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Reasons Not To Dismantle/Destroy Medicare

Posted: Apr 12, 2011

I was just thinking about the long-term ramifications of dismantling or changing Medicare so that it does not cover healthcare needs of the elderly.

One important one that originally came to mind was that many people who are now in nursing homes or assisted living won't be able to afford it. They will need to move in with their children unless the children can afford to pay the difference, of course. That will come out of the college fund for families in some case when there just isn't available space or the nursing skills necessary to care for those loved ones at home. Those in the Middle Class are stretched too thin already. I'm not sure what will happen to those below the Middle Class. The Upper Class will not see any change because they can afford to pay for the medical care, assisted living, and nursing home for their parents if the parents can't afford it.

I was trying to visualize the situation as it would have been had these changes been in effect when my parents were alive. I was unable to physically care for them. I don't have the nursing skills and I was working full time. Under the new proposed plan, they would have to move in with me anyway, because there is no other option. Their savings would not cover their healthcare expense.

My parents had been very careful their entire lives. They never splurged on anything, although they had a good life. Their dream wasn't as big as mine, to pass something down to the next generation when I die. Their dream was simply to have enough savings so that they could pay their own way. They wanted, of course, to pass the home Dad built on to me. and they did. Under the new plan, families won't be able to do that. Those with wealth will, but common, everyday folks will be eating up college funds and savings, selling their homes (if they can) and putting that toward healthcare needs instead. That's the Middle Class situation. I don't know what will happen to the poor. There will be no effect on the Upper Class.

I have always wanted to pass a little bit on to my own children and at the very least not be a burden, to be able to live independently and fairly comfortably on Medicare, social security, and a little savings.  I'm going to have to rethink that plan.



We all need to rethink Social Security - since the Democrats

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raided the trust fund to fund OTHER programs. Thank you SO much, liberals. Love you guys! (not)

As to Medicare, it is dismantling itself as we speak. Fraud so imbedded it will never be fixed now, paying out much more than taking in, and the country is running a $14 trillion deficit. It is not sustainable as it is, period.

Dems/liberals are NOT going to address it. They said they would pay SS back when they raided it...they didn't. They say Republicans are out to scr*w seniors when the truth is, they scr*wed we who will probably have ZERO in there to collect when we reach retirement age. That did more harm to seniors than anything....and them turning a blind eye to Medicare during times when they controlled both house and senate...they have had YEARS to fix Medicare and CHOSE not to. It is too late for Medicare now, and if they keep on ignoring the deficit it is going to be too late for America.

At least Ryan tried to come up with something to replace Medicare so that seniors will not be left flapping in the breeze when the program goes bankrupt. Just like many of us will when SS goes bankrupt, because apparently there are programs out there that trump seniors that are getting the funding.

THAT is what you should we should be concerned about and demanding that this administration come clean about. What programs are trumping health care and retirement funds??

I don't agree. I don't see any heroes in any political party on this topic - But it must be saved or the elderly will suffer gr

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Americans can get to the moon. They can save Medicare and Social Security.

Do away with non-essentials. Stop giving our taxpayer money away in subsidies.

Paul Ryan probably means well. He may be right on target in other areas, but I very much dislike his plan for my retirement life. We can do better than that.

Don't mess with my Medicare or Social Security unless you can improve it. If you can't make it better, keep your hands off of it.

Increasing the age to collect wouldn't be so bad, would it? - Backwards Typist

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They usually only increase it a year or two. I see nothing wrong with that. DH and I saw our retirement age increase. It didn't "kill us" to have them up the age qualification to work a year longer (of course, we're not there yet! LOL).

People are living longer and are healthier than those seniors of 20 years ago. A lot of them have pensions and/or IRAs to fall back on. A lot of the younger generation started saving when they were young. If you watch Suze Orman, some of those 20 and 30-somethings have quite a few bucks stashed away already. Others are just getting started, but they will be okay, too.

It's a shame they didn't really have a lot of info on retirement programs back when DH and I were younger. We only started hearing about IRAs when we were in our 50s. The only thing we knew about were regular savings accounts.

So, upping the retirement age a year or two would not hurt the younger generation one bit IMHO.
That would be fine, as long as the employers are okay with it - see message
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What is the attitude of employers toward employees aged 66-70? I really don't know. I do know that one can't continue working if there is no job or if health doesn't allow it. None of us knows where we will fall in those categories when we are that age. It seems so far away and not that important to us while we're younger. I suppose it gets real important, real fast when the time comes though, right?
Well, it USED to be that employers wanted older - Backwards Typist
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workers more than the young ones because they always had good work ethics. That was during the early 90s.

