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Second illegal immigrant wave coming in September
Posted: Aug 15, 2014
My question is how do they know this unless it was orchestrated?;
They are being recruited on US Committee for - Refugees and Immigrants,
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(USCRI), website is refugees.org
It's the facilitation of illegal immigration.
This on top of new video game that makes a group that resembles the - Tea Party as the targets,
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(it's called Battlefield Hardline). It makes people with the Gadsden flag the enemy.
This country has gone mad.
immigrants - UPNORTHMT
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Paranoia runs deep. How many video games have made Hispanic or black groups as targets? People are coming here because they are desperate. How can they be recruited?
I don't play video games, so can you name some - that target Hispanics or
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black groups? It doesn't matter. It's wrong.
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I'll have to ask my nephew but I've watched games where the "bad guys" I think some of the Black Ops, where you're going after Hispanics. And I have no idea what video game you're talking about either. Anyway, like you said it doesn't matter. But what does it have to do with the immigrants coming over the border? Weren't your ancestors immigrants from somewhere searching for a better life or escaping danger? I'm talking about the children coming over the border unaccompanied and the Dreamers, not other illegal immigrants.
Yes they came here legally from Wales and - are not happy with the
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current situation.
My ancestors were LEGAL immigrants - Laura
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But they came knowing they would have to take care of themselves or it would be no better here than where they came from. The immigrants coming now know that they will be taken care of - they will get free health care, food stamps, WIC, low rent/free housing, etc. We will be creating a generation of takers - not the independent, hardworking generation that made up our grandparents when they came.
You must see the difference. I think it is an insult to compare today's people crossing the border illegally with our grandparents who came in legally and worked hard and didn't get or expect a handout when they got here.
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I'm going to stop after this post because there's no point. But my question was not whether they were legal or not it was why they came. And when those shiploads of immigrants were coming did they really all have paperwork before they got ear.
Also, I don't know how many current day immigrants you know, but most of them work very hard and pay taxes. They do not "know they will be taken care of." I hate the takers versus makers terminology. Help is not necessarily free handouts. I'd love to know where you and those who believe like you get your information. Many people, including myself at times, only read and listen to opinions they agree with; it's hard to be truly objective.
And I forget if I asked before, what is the video game that targets people who resemble the Tea Party? What does the Tea Party look like?
You say you are "upnorth." - sm
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Maybe you should visit a city on the southern border and find out the real truth. Also, my parents are immigrants, but came here LEGALLY! That, my friend, is the difference. It's not an immigration issue. It's a LEGAL ISSUE. If they don't obey the law even before they are here, what makes you think they'll obey the law when they live here.
It's Cloward and Piven in play, overwhelm - the system.
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I've read about this. - sm
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Do you think there's anything we can do about it?
Short answer, I don't know. The goal is to - get these illegals and their
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parents to come and claim them, then disappear into the American society, registered to vote Democrat, of course The children are allowed stay here, under DACA, and of course they NEED their parents to take care of them. It’s all perfectly legal, see?
It' also a strategy to cause the collapse of the republican form of government to make way for a socialist/communist totalitarian form of government: Means to an end... 24,000 pages of burdensome regulations.
What they fail to take into consideration is human behavior. They group-think because they talk only to like minds. They detest individuality and all references to individual achievement and personal responsibility.
I remember Rudy Gulianni (sp?) cited Cloward and - Piven by name as being
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responsible for bankruptcy in NYC as well as the changing the cultural attitude that welfare is not temporary but to an entitlement attitude.
They not only get BETTER benefits than - sm
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LEGAL American citizens who were born here, they will get the JOBS that pay historically low wages, so that America can have a CHEAP labor pool.
What happens to the middle class and poor after THAT?
And, of course, they are coming here to get all the monetary, nutrition and health benefits through welfare and Medicaid and food stamps.
I think there should be a 10-year moratorium on ALL immigration, legal and otherwise, UNTIL we can get our country back on track financially and, reestablish the middle class.
We simply can't afford to give them those benefits or those jobs until we no longer have starving and unemployed AMERICANS! We don't have the money!
Oh yes, there is a huge difference! - Typingfool
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My ancestors also came here legally and never once relied on the government to take care of them. They worked hard, paid taxes, volunteered, and made the most of what they had. You can bet these illegals pouring in all have their hands out. And yes, I totally agree it's an insult to compare these illegals to our ancestors.
Hmm.. I like that idea! Finall, a REALISTIC video game. - The Tea Party IS an enemy of the US.
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Disguised as "patriots".
