delivered at the moment of conception or THEY ARE NOT.

Getting a little deep in the weeds for abortionists, I'm afraid.. - sm

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If they cannot see the contradictions in their own positions regarding genetic traits, etc. on their own, you might as well try to explain nuclear physics to your cat.

Nature and nurture - genotype/phenotype - wheres_my_job

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basic biology. study up.

It's not homicide - That's your judgment

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The soul does not take up permanent residence in the body until a couple of months after birth. I have it on a higher authority.

Abortion is not murder. It's a choice that a woman makes (and frankly, on a soul level, the baby's soul is in on the decision as well). We live on a planet of free choice and grace.

God already has mercy on us all. We are part of the one that you call god.

You could spend all day judging people for things you don't like that they have done.

No distinction between the born and unborn? Not sure what you mean. We are souls having a human experience. The body is a vehicle for this experience here on earth. We are actually energetic light beings condensed into photons made of light and information.

Don't get the hell and damnation. God's not judging any of us, just loving us.

Geesh - YOU have it on a higher authority - this board - gets scarier by the minute

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Hope God has mercy on your soul. Pretty clear the god you bow to does not resemble God at all. Just a twisted post to justify murder. What is someone declares you soule-less...okay for us to abort you?

NO, abortion is not homicide... - wheres_my_job

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When that man shot George Tiller dead...THAT was homicide.

Guess you call ramming scissors in a baby's head? - A day at beach ?

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ROTFLMAO that is the best reaction ever! - Fanatical Hypocrite
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You could have made a valid point about the value of human life or even try to push your religion or offer suggestions to improve the adoption rate. Instead you went with "You kill babies!" Unfounded, ridiculous, idiotic, disgusting, illogical, offensive to all sides, and failing in any way to present a cogent argument. Congratulations.
Come now, not all of medicine is pretty...we all know that - wheres_my_job
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I've read about these kinds of situations - from the women's point of view themselves. Sorry if you don't like the choice they made. But it is their choice.

Why sensationalize everything? Ought to read up about abortion and related reproductive issues throughout human history.

I'm pro-choice and pro-contraception.

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