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Thankfully Obama was not raised like

Posted: Feb 20, 2015

Giuliani went so far as to rebuke the President for not being "brought up the way you were and the way I was brought up through love of this country," a bow no doubt to the parenting prowess of Harold Giuliani, who did time in Sing Sing for holding up a Harlem milkman and was the bat-wielding enforcer for the loan-sharking operation run out of a Brooklyn bar owned by Rudy's uncle.

Though Rudy cited Harold throughout his public life as his model (without revealing any of his history), he and five Rudy uncles found ways to avoid service in World War II. Harold, whose robbery conviction was in the name of an alias, made sure the draft board knew he was a felon.

On the other hand, Obama's grandfather and uncle served. His uncle helped liberate Buchenwald, which apparently affected him so deeply he stayed in the family attic for six months when he returned home.




He married his cousin and then engineered an annulment of his 14-year-old marriage - sm

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On the grounds that he married his cousin?

I have spent a long time thinking that Blue State mayor Rudy probably failed to win his party's nomination because he had nothing in common with the conservative base of the GOP. I stand corrected.

Obama doesn't love you and me and America because he didn't have the upbringing like Rudy did? What a rube! I wonder if Rudy is such a lover of cross dressing because of his upbringing? There is no politician either living or passed that I have seen wearing a dress more than Rudy. LOL.


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Easy to see the commies give Obama the dope dealer, crack smoker a pass. Screw everyone else.

Pot. Kettle. Black. - sm

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LGBT isn't going to be happy with your unimpressive and judgmental rant.

Pot. Kettle. Black.? Sure, let's go there. - sm

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You said: "LGBT isn't going to be happy with your unimpressive and judgmental rant."

Tell us more about LGBT if you feel like sharing more feelings. The comment I made was in regards to the content of the article about Rudy Giuliani's life and upbringing contained at the link in the OP's post. I'm certainly okay with expanding the topic of discussion but only as it relates to Rudy.

Pot. Kettle. Black.? No, unlike Rudy, I did not have my marriage annulled, and I definitely did not marry my cousin, rather an officer in my unit (we just had way too much in common). Yes, I admit to cross dressing. Mums the word, but I am one of those females who enjoys wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and there was a time in my life when you couldn't tell me from the guys standing next to me, particularly in my chem suit, but enough of my rant about military dress. Let's just say that sometimes I'd accidentally grab my husband's BDUs, and those things don't fit the same in certain places.

It was a great article about Rudy that was judgmental about Giuliani's upbringing in the same manner that Rudy judged the CIC based on his. I mean, if a guy is going to call another guy's patriotism into question based on his upbringing, it's only natural that he's going to be given the same scrutiny. A guy like Rudy would not last too long in my world, where it's one thing to disagree with someone's political leanings or question their handling of their duty but a whole different exercise to attack his character and accuse him of not loving the country he has taken multiple oaths to defend.
I stand by my previous post. - sm
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All the psychobabble in the world will not change my post or point of view.

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