Now that the newer generation is taking over the higher positions, I have no idea what they think of older workers.
I know what you mean. I wonder if I could find a job - outside my home if I had to
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One good thing about MT is that age isn't a factor. I just wonder if I could even get another kind of a job in order to make up the difference in social security/Medicare money, which I have planned on for years.
Well, I applied for a job this past spring - Backwards Typist
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and would have taken it if it wasn't for the person who would have been my boss. It didn't pay well at all for the type of work I'd have to do so I turned it down. I could hear the relief in the office manager's voice when I told her. So, guess they were just following the law. LOL
In theory... - no1joe
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people should be living longer than the seniors of 20 years ago. Living longer maybe with medical advancements and breakthroughs as well as the help of being pumped full of pharmaceuticals (as well as becoming aware of the dangers of smoking); however, keep in mind, the "cornfed" generation (raising my hand here) and their children are getting older, and as we are, we're hearing great new terms like "super morbidly obese," watch (and star in) reality shows like The Biggest Loser and Too Fat For 15, and have teens and children being diagnosed as prediabetics and with high cholesterol. I guess what I'm trying to say is that living longer does not equate living healthier. A lot of us are going to need those doctors and pharmaceutical companies at a much younger age. Some argue that the up and coming generation is the unhealthiest in decades, and they will likely need that medical help most of all.
Good point! I think we're going to have to save money elsewhere - Healthcare is not negotiable; we have to have it
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There is no way Americans can do without health care, even though I myself have been doing that for years because they priced me out of the market. We have to have it, especially because, like you say, people are getting diseases earlier because of obesity, and we're living longer, and who knows if we will be living longer in a healthy way or not. We have to have health care. Having it is not negotiable. We will have to find other places to cut. I say those places are where there is fraud and abuse, which I have observed personally with doctors charging patients for exams they didn't have, nurses popping by the hospital to "say Hi! to the patient" (and I quote) "because if I do that, I get to charge for it." Those are the things that need to be looked at. There are millions that can be saved through cutting out fraud and abuse. We can do this!
Case in point to your post - Backwards Typist
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After DH's valve replacement, he was in cardiac therapy. They charged $500 an hour. What did they do for that $500? Got him out of bed and WATCHED as he walked the hallway. That was it! I was livid and carried on about it for weeks...to the point I refused to pay the bill for it.

I know what you mean about saying Hi, too. One of his doctors would come in, "How are you feeling? That's great!" and leave. The other two would spend time with him answering questions, etc. They all charged the same thing. By the time 9 days were up, we had a 24-page hospital bill (and I know he could have come home sooner, he was doing that good).
That is just sickening! These kinds of things need to be changed - but those with the most money rule
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Maybe if we speak up whenever we get a chance, someone will hear us. Let's get some common sense into the health care situation.
Unhealthy maybe because of no exercise and unhealthy food. - Backwards Typist
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The cornfed (also raising my hand) generation had plenty to do with chores, playing outside, gym classes, sports, etc. It used to be that you couldn't graduate if you didn't pass PhysEd.

Today's generation=WiFi, internet games, high fat snacks, high fat, sugary SCHOOL LUNCHES etc. Gym classes? Do they even have them in school anymore?

I saw the menus for schools in our area in our weekly newspaper and was shocked at what the kids are being fed. We used to have well-balanced healthy meals from the five food groups. We had salads, too, even though it was just lettuce and tomatoes with an Italian dressing. Desert was always fresh fruit. No cake or pie. We couldn't chose what we wanted. Everyone got the same thing.

Pizza was a special treat once every few months. Chocolate milk was even more special. No soda machines. No snack vending machines. There was an ice cream machine but chances are the 20 minutes given for lunch was up by the time lunch was eaten. Now the kids get hot dogs, chicken nuggets, pizza, hamburgers, steak sandwiches, french fries, etc. Get the picture?
Yes! I do get the picture - no1joe
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IMO, the junk that is being consumed by the younger generation is the #1 problem, and the fact that the government is paying to help produce this junk with taxpayer dollars is a gigantic problem. And the fact that lower income/middle class families have no choice but to eat this garbage because it's cheap is leading not only to morbidly obese yet malnourished people now but to HUGE costly problems down the road.

