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So political favorites aside just for fun
Posted: Apr 5, 2016
I predict outsiders Trump and Sanders. 
Your guess is as good as mine but I really - love the guy who runs the
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numbers on the big board, John ? and also love finding out more about delegates, finding out not the amount of votes one gets but how the rules are when it comes to becoming elected. Fascinating. Have found out you can also get delegates and then they can be stolen by another person, i.e. Tennessee and Louisiana. I am enjoying this immensely.
I'm pretty sure about Sanders, but it seems - like a toss-up for Cruz/Trump.
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I see the toss-up but from last week Trump - gained some ground.
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Love Bernie but not sure his ideas can be implemented.
At least he'll start the ball rolling in the right - direction, for a change! ;)
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I saw polls and actually Trump had lost 3 - points in the last week
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But he seems to think something BIG is going to happen tonight.
And something BIG did happen in Wisconsin - Cruz whipped Trump
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like he was a stepchild.
The same folks who voted for RINO - sm
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Ryan who turned around and gava Obama everything he wanted in the Omnibus. To refresh your memory,the Romney/Ryan ticket lost to Obama in Ryan's home state of Wisconsin in 2012. What the heck is in that cheese-superPAC money? Let's talk about whippings when New York votes. Lest we forget-Hillary is on a yuge downslide, getting several whippings from Bernie!
When it comes down to it, probably going to be open - convention
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And the way the game is played is not the most votes but the nominees need delegates. The more insults, the more bashing that is done against the party, the less likely you are going to have delegates on your side. This is going to be so transparent and I think with the party vehemently with the stop Trump campaign, I think throwing in the white towel would be a good idea right about this time. Cruz apparently knows how to play the game (not the person I would vote for) but he has ground game and is able to steal (legally) delegate votes from La. and Tenn.
From what I see from the numbers running game no way either Trump or Cruz much less K. can get the amount needed for the nomination and that number is that number, 10 numbers less the magic number and you don't get it.
I think this is a fascinating time for politics. I hate my entire July is going to be totally on vacation but will be able to catch some here and there, hopefully the convention itself.
I will vote Bernie before I vote for Cruz. - sm
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I hope he keeps on gaining ground on Hillary. I will not vote for her under any circumstances.
No issue with me here, just that I do not - know much about him
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and more things on my mind at present.
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