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Obama's lies and house of cards crashing down

Posted: Sep 17, 2012



Game over for Mitt. - Sorry Willard.

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Take your money and go back to Flip-Flopistan where you belong.

Great one-liner. I'm a hard sell on humor - but this one

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made me laugh so hard it brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for that much needed knee-slapper.

And take Lyan Ryan with you. - You two deserve each other.

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You're welcome... - This stuff just writes itself.

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That's Flip-floppy-floppy-floppy-floppy-stan-stan - Love, Herman

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At least Mitt gets an A+ on foreign policy in that region.

Yep. Libya is already calling Obama a liar. I - thought they were his "friends".. LOL n

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This may come as a shock, - but having two differing perspectives

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on one or more issues does not generally deteriorate into one side calling the other side a liar, especially in the world of international diplomacy.

I believe Obama clearly stated that Egypt was neither friend or or foe, since any such declaration would be WAY premature, in view of the nascent nature of Egypt's evolving democracy. He went on to appropriately clarify that statement further by calling them a "partner," and in the context of the war on terror, that is most definitely the case.

The fact is that there were several stages to the Benghazi attacks and some reports indicate they may have occurred in more than one location. The dialogs taking place now are extremely preliminary in terms of the investigation, where elemental fact gathering has barely begun, ESPECIALLY in view of the volatility of the circumstances, which are still ongoing there and in the Middle-East-at-large.

I suppose it never occurred to you that they are probably BOTH right. That is to say the attacks were a hybrid of both spontaneous AND premeditated contributing elements. One thing that seems apparent from the eyewitness accounts is that the first protesters who arrived were not visibly armed and certainly were not in possession of heavy weapons.

There are MULTIPLE political parties in Egypt, who represent 82 million people living there and another 8 million living abroad. Of these, around 90% are Moslem. There are 30 registered parties, another 20 that are not registered, and there are other political group coalitions and alliances apart from those who are loosely associated with each other. Many of them are secular and they all range from straight-up communists to ultraconservatives, with all flavors in between.

It is worth noting that of those 82 million living there, a million of them turned out in Tahrir square to actively promote the revolution, but only a small fraction of those participated in these protests. There are no numbers yet available to distinguish how many of those were Moslems expressing generic outrage over the affront to their Umma community and what fraction of those were the extremist or "outside elements" Morsi is referring to.

In the future, it might be wise to take these things into consideration before trying to make such ill-informed sweeping black-and-white generalizations that have nothing to do with the realities on the ground and everything to do with promoting a stinky partisan agenda that serves the interests of those halfway around the world. The partisans involved in that effort are as clueless as the day is long about the "truth" that awaits discovery in the course of the unfolding investigation.

Come on! Obama is trying to cover up his lies - until AFTER the election.

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He has weakend the security and cannot admit he did not protect embassies/consulates on 9/11 anniversary! This will most likely be an Al-Qaeda attack in retaliation for him and Bozo Biden bragging about the death of Bin Laden.... but no, its all about this little movie.. sure. Obama is supposedly transparent? He hides so much, how do we ever know when he is lying or telling the truth?!
OBL was killed over 16 months ago. Are you expecting - anyone to believe
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it took AQ that long to get around to avenging his death? It stands to reason that the 9/11 anniversary would be a target date for any alleged AQ plots, but if avenging OBL was their sole intent, then how do you explain all their terrorist activities PRIOR TO his death or, for that matter prior to September 11, 2001? What about the protests that occurred in direct correlation with Terry Jones serial Quran-burning fiascos in 2010 and 2011? How about the current declarations coming from the protesters that they will not cease their activities until the "Innocence of Muslims" film maker is brought to justice?

This is not rocket science. Do you know who Morris Sadek is? Did you hear about his September 4th phone call "tip" to a Cairo newspaper reporter and the subsequent publication of a report about the video? How about Khalid Abdullah, a commentator for al Nas, a popular TV station? He aired the video clip on his show on Sunday, 09/09. After that, his comments included, “What is this stupidity?” and said the creators of the film “want to inflame Egypt.” He wanted to know if there had been an apology, but then said, "An apology is not enough. I want them convicted." This set off a Facebook firestorm of controversy. See link #1. Google this to bring up a bunch more articles on this.

BTW, can you tell me how it is you are privy to intimate details of security policies at US embassies abroad? You are aware that the president does not make those policies, aren't you? In fact, in the case of Libya, it was Christopher Stevens who believed, "it was worth taking risks to interact directly with the people of the country where he was posted." He was also the one who was briefed on deteriorating security conditions prior to the attacks, assessed them and made his decision to be there anyway. Wanna attack HIM for his own decisions? See link #2 for a history of embassy security policies.



Libyan president did say premeditated - SK1

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The previous poster said Libya, not Egypt. The Libyan president did say that he thought the attack was premeditated, in direct contradiction to the statement by Ambassador Susan Rice. The White House has, in various terms, and through different people, statd that the attack was spontaneous, sparked by the video, etc. So, yes, effectively (if not directly) the Libyan president is saying they're liars. Not a lot of room for perspective there.

From the Face the Nation interview:

MOHAMED YOUSEF EL-MAGARIAF: The way these perpetrators acted and moved, I think we-- and they're choosing the specific date for this so-called demonstration, I think we have no-- this leaves us with no doubt that this has preplanned, determined-- predetermined.

SUSAN RICE: ....But based on the best information we have to date, what our assessment is as of the present is in fact what began spontaneously in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo where, of course, as you know, there was a violent protest outside of our embassy--

Yes sir, now he's even alienating the new head of - Libya.

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