Don't get me wrong... I think a lack of exercise does play a part here but not as big a part as the poor quality food some people have no choice but to live on because of cost.

I guess I was trying to make the point that with the talks about cutting medicare/medicaid in order to protect our children's future that people might just want to double think here. If drastic cuts are made and those programs are not available in the future, it could be hurting some of our children even more because, sadly, many of them will wind up needing that medical care at an earlier age.
I think many people look at the short-term and don't see the whole picture - Cutting the wrong places now will cost later
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If we cut the wrong places now, we are going to be paying back big time for years. Someone out there started hysteria and people are thinking they have to do something even if it's wrong. Certainly we need to stop spending on things that are unimportant. There are enough of those things that Congress has slipped in everywhere as riders, etc., that would make a big difference. That plus an example I saw a couple of weeks ago of one huge corporation that doesn't pay taxes at all. If they did, it would actually change all of the prognostications of doom and gloom, and they won't miss a meal by having to do what the rest of us have to do, participate in the tax revenue of our country by paying their fair share of taxes.

Exactly what I wish the Democrats had done - instead of raiding the

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social security trust fund. They scr*wed us big time with that one. We owe social security insolvency to them.

As to Medicare...it is an entitlement. Obviously we cannot afford to fund all the entitlement programs anymore. So they need to make the hard choices, and stopping subsidies won't get it. Will help, but won't get it. Not only do we have Medicare as a failed program, we are running a 14 trillion dollar debt...something so many seem to be ignoring.

Frankly, there is no "saving" Medicare unless you get the money from some other entitlement programs. Congress has to decide what is more important...welfare for people who are able to work or health care for seniors...things like that. There is NOT enough money for ALL of it. And frankly, it needs to be dismantled because it is so eaten up with fraud you will never straighten it out. Call it something else and start over.

It is time for hard choices. We simply cannot afford all the entitlement programs anymore. We just can't. Something has to give, and if you want health care for seniors then some of the others need to be stopped in order to put those funds into healthcare for seniors.
Instead of whining and blaming, we need to use our brains to solve problems - Proud American
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We've had bigger problems. Surely the last intelligent American hasn't left the country. We can and will solve this one without putting old, poor, and disabled people out on the street.

Ummm....we have NOT had bigger problems. - We have a 14 trillion
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dollar problem that you steadfastedly ignore, along with your other Democrat/liberal friends.

The fact is, your entitlement spending is what got us here, and you are the prime example of the Democrat mindset....deficit...what deficit? Don't you DARE touch our entitlement programs.

Yet another reason why we need to complete the house cleaning in 2012.

As to whining...I will believe you are sincere when you chastise the other side for whining and blaming....Proud American.
I EARNED my right to my Medicare and my social security - I will not give it up without a fight
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These programs are earned. They belong to the Americans who paid for them by their hard work. We will not be robbed of them.
I am with you, as long as you don't - draw out more than you paid in.
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But most likely, you will. Those of us who are younger will not get to draw anything, but will still have to pay to support those who get more than they paid in. Did we not earn it, as well? Our children will still be paying to fund entitlements that will have long past been bankrupt because too many feel that they earned the right to put the future generations in debt. I understand that my parents put me in debt, but when does it stop? I, personally would like things to be better for the next generation and it sure doesn't look from here like it will be. Did they "earn" that?
This is an interesting thought. People die before collecing SS benefits - Not being morose here but see message
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Let's say Doris, retires a little late, at age 70 and starts getting social security benefits, that she has worked for many years to collect.

Her husband also worked for many years to collect his, and dies at 64, never having taken any of his benefits.

From the way I understand it, Doris gets her benefits or his, whichever is higher, but she is not going to "use up" both or probably even one of those. Am I right?

