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Seems elementary refresher course is in order.....

Posted: Jan 25, 2010

Some folks in this country need to understand our president is not supposed to RUN everything and has limited powers.....and for good reason! Congress is supposed to give final approval on pretty much everything and for good reason.....again, they have failed poorly. That is why we have BI-partisanship in Congress, so one side cannot have TOO MUCH power over the other. In other words, EVERYONE feels represented. Not happening at the moment. Commander-In-Chief of Armed Forces. He's seeing it isn't so easy to end everything as he promised he would do! Financial manager of the federal budget....which he has increased dramatically for generations to come!! Balance the budget (with final approval from Congress)....again, never going to happen. President can sign laws or veto them....but Congress can over-ride him. Why would they want to? He's kissing their backside left and right. Assign judges to the supreme court. Assign foreign ambassadors and other high officials IN PLAIN SIGHT of U.S citizens....not in the dark of night. AGAIN....Congress has to approve! President is to create his own cabinet to help advise him.....NOT CZARS to take over the country and NEVER to give them the power these czars have obtained and you don't know most of them!! He and his cabinet can create programs which are federally funded (the taxpayers' burden) FDA, IRS, FEMA. Again, miserably managed. These are not actually part of the Federal Governement. Sadly enough, these do not need the approval of Congress but, unfortunately, have GREAT power to ruin the lives of the American people at our own expense!! The less our President can do, the better...... especially when we have power happy fools running the show!! ;

Maybe you could sign up for a night course. - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
No one understands what your are saying better than Obama. He stood in the corner for the duration of the HCR debates like good little presidents do. He had already made his case for the most part during the campaign. Behold! Bipartisanship is alive and well as we can see by the end result of the bill. Shredded to pieces, only bearing slight resemblance to its original form and rendered virtually unpassable in its present form.

Obama did not do that, GOP congessional obstructionists did. Concessions that turned it into Health Insurance Reform, mandating coverage that provides insurers with millions of new policyholders and hundreds of billions in new revenue, weakening the public option beyond recognition and failing to provide adequate competition to lower the cost of premiums, etc. Yeah, looks like bipartisanship interests have been well served.

Before passing judgment on pre- and post-election campaign promises, letâs just see how well the nubile senator out of Massachusetts does in this regard. Things look a lot different once the viewpoint has been turned from outside the beltway peering in to inside the beltway peering out. This is any candidateâs dilemma, no matter where they come from or what office they end up landing.

Finance and budget management is dictated by conditions on the ground, Obamaâs being brink of depression from day one. He is not in charge of instant gratification of unrealistic expectations. Those are dictated by the public.

The kissing backside comment steers the discussion in the direction of petty partisan slam and is not worthy of reply. You will have to go there all by yourself. Speaking of veto abuse, W set new records with that one, so you best bite that tongue. It would also be wise to take the same course of action on that transparency thingy.

Capitalized czar references are t-bag speak and incomprehensible to large segments of the population. Please translate, but donât waste your time or mine playing penny-ante games with semantics.

If the FDA, IRS, FEMA and others are miserably mismanaged, that would also be attributable to the previous administration since their apparatus is still in place.

If the less the president does, the better, then what justifies the âHeâs done NOTING, NOTHING, NOTINGâ battle cries found in other posts? Iâm confused about your message. Hurry up and do nothing so we can complain but do everything all at once instantly so we can complain? Back to the drawing board. You are not making sense.

Rewriting history - NJ

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The OP is once again taking the very things that were wrong with the previous administration and trying, very poorly, to blame them on the current administration.

Parroting. Throwing up...excuse me, OUT GOP talking points as if they were real facts. No critical thinking skills.

Trying to rewrite history to cover up GWB owning the title of The Worst President Ever.

Heck, I ought to macro this reply ^^


Sweetie....this garbage has been wrong with the past - SEVERAL administrations!! sm

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I am referring to the present administration, because THAT is the one we currently have!! What problem do you have with referring to the administration we presently have in office? It seems as long as someone is trashing ANY administration but Obama's, some on here are perfectly content, just don't pick on poor little Obama! BULL! He's in the position; he can take the heat or get out!

We haven't had true government for the right reasons in decades! They have overlooked our constitution, tried to take away our civil liberties, which I realize some on here seem to think if WONDERFUL....with all the handouts and all. Obama is trying to do it at break neck speed, however! Don't fall for the poor little Obama theory; he's made his bed.... everything that comes down the pike in his administration is not from previous administration; it's his own undoing and he is seeing that now.

Hold the one in office responsible for NOW, not years before. And we need to stop finding excuses for him. If he can't take care of the here and now, then he won't be up there long. I think they already see the writing on the wall.

Unlike so many on here that seem to be stuck on party lines REGARDLESS of the damage done to this country, I don't stick with party lines. We haven't had a real president looking out for us in a very long time. They've all been to busy kissing the backsides of lobbyists (I believe Obama said he was GETTING RID OF ALL OF THEM when he got in!) Too bad you haven't held him accountable for that one because now, more than ever, there are MANY MANY more lobbyists in the white house than ever in previous administrations! Wake up!

At some point, you can't continue to blame every problem on the previous administration, though they all have made their share of blunders. Obama is just adding to the long long list.

You have made some good points - sm
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but I have some questions:

1. Please explain to us how W and O administrations are not linked.

2. Define NOW. The bed W made for Obama and the inbox he left behind in the office is not only yesterday and today's business. Afraid we will be facing those consequences at least for the duration of the current administration.

3. Define decades. Given the liberal O slams, it is safe to assume you mean clear up to the last gasp of Regan's rule or do you jump over Carter and land further back to include Ford and Nixon?

4. Define "true government" and "right reasons."

5. Please show us how O has overlooked our Constitution and contrast your findings against W's record on this. I'm ready for specifics. How about you?

6. Where does that "we" come from in the "stop findings excuses" for Obama passage?

7. Stuck on party lines REGARDLESS of the damage done to this country pretty much sums up party of NO! behavior. Are you equally "not stuck" to that party line as you are to O's and the dirty dems' agendas?

8. Can you compare O administration transparency to that of W's? Again, be specific. It's much more interesting.

9. What's your statistical source on that MANY, MANY more lobbyists calculation?

From NJ's point of view - MTfromLA

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GWB owns the title of The Worst President Ever because NJ hates GWB enough to make this title true. When compared to Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and others, it would be hard for all Americans to vote GWB The Worst President Ever.

Sorry, but Carter owns the title of Worse President Ever (nm) - Backwards Typist

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Polls, ranking and rating data say otherwise. - Everyone has an opinion. Hard data tends toward c
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FYI, Carter fares slightly better than W when choosing the WORST according to that info.

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