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People say colleges aren't into liberal indoctrination?

Posted: May 23, 2013

A handful of George Washington University political and history professors largely support the idea of adding President Barack Obama’s face to Mount Rushmore – just not quite yet.  Tongue out  Are they building a prison named Mt. Rushmore? 


OMG - Have people gone completely insane - annieb - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
Mt Rushmore has the face of 4 of the most important people of our country. For them to even think that Obama comes anywhere near that shows they are totally insane and out of touch with reality. Anyone who even suggests that should be fired for being incompetent. These are supposed to be professors. They should know better.

Putting his pic next to Capone would be more like it. You don't deface Mt. Rushmore by putting his face up there. He has done nothing to deserve a place next to great men. Especially with the news of late.

A proper place for his mug would be next to Capone, Stalin, Lenin, or even Castro. Not amongst the great men of our country.

Though - I

[ In Reply To ..]
agree his face shouldn't be there, it certainly isn't for the reasons you suggest. If you believe that, you must believe there were several other presidents who belong next to Capone, as well, and maybe you do. To me the news of late is no different than the news out of Washington from several previous presidents.

Yes, I do believe what you said about - annieb - sm

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several other presidents who belong next to Capone. But we are not talking about them. I'd be happy to switch the subject matter and talk about them in a different thread. In this post I'm keeping to what the subject matter is about. It's not about other presidents and what they have done, it's about Obama and Mt. Rushmore.
But your post is not about the subject matter. It's about telling - other posters what to do NM
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No it's not. Just what part of my post do you think I'm telling people what to do? - In fact... -annieb - sm
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I just read through both of my posts again and nowhere did I tell anyone what to do.

You are going off topic. Let's stick to the topic at hand that the OP posted about. BTW, want to make this perfectly clear so nobody tries to accuse me of something I didn't say. I am asking, not telling, you that we should keep to what the OP posted about. After all that is why people post. To discuss the issue they bring up, not everything else but what they bring up. But again I could be wrong. Maybe every time someone brings a subject matter up I should discuss everything but that.

Again, *asking* to keep the threat about what the OP posted above.
So how far off topic are we allowed to go? Would it be okay - if we suggest other
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presidents that we think might be appropriate? Or is that off topic.

Just checking before I go "off topic" to fit in the proper decorum what you are "asking."
I believe - that
[ In Reply To ..]
you included Capone, Lenin, Stalin and Castro in your post, which the OP did not mention, and you did it to make your point, and I used other presidents to make my point. I don't believe either of us went away from what the OP was saying.
I stand corrected. Thanks for pointing it out - annieb
[ In Reply To ..]
You're right. I did mentioned them. I'm wrong, my bad.

Thanks for pointing that out. I will not add anymore to the conversation as it's way late for me.


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