MANY people have worked and earned social security and died before they collected anything. That negates the idea that I've been hearing about how fewer people funding those who are eligible. I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say.
I understand, but many don't and many people - are living longer and longer with
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expensive health problems (thus a big draw on Medicare). With more people living longer and longer, while not raising the age at which they start drawing, there are, in fact, fewer people funding it than are eligible. Some people work sporadically, some work steadily their entire lives. Some elderly people work (as SS will not allow one to live comfortably) and continue to pay in, even while drawing out. Children receive SS payments when parents die and on and on and on. There is simply not enough money to keep it going. And, depending on how long Doris lives, there is a very good chance that she could "use up" both spouse's benefits. There are a lot more people living to be in their 90's and 100's than there were when the system was set up.
another side - dnh
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Those of us who are older paid in to support the generations before us. My parents didn't put in a whole lot as there were no such programs to pay into when they were in their younger working years. The money I and people my age put in supported the generation before us who had paid in very little in comparison. Yet you younger ones think you are being treated unfairly. I have been paying in to a system for almost 50 years; am I not entitled to get something out of it? Or should my needs be bypassed for yours? I personally would also like to see things better for my kids and grandkids, but really, you want to cut the funding for the "sandwich" generation who put in the most?
Not just the "younger ones" - Kendra
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There are actually people your age who think that it should be cut, too. My father would rather see my children not inherit a mountain of debt. Social Security was never meant to be a retirement plan. People using it as such is part of what got us into this mess. You say that you want things better for your kids and grandkids, but then you add that big old BUT.
Unfortunately, the kids will suffer when they have to pay for their parents' care - That is going to cost both generations
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It's going to be much worse when the college fund, savings, and retirement money (401K) (IRA) a family has saved has to go for the grandparents' shelter and medical care.
sm - dnh
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I truly would like to see things better for my kids and grandkids, but is the only way to do that to take away my social security and Medicare, which I did pay in to for all those years? Am I not entitled to benefit from that which I supported for my entire working life? And by the way, it is not that this is our only retirement plan, but we certainly did pay in for years expecting it to supplement our retirement funds. To take that away now, when we are facing retirement, is not reasonable in any way. For people in their later 50s and in their 60s, we now do not have time to make up the shortfall this would leave for us. You can't change the plan this late in the game and expect that people will not suffer greatly from it. Or is everyone okay with letting the seniors suffer so that they themselves will be okay?
I am not sure where you see the difference. - Kendra
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I pay into it, too, and it will surely not be there for me. I guess that is okay with you, as long as you get yours? At some point, we have to stop this foolishness. I say stop it now before we spend even more of my children's money. I am certainly willing to sacrifice to pay for the care of my parents and myself, in order to keep the debt from falling on my children. I am not saying that it we can make it better for them, but I would just like to try like heck to not make it worse (which I am very afraid had already been done, well before I became an adult).
the difference is - dnh
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You stated you are younger. Therefore, you have more working years ahead of you to prepare for it if they tell you now it Won't be there. I have very few working years left and all my life I was told it WOULD be there and I could count on it to supplement my retirement. So how do I make up that difference at my age? It is not possible so what would you like those of us in my age bracket to do, lie down and die so we don't take any of the money, our own money by the way.
There will always be people who feel that way. - Kendra
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We keep it going for another 10 years and there will be another group who says the same thing. Where does it stop? I AM paying into it. Why is it that it is okay to take it away from me, but not from you. It needs MY money to continue to support who is on it now and you, who will be in the future. I just see it as a big double standard. The thing is that I don't really mind paying into it, but since it is a big black hole that is failing, I say that we need to find some other way and stop trying to dig ourselves out of a hole.
This is not "foolishness." This is the safety net for millions - of people who paid for it.nm
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Bravo!! I worked and paid into the system for - sm
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40 years, and then a normally genetic disease revealed itself, and I wound up being disabled with chronic pancreatitis and cystic fibrosis.

When I got to the point that I could no longer work, I applied for Social Security Disability, was approved, and now collect that, and I also have Medicare.

I paid into BOTH of these programs for 40 years. At first, I felt useless and my self-esteem was crushed, but the more I thought about it, to me, this IS an entitlement, and I should be ENTITLED to collect what I paid in after all those years.

The republicans would like to get rid of people like me, pull out the safety net and just leave me to die (which is the same fate I'll experience from this disease).

Right now, I can only hope that I die before the republicans "fix" the system.
Right. And Social Security would not be in - trouble had the Democrats
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had not raided the trust fund to fund a myriad of other social programs. Said they were going to pay it back. Never did. THAT is why Social Security is insolvent, and it has been done so many times now (borrowing and paying back) that all we have faithfully paid in for 30-40 years is going to be *poof* gone.

That angers me on every level imaginable. They cry now about Republicans wanting to re-do Medicare is throwing seniors under the bus when THEY threw and continue to throw seniors under the bus by taking money we paid in that was protected by law against Congress tapping it until Dems changed the law to allow tapping it.

