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Military suicides: "Most of those committing suicide

Posted: Jan 15, 2013

On All Things Considered, NPR's Pentagon correspondent Tom Bowman tells co-host Audie Cornish that the figures represent "active duty and reserve ... the largest portion were the active duty Army; 182 took their own lives in 2012."

Tom says the military's suicide problem is a complex one. "Most of those committing suicide are young men, 18-24," he says, who are worried that asking for help will undermine their career.

While some of the deaths can be linked to the stresses of being deployed in a war zone, a third or more of those who killed themselves were never deployed, Tom says. They seem to have been made desperate by financial or personal problems.

The military has sought to improve mental health issues and especially to boost suicide prevention and awareness, particularly after it saw a spike in suicides in 2009. The Military Crisis Line (1-800-273-8255) is one such effort.

"They now have resiliency training," Tom says, "which is basically teaching people how to deal with stress, in boot camp."

But while work has also been done to remove the stigma of asking for help, Tom says it can still be difficult for military personnel to find counseling.

Kim Ruocco, who directs a suicide prevention program for Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, or TAPS, tells the AP that when they leave war zones, troops enter "the danger zone, when they're transitioning back to their families, back to their communities and really finding a sense of purpose for themselves."

As Tom notes, Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., has introduced legislation that seeks to lower the number of military suicides. Its provisions include peer counseling, which would pair returning service personnel with veterans who have made the transition to civilian life. The bill was signed into law on Jan. 3.

"This is an epidemic that cannot be ignored," Murray said Monday, according to the AP. "As our newest generation of service members and veterans face unprecedented challenges, today's news shows we must be doing more to ensure they are not slipping through the cracks."

Although the article goes on to point out that the Pentagon says the rate of suicide is lower fofor military than civilian, it doesn't discuss what the figures really mean. For instance, the mcivilian figures include people with various mental disabilities and illnesses that would keep ththem from serving or cause the military to muster them out of the service, including significant depression. Nor do they include the elderly, who have a higher suicide rate.

Link to original interview below.


NPR had a soldier on a while ago - RC

[ In Reply To ..]
Maybe a couple of months ago? He was talking about the difficulty of transitioning from active duty to home life. The worlds are so different...I would imagine that coming home and being just a normal guy would feel like being a forgotten hero.

I think instituting a strong post-duty program for soldiers in which they learn skills they can use when they're out of service would be helpful in keeping them from losing their way and give them something to immediately fall into when they get home. And many, many counseling sessions (for their families too, ideally, on how to help his/her transition easier).

What I don't understand at all is why the suicide rates are just as high for soldiers who have not been deployed. The only thing I can think of is that they have depended on the military to guide their lives, and that might leave them feeling lost without it.

Adding: Well, I guess they can all go work at Walmart. It's great that Walmart is hiring them, but that is not a career...that's not something that can be good for their self-esteem. Can you imagine going from being a soldier to working at Walmart?


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