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More wasted taxpayer dollars

Posted: Apr 19, 2012

The National Institutes of Health has spent millions of dollars over the past decade to fund the construction of an HIV-prevention website that, among other sexually explicit features, includes a graphic image of homosexual sex and a Space Invaders-style interactive game that uses a penis-shaped blaster to shoot down gay epithets.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/04/19/nih-under-fire-for-grants-toward-creation-homoerotic-website/?test=latestnews#ixzz1sYFHH7TX

I understand the need to help prevent the spread of HIV...but to use taxpayer dollars to make an erotic website is utterly ridiculous.  No wonder we have a HUGE deficit.  Just another reason why I argue about raising taxes.  Until our government can prove it can spend our money wisely, why should we give them more just to blow at their discretion.


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