Get angry about THAT while you are getting angry.

Medicare is broken and not sustainable in its present form. It is rife with fraud, everybody knows that, Repubs and Dems. Instead of fixing it before throwing more money at it, Obama just wants to tax the upper echelon MORE and throw more BAD mnoney into it.

All while we are running a 14 trillion dollar debt that most on this board keep ignoring. Which is exactly how we got in this financial mess in the FIRST place.

Well, it's kinda hard to find anyone intelligent - Backwards Typist
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in government nowadays. Either they want to spend, spend, spend, or cut, cut, cut. There's no happy medium.

They just keep rehashing the same old, same old and have yet to come up with an answer to anything. Heck, they can't even agree to disagree.

They need a magic wand or genie in a bottle to grant them 3 wishes. Anyone want to guess what they would wish for? I'll give you 3 guesses and the first 2 don't count. LOL
IF they could all sit down, calm down, be statesmen instead of politicians - they might save things for us
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but the chances of them putting politics aside are very slim, aren't they? There are good and bad ideas from each party. There are intelligent people. They just can't stop fighting long enough to make any real progress.

Throw the bums all out and let's start over. LOL.
You're kidding right? (Sorry, couldn't resist) ;-) - Backwards Typist
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Sitting down and calming down is not one of their bright points.

Sen. Hatch is speaking on C-Span 2 and keeps rubbing his nose. Sorry, but I'm in a good mood today and he reminded me of Pinnochio.

He stated the President admitted his first budget wasn't that great and he hoped to have a better one this time. He just calmly called the President's budget "part duh." Wow! He's hoping Congress can get together and make their points without all the hoopla that has become the norm lately.
Let's see if ANY of them can debate without getting sidetracked to name-calling etc - and what about longer hours for them
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Let's see them put in some longer hours like the rest of us. Maybe we could pay them on commission. They only get paid when they accomplish a goal, which we will set for them. I love it!

But what we are passing on to our children... - Kendra

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is the debt that pays for these programs. I would much rather take care of my parents and pay for it now, than to pass massive debt on to my children. At the current rate of spending, we are NOT going to be passing anything down to our children. Any paltry amount that we save ourselves will be eaten up in higher taxes to fund programs that don't work and past programs that didn't work. I would rather pass on the chance at the American dream, which we are quickly taking away. I am very sad for my children.

America can do better than the plans that have thus far been presented - which would bankrupt families

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Senior citizens get sick. They need healthcare, more of it than when they were younger. The Medicare program has worked better than any other program I can think of. It keeps families from bankruptcy due to high medical expenses for the elderly. I'm not ready to throw away the elderly and the last plan I saw looked like a very big step toward doing just that.

Obviously you have not read the plan either. - If you liked Obamacare

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there is no reason you should not like the plan. Ryan is not throwing away anything.

What you don't seem to understand is we can throw money at Medicare from now until doomsday and it is still going to crash and burn, and then the elderly are going to be out of luck anyway.

Unless of course you get a govt willing to get into Medicare and clear out the fraud, and then get the funding for it from OTHER entitlements. People need to decide which entitlements are the most important. If you are not willing for Medicare to go down and want to continue to see it funded by the government, then you need to decide which entitlements will be stopped to pay for it.

Because we can't go on like this. We have a 14-trillion dollar deficit that you seem to just think is going to *poof* go away. And it is THAT kind of thinking that will doom is all, which is why I wish 2012 would get here sooner so we could FINISH cleaning house.
Don't assume that I have not read/studied what is being proposed - just because I don't buy into it
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There is much corruption at higher levels that won't take food, elementary education, health care, and shelter away from people. That's where I would start.
With all due respect, if you have read it.... - (Ryan's proposal) and
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have read Obamacare...they you would see the government exchange for purchase of health care insurance is in BOTH of them. If you buy into Obamacare there is no reason you should not buy into Ryan's proposal.

We have two problems: a 14-trillion dollar deficit and a failed, broken Medicare program fraught with waste. With the first, we cannot continue with Medicare as-is because it will be completely broke in not so many years and so will the US. It will much uglier for seniors and all the rest of us if that happens.

This is why insurance companies have come out with - Backwards Typist

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Long Term Care Insurance and financial planners suggest we add that along with our life insurance.

I can't afford another insurance policy. I have life, accident, sickness, and disability, hospitalization, home, and car insurance.

