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The House passed the spending bill

Posted: Mar 6, 2013

Republicans passed it. Democrats were against it because it still included the $85 billion sequester dollars. 

"The Senate isn't going to accept this bill," Senate Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said during debate.

 Despite Democratic complaints, the House passed the bill easily in a 267-151 vote in which 53 Democrats supported it, likely because it will help avoid a government shutdown. Just 14 Republicans voted against it.

Dems wanted Sequester, now they don't! If this bill doesn't pass the Senate like Nancy states, then they will only have themselves to blame. Can't have it both ways.

Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/house/286581-house-passes-2013-spending-bill-as-dems-rail-against-sequester#ixzz2MmyYz2Ab 
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Did they include raising revenue through taxes on those - who grab, grab, grab, grab? nm

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Harry will just paper his bathroom with it. - Senate a bunch of wusses.

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