Read the Bill. It's unconstitutional, and cradle to grave s/m
Posted: Oct 31, 2009
Read the over 1900-page HR Bill: The top 5 are in there:
1) Govt-funded abortion.
2) Govt-run insurance.
3) Higher taxes.
4) Death panels will be back.
5) $500 billion in Medicare cuts.
That's socialism at the very least, and income redistribution. That is unconstitutional. Of course, they don't have the same health care that they're counting on subjecting on us. For all the "pro-choice" people, this doesn't sound like OUR choices one bit. That's no accident. We're talking a cradle-to-grave society. It can be stopped enough people stand up and be counted.
MTs get mad at the cherry pickers. How would those same people stuffed ballot boxes, etc. to get what they want?
Read the US Constitution, then bash all you want.