Sometimes, I just want to cancel them all and say the heck with it, but knowing our luck, our house would burn, the car would be in an accident, and I would get sick, disabled, or die. I'm not ready for any of them to happen. LOL

I can't afford health insurance and certainly can't afford long-term care insurance - Concerned But Hopeful

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I'm concerned because I see lots of throwing hands up in the air and saying it's all over for you old guys. Your Medicare is history and so is your social security.

I'm hopeful because I believe there are honorable people with common sense who are still working to solve the problems our great nation has, without throwing out the old and poor among us.

Keep in mind that you (as an old person) have a far - Kendra

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better chance of seeing anything from social security or medicare than I do. This is certainly not a personal attack on you, just looking at unsustainable plans and how to make them more sustainable. The fact is that there is not enough money to fund these programs exactly the way that they are being run now. I am all for cracking down on fraud and making them last longer, but the fact is that they will fizzle out, most likely long before I will ever draw a penny out of these things that I have paid in to for my entire adult life and when I worked as a teenager. I am okay with paying into a program that I will never be able to use, just not okay with paying in much more than I already do. My parents both have long term care insurance. It is a necessity. Why should other people's families be allowed to continue to bankrupt my children?
Get the fraud out and the programs will be fine - nm
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I think it's more of a problem than just fraud - Backwards Typist
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but fraud does make the problem worse.

Whatever happened to the reform bill for Medicare and Medicaid? I thought it passed, but I could be wrong.

I could have written your post, SM - I hear ya

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We pay SO MUCH (like everybody else) for health/car/life/house life insurance. And we CAN\\\'T afford any more policies. We should really increase our life insurance but can\\\'t afford that either.

It\\\'s a hard, hard situation.

I really think the insurance companies got a bug in their ear ahead - Backwards Typist

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of time from someone in the government. I thought it strange that all of a sudden these insurance companies were starting to offer long term insurance policies. My first question was 'Why?' Now I see why.

I have hospitalization but it's not your regular health insurance. It's all I could afford. It will pay something but not much towards a hospital stay.

I can't up DH's life insurance because of his pre-existing unless I want to pay an arm and a leg (and I need both. I can't afford to up my life insurance, so DH isn't going to have enough to cover my funeral expenses if something happens to me. I took out all the A&S, Life, hospitalization and disability a long time ago and although I would love to get rid of some of them, I know I can't afford to replace them with anything else....between a rock and a hard place. Even long term care is out of sight because of pre-existing.

If Donald Trump announces, which I think he may, the first question I'd like to ask him is what he would do about SS and healthcare (including Medicare/Medicaid/disability).

Get your questions ready for the campaigns and make sure they are asked and answered.

The thought of losing Medicare makes my back hurt - Really! LOL

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Retirement is supposed to be pleasant. All these proposed plans sound like we are turning into a 3rd-world country, where the old will be out on the streets begging for money and sleeping in boxes, along with the orphans and the disabled.

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Brown University Students Destroy Flags On Veteran's DayNov 17, 2016
I'm a little late with this because I've had scheduled appts. Sorry.How despicable!!!! Wonder if any of those students had/have family members that were veterans. Nothing is sacred to college students today. They're all out of control and need a good a**-whooping._____________________________________________Several students at Brown University reportedly tore up and threw away American flags that were set up as part of a Veterans Day ceremony on campus. The flags lined the sidewa ...

Activists destroyed a 9/11 memorial at Middlebury College in Vermont on Wednesday, they said, to protest “American conquest and colonialism.”   http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/09/13/activists-destroy-911-memorial-to-protest-american-conquest-and-colonialism/ ...

Wikileaks Dropped The Bomb! This Smoking Gun Will Destroy Hillary’s CampaignNov 02, 2016
KAPOW! Wikileaks Dropped the BOMB!!!…..This Smoking Gun will DESTROY Hillary’s Campaign By Monday. See Ya-BYE!! Hillary Clinton put the office of Secretary of State up for sale. LITERALLY. It’s here folks. The big one. The Wiki leak of all Wiki leaks folks. The proverbial smoking gun. A 12-page memo from Doug Band, a Bill Clinton aide, laying out his “unorthodox” role in pushing Clinton Foundation donors. These documents have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Cli ...

Hillary's Evil Plan To Destroy America Leaked Last Night: See It Before She Deletes ItOct 08, 2016
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Skyx2BH3dso ...