I have to laugh at you daily. - sm
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You are really, really threatened by the Tea Party, aren't you? That's all I hear from the left. I guess that came out in the talking points memo and now everyone is on the bandwagon. It is truly funny!! Thanks for the giggles.
That's OK, I laugh at the TeaParty, which appears - to feel threatened by EVERYTHING.
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Most of them belong in rubber rooms.
Don't you love... - sm
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...how that person tries to twist YOUR words to her advantage? Every day. Every post. I guess it's sometimes difficult to come up with something original and clever when you're in a desperate political situation. :-)
The Tea Party IS very dangerous to this country. - nm
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No, that would be the current administration. - SM
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You know, the one who wants to "fundamentally transform America." I rest my case.
The religious right are the dangerous ones; THEY - want to "fundamentally REform" the US.
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No bible-thumpin' happenin' at MY house.
You've been watching too many Norman Lear - TV sitcoms, or perhaps
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the PFAW.
Your case is weak, old, and tired, and - sm
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When you post stuff like that over and over and over ad infinitum, your mind is what actually seems to be closed. Do you even realize how uneducated it sounds to keep taking those words out of context and using them as a fear tactic? Every time I see this line repeated, I am reminded how gullible and reactionary people are and living in fear over absolutely nothing.
Here is Obama’s original statement, in an October 2008 campaign visit to Columbia, Missouri:
"Now, Mizzou, I just have two words for you tonight: five days. Five days. After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that's taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America. In five days, you can turn the page on policies that put greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street. In five days, you can choose policies that invest in our middle class, and create new jobs, and grow this economy, so that everyone has a chance to succeed, not just the CEO, but the secretary and janitor, not just the factory owner, but the men and women on the factory floor."
Oooooo, I'm so scared. What a wicked thing to say. Obama is talking about growing the economy and helping the middle class. Save our country from this terrible socialist agenda of HELPING THE MIDDLE CLASS!
Typical liberal tolerance. They want diversity - by exclusion of a certain
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It's just like atheists who are offended by nativity scenes - but why would you be
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offended by things you don't believe in? Answer, because it's not about religion. It's about power and control.
Being for small govt and individual responsibility is - really threatening, and the
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fact that it's okay with you that they are the targets in a video game is sad.
Alinsky tactic to isolate those for lower taxes, smaller - government, founding
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principles really. I've even seen TV shows backhandedly making fun of these principles and people quoting Thomas Jefferson as kooks.
Oh, boo hoo hoo. - I mean, Really?
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Really, GOP Tea Party?
Your leaders, pundits, and radio jocks around the country talk about going rogue and use fear and intimidation and suggest violence and outright murder to affect political change and suggest "second amendment remedies" and "reload" and "revolution" all while accusing our president of being a terrorist who hates America and saying things like "take our country back" and carrying guns to political rallies and waving signs that say things like "we came unarmed (this time)," and now you want to whine about the fact that someone actually sees you as a threat to the United States and expresses that idea through fake play with play guns in a fictional video game?
I mean, Really?!!

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Sorry if your rant backfired. You have just renewed my resolve. May God bless the USA and Sarah Palin!
Spoken like a true Palin follower. Hands over - eyes, fingers in ears.
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The fact that anyone EVER considered Palin to be an actual vice-presidential candidate, and not just some kind of a cartoon character, shows you how much our government believes we are a NATION OF FOOLS.
Haven't you heard? God has already blessed the USA. - sm
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Quoting you: "Sorry if your rant backfired. You have just renewed my resolve."
OMG! Did you think that post was meant just for you and was all about "your resolve"? How very Sarah Palin like.
Quote: "May God bless the USA and Sarah Palin!"
Haven't you heard? God has already blessed the USA. Sarah prayed to God, and His answer was no. God has a plan for US, and Sarah's not in it. God doesn't like quitters.
Nothing I say will convince you how irrelevant this woman has become, but maybe Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter could break through the thick fog (see link).
Though Sarah may not yet be done milking the wallets of the "believers" who she never tires of taking money from, she is done as a candidate. Thanks be to God (and the voters). Amen.
So you think you have to be the orchestrator of something because you know about it? - LOL
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You asked: "My question is how do they know this unless it was orchestrated?"
Answer: The same way we knew the British were coming in April 1775, but no one accused the Patriots of orchestrating that.
You just can't please some people, right? If these immigrants suddenly show up in large numbers, the government is accused of being incompetent for not staying abreast of the situation, but if they take measures to warn people ahead of time, well, there you go, they must have orchestrated it or how did they know? LOL
Sometimes this country seems as though it is devolving into a bunch of whiny people living in fear and attempting to find fault with everything. Try not living your life in fear for a change.
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