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Political Polarization: Are We Party Puppets?

Posted: Mar 14, 2015

Viewing the posts here and elsewhere, it's disheartening how polarized this nation has become, how alienated we've become from one another, isn't it? I wonder if ISIS or North Korea or Russia (or fill in the blank) DID attack, would we even protect each other anymore? Or would we ask them their political beliefs first? Thank God that in the real world, in every day life, we really don't know what political party someone belongs to. We don't assess whether we like or will even listen to someone speak based on their political preference, do we? Your child's teacher? The nice lady who checks you out at the grocery? The guy who helped you change a flat tire? The server at the breakfast place you frequent who always remembers your name and brings your coffee just the way you like it? Be honest - would you suddenly treat those people differently, distrust them and mistreat them once you found out they believed differently than you do politically? Or think about people in the public eye who avoid talking about politics. For example, the very universally well-liked actor, JK Simmons, who won the award for Best Supporting Actor. He somehow managed to keep his speech very nonpolitical (and always does) during an otherwise very political-message laden Oscar ceremony this year. Everyone seems to like this guy! So would you suddenly dislike JK Simmons if you found out he was a Democrat or Republican or the now revamped "buzzwords" of "conservative" or "liberal"? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then I'm sorry, but you drank your party's Kool-Aid. I saw some discussion below about "buzzwords", but consider this: If you are even using the terms "conservative" or "liberal" to identify others or yourself - you know you drank that Kool-Aid, admit it! Because these terms have only been used in the last 10 years. They were developed by political PR strategists so that people would not automatically rule them out because of their prior affiliation with a certain political party,so that you would still listen to what they have to say. It's hilarious to me that one side or the other on here accuses the other of "getting attention/publicity" or "propaganda." Because that is "PR" and marketing and it's the way of business and politics and is not in and of itself inherently evil - and if they didn't do these things, no one would ever succeed at business or be elected! Now, important distinction - the actual dictionary definition of propaganda is negative fact or exaggeration meant to persuade or prevent an opponent's win. It is not our job to put a stop to propaganda or PR - just recognize and evaluate it. As for me, I personally have trouble with any media that is all negative, all the time, to the expense of the fact I never find out what the candidate running the campaign actually stands FOR instead of what they are against. In fact, though I view and read both "conservative" and "liberal" publications" to get a full story, the only news program I can't watch for too long is Fox News. Why? Because I find it very difficult to get other news on Fox BUT politics. Plus it's always negative PR that seems to ascribe the worst motivations for people sometimes doing everyday human things. Now, let's talk about POSITIVE publicity/public relations. Would somebody please tell me what is WRONG with POSITIVE PR if it's true? Or just humorous? If your problem with it is because you're afraid people will erroneously think they're "just like us", think about THIS: On this forum, are YOU voting for/supporting people you don't even know because YOU think they are "just like you" based on how they identified themselves politically? DOH! BUSTED! ;) Never forget, most of these politicians were lawyers - it was their job to get you to focus on what they wanted and distract you from what they don't want you to see. So you can keep pretending your party isn't guilty of that or you can wake up and smell the Kool-Aid. If most politicians were lawyers, then we should start acting more like a jury, sifting through the information, looking for indisputable evidence and THEN making our decisions as follows: 1. Never vote for anything unless you read the other sides opposition to it first - do they have a good point your party didn't inform you of? 2. Do not assume that just because someone "says" they're a liberal or conservative they're like you. 3. Don't assume everything the other party does has "evil" motivations because they disagree with you on this point or are from another party. 4. Don't confuse good PR with evil intent - PR is necessary to gain publicity in both business and politics. 5. Stop protecting the people in your party when they do crappy things. If they were wrong, admit it - why is that so hard? 6. The first amendment right to freedom of speech was not just designed just for you and/or your political party. It was never meant to be waved as some sort of flag over your individual tendency to speak and act like a (bleep). The government should NOT step in and try to control how you act and what you say, if it's not violent, but DO realize that if you choose to continue to act like a (bleep) - PC or not - you're probably going to be treated like a (bleep) - and you know very well when you're being a (bleep), so don't cry when those in your community point that out. 7. Stop trying to stuff other human beings in one box or the other politically just because they don't agree with you on everything. In fact, consider this - we are one of the only modern, civilized democratic countries left in the world that only has 2 political parties. In fact, most democratic countries have several political parties because no one fits into "either/or" and "always/never" boxes very well. Not to mention, other countries (like the UK) allow two different parties to be their prime minister and deputy prime minister. And guess where the push comes from to KEEP us with only 2 political parties and only one party at a time in control? The two political powers that be - they don't WANT you to figure that out because they'd lose power and control. So do you get it yet? It's a "divide and conquer" game so that a single party will win over a single other party - but that "singular win" comes at the cost of lack of solidarity when our country is faced with actual threat. You willing to risk that or continue being puppets? Not me. Thanks for your time, ;

Save your breath. I've posted about this before. - It's more fun to fight than to think.

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Blind party loyalists don't realize it, but to the party bosses, fat cats and wise guys (yes, every party) they're just minions, worker-bees and useful idiots. It's no different than a union.

For me, "when in Rome" style surrender isn't a viable option - OP

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Though I understand the temptation to argue myself - I think we've all done that a time or two on these issues - but I also realize that when I have, that actually doesn't solve a thing, which is why Congress can't seem to get a thing done. Debate is okay, but I rarely see actual debate on the internet anymore. Just personal attacks that are better placed on a bathroom stall wall than a debate forum and dirty tricks to silence opposing ideas.

However, call me naive, but I do believe there are still every-day Americans who don't care about who's in control and being right, who sincerely want to pool ideas and see these problems solved. It's for them we listen as well as speak, and it's for them we should continue do despite "fighters."

For example, for me personally, I have a real problem that in the last election, I voted for someone I only agreed with 50% of the time, but it was more than the other guy at 25% agreement. There's just something wrong with only having 2 choices and voting into office someone you only agree with 50% of the time.

I'm not sure the problem is so much party loyalty these days as it is media loyalty - I think some people still like to "fairy-tale imagine" their news source is "objective truth" instead of "subjective truth" coming from media who is privately owned by shareholders who contribute major campaign funds to certain political campaigns, who in return receive tax breaks and positive votes for their special interests, as well as receiving major advertising-dollar investments in return.

Excellent post - Empirelady

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from a voice of reason. You expressed so well what is happening in our country, and it breaks my heart to see it occur. I have always, and will always consider myself an independent, because I just can't fall into line with so much of the rhetoric that is spewed from both sides of the aisle and across the airwaves.

I think, most importantly, what needs to happen in this country is that we DEMAND for the corruption in D.C. to end. That alone is at the root of about 90% of this nation's problems. The more they can get us squabbling among ourselves, the more we are diverted from seeing what that corruption is doing to this country and its people. We must fight for reason to prevail, though I will admit that horse has not only left the barn but is galloping wildly over hill and dale. It will be tough to rein in.

My brother and I do not align politically, on the whole, but you know what? We love each other dearly and often, when we sit and reasonably discuss certain beliefs and ideas, we find we often aren't that far apart in what we would like to see. And, most importantly, we know when to put that aside and not allow it to cause division in the family. The same goes for some of my friendships.

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