One Of The ReasonsDec 10, 2016
many of you voted for Trump is because you said he wouldn't owe any favors to anyone.  Well folks, six of his new appointees contributed 12 million dollars to his campaign.  So much for his self-funding.  If Jack the Ripper were alive and had been able to contribute a million he probably would have appointed him to head Health and Human Services. ...

10 Reasons Not To Get The Flu ShotOct 27, 2010
The verdict is out on flu shots. Many medical experts now agree it is more important to protect yourself and your family from the flu vaccine than the flu itself. Let’s take a look at the reasons behind this verdict: 1.) There is a total lack of real evidence that young children even benefit from flu shots.  A systematic review of 51 studies involving 260,000 children age 6 to 23 months found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo. Also the shots are on ...

5 Reasons To Say No To Amnesty!Jul 01, 2010
5 Reasons Illegal Immigrants Shouldn't Be Given American Citizenship John Hawkins Over the last few months most conservatives have quite naturally been distracted by Barack Obama's frightening incompetence, his elephantine spending, and his zealous attempts to swallow as much of the private sector as the government beast can stuff down its gaping maw. But while the cat's away, the mice will play. The little feet you may have been hearing pitter-patter back into the public square ...

Here Is One Of The Better Reasons/proof That Apr 09, 2013
communists should be no where near being a host on a TV station that some people actually think is news.  Or any TV station for that matter.  She would, however, be very popular in North Korea, China, etc. Trying to pass off the notion that kids belong to the community and not to the parents. Um, sorry...that would be a huge WRONG!  Other people's kids are not my responsiblity or my communities responsibility.  One of the proofs that communism does not work.  If s ...

Reasons To ChooseOct 08, 2016
Looking over the posts on the political board, I am stunned by the vitriolic posts. For the top office in the land, we are hiring someone for 4 years. We are the interviewer and the employer. We don't have to like the person, don't have to eat holiday dinner with the person, don't even have to watch the person on TV. We have 2 contenders, one will hold the office. That person has to know how to do the job and how to get congress (which is way more crucial than the president) to ...

Interesting. The Guardian.uk Has Some Reasons WhyMar 18, 2011
Ghadaffi called for the cease fire. "Beware of getting what you wish for. The ceasefire Colonel Gaddafi has just announced is not a vindication of the decision of the UN security council to get tough, nor a result of the wide backing the vote got from the Arab League and, unusually, three members of the African Union. It is the calculation of a man who, contrary to popular opinion is not mad, but behaving quite rationally. It is the move of a man who is trying to counter the threat o ...

12 Reasons To Vote DemocratApr 10, 2012
> 12 REASONS TO VOTE DEMOCRAT> > When your family or friends cannot explain why they voted Democrat, give them > this list.  Then they can then pick a reason from this "TOP 12"...> > 1.  I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon > of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at > 15% isn’t.> > 2.  I voted Democrat because I believe the governme ...

One Of Reasons I Can Not Stand Politicians!! Mar 16, 2010
http://videos.mediaite.com/embed/player/container/1276/781/?layout=&playlist_cid=&media_type=video&content=5YNV2W3P0TJWLNN2&widget_type_cid=svp ...

196 Reasons NOT To Vote For Romney. Aug 28, 2012
Note that within the list are clickable links for further documentation. ...

Reasons To Vote For Obama.Aug 28, 2012
The first handwritten list is concise and to the point.  There is a longer detailed list printed below that one. ...

This Is One Of The Reasons I Did Not Vote For Obama, Nor Will ISep 01, 2012
vote for him this election. I'm not posting this to start a war here. When he was campaigning the first time, I listened very closely to what he had to say. I was almost ready to vote for him but then I realized he could NEVER accomplish those goals without putting our country further in debt. I'm posting this as a reminder that he did everything just the opposite of every statement and campaign "promise" he made concerning our country while a senator: "The fact that we are ...

7 Reasons - This Hits It Right On The HeadNov 21, 2012
Came across a very interesting article.  Gives some insight.  Couldn't quite put my finger on it, but this sums it up. http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2011/08/23/7_reasons_why_liberals_are_incapable_of_understanding_the_world/page/full/ ...

Spending Cuts - Please Note The ReasonsMar 08, 2011
The first links is the House Appropriations  document showing spending cuts and most show the reasons for the cuts. http://www.majorityleader.gov/uploadedfiles/FY2011_SUMMARY.pdf The second link shows the comparison from 2010 and the President's cuts. Note the differences on that. http://www.majorityleader.gov/uploadedfiles/FY2011CR_SUBCOM.pdf   The third link shows the cuts inacted in 2010 and those requested for 2011. http://www.majorityleader.gov/uploadedfiles/FY2011_CUTS ...

Let's All Remember The 3 Main Reasons Hillary MustSep 23, 2016
These transcend party: 1. Hillary Clinton is utterly devoid of moral character. 2. Hillary Clinton betrayed her office and peddled influence on a scale that even Boss Tweed would have found staggering. 3. Hillary Clinton is entrenched in exactly the old-time back-room inside-dealing power structure of which this nation has had more than enough - on both sides of the aisle. However reluctant some might be to admit it, we all know that these three things are true. Any one of them is suffic ...

This Is One Of The Many Reasons Why Republicans Should Not Feel Too ComfortableOct 26, 2010
I implore everyone to vote.  AND check your ballot after you vote and make sure who you voted for is who is checked.  This is what makes me nervous that they could cheat themselves back into office. In Las Vegas – “I went to vote and Harry Reid’s name was already checked” http://www.fox5vegas.com/news/25511115/detail.html Voting machine techs are SEIU members – Voting machines automatically checking Harry Reid’s name http://www.washingtonexaminer ...

1001 Reasons Not To Vote For Obama. (sm)Aug 26, 2012
Since I don't know whether we are or are not supposed to post links in the proper place, I will post it, and if moderators don't want me to, I guess they will tell me.  Sorry if I'm violating any rules, but I really don't know. Link ...

Reasons Not To Vote For Obama - No Cut And PasteAug 27, 2012
and heavily sedated because the Liberal world seems to spin out of control when they assume a post was cut and pasted (unless they are doing the cutting and pasting, of course).  In the spirit of trying to soothe that savage soul, all below was hand typed, typos and all.  Got plenty more, but not sure how much Maalox y'all had on hand.  REASONS NOT TO VOTE FOR OBAMA (AND THERE ARE OOOOH SO MANY);  HERE'S  50.  &nbs ...

Top 10 Reasons To Dislike Mitt RomneySep 22, 2012
Top Ten Reasons To Dislike Mitt Romney: 1. Drop-dead, collar-ad handsome with gracious, statesmanlike aura. Looks like every central casting’s #1 choice for Commander-in-Chief. 2. Been married to ONE woman his entire life, and has been faithful to her, including through her bouts with breast cancer and MS. 3. No scandals or skeletons in his closet. (How boring is that?) 4. Can’t speak in a fake, southern, & ...

317 Million Reasons To Love ObamacareApr 01, 2014
"More than 6 million Americans signed up for Obamacare before the March 31 deadline to get private health insurance through the Affordable Care Act exchanges. This is great news for the Obama administration. But there are millions more reasons to celebrate Obamacare. Actually, at the writing of this essay, there are more than 317 million reasons — because that's the population of the United States of America and every single one of us can benefit from health care reform. How? H ...

5 Good Reasons Not To Watch Tonight (sm)Jan 20, 2015
Pack of lie upon lie ...

Excellent Summary -reasons Done Talking To Feb 11, 2015
1. You support revisionist history. When I was in a high school history class, I’ll never forget one thing our teacher taught us: what you read in history books isn’t always accurate. The example she used was history books in the Soviet Union, now known as Russia. She informed us, to my shock and horror, that the Soviets pretty much included what they liked in the history books and left out everything else. As a result, she said, there were generations of Russian students who were m ...

10 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than A Flu! (just Sharing Not Debating)Nov 29, 2011
The verdict is out on flu shots. Many medical experts now agree it is more important to protect yourself and your family from the flu vaccine than the flu itself. Let’s take a look at the reasons behind this verdict: 1.) There is a total lack of real evidence that young children even benefit from flu shots. A systematic review of 51 studies involving 260,000 children age 6 to 23 months found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo. Also the shots a ...

Hillary Clinton Seeks U.S. Presidency -- Three Reasons To Say 'No'Apr 14, 2015
No doubt, millions will discard objectivity and project their hopes for the future on the public persona of Hillary Clinton, as it will be carefully constructed by professional political strategists and public relations experts, all funded by the billion dollars plus that the Clinton brand will attract through its fundraising apparatus. Those who are more sober and reflective in their political judgments should consider the following three points I raise as reasons to be wary of a second Clinton ...