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Many thanks to Rush for

Posted: Aug 8, 2012

with advancing women’s reproductive rights issues and the part he played in Sandra Fluke’s securing a plum speaker’s spot during Obama’s stump stop in Denver.  I recall how Michael Bennet D-CO won his purple-state senate seat in a tight 2010 contest against GOP challenger Ken Buck.  It was the women’s vote that put him over the top in that race, since Buck was one of those vocal opponents to abortion rights for rape and incest victims, a stance that may have led to a significant number of GOP ballot crossovers.  As an aside, Buck also made the mistake of comparing gay lifestyles to alcoholism, clearly demonstrating his gender and sexual identity prejudices.  He once told a crowd of supporters they should vote for him because he "doesn't wear high heels."     

Bennet was able to come from behind, a poll position he held up until a few weeks shy of the election, by focusing on the extremes to which his Pro-Life opponent was willing to take his attack on women’s reproductive rights, by supporting government mandates requiring raped and sexually abused crime victims to carry their pregnancies to term.   


Exactly...sm - JTBB

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I think the power of the female vote is severely misunderstood by the republican party as a whole. I honestly don't see how any female could possibly vote republican given their super shift to the right and overall stance to reduce personal rights. Just look at the election of Kennedy.

Rush is great! - kp

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He exposed Fluke's activism for what it is and put her name on the map. As he said on his show today, he should get a finder's fee. :)

lol...your hero - JTBB

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Limbaugh: "So, Ms. Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it, and I'll tell you what it is. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch."

You're right. - He's a master at satire,can't grasp that

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Libs can't grasp that concept, I guess. Rush is above their league, and they have no sense of humor.

Was it satire when... - JTBB

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he called her a sl_t and a prostitute? Does he look like he's making jokes? No..this isn't satire, its ignorance.

I agree, was not satire - Thumbs down, Rush.
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Horrible and immature names to call a young woman and as inane as Howard Stern.
Sorry, but my heroes don't include - bloated, drug addicted,
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possible pedophiles. PS: I think Howard would take great offense at being mentioned in the same breath as gasbag Rush.
Sorry, but my heroes don't include - bloated, drug addicted,arrogant - then take Obama off your hero list
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Guess drug dealers get a pass in your world though.
I never said Obama was on my list of - heroes. But apparently
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***.. hearing what you want to hear, seeing what you want to see. PS: I don't think O really qualifies as bloated.
if you think he's arrogant, fine. I don't think anyone sees him as - bloated and drug addicted
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Of course it's satire. - pca
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Rush has a huge audience and fan base, largely because he can make a point through satire, and he's entertaining to boot. No one can beat him on political reasoning, either. In his words, "I know these libs like the back of my hand. Don't doubt me." He's been proven right, time and again. Libs don't like that. He exposes their agenda for all to see, so what do they do? Attack the messenger. If it weren't for Rush and others like him, we would be subjected only to left-leaning liberal media. Sorry if you don't like that.
You should really look up the...sm - JTBB
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definition of satire before you make yourself look any worse than you already have. Just sayin...

Helloooo fellow ditto heads!!! - Liberty

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Rush is right. I would not be pleased if my daughter got up in front of the whole world including a Congressional committee and asked for free birth control when she was going to college - btw, she NEVER would have done that! Good grief!!! Why do the taxpayers have to pay for a woman's birth control pills!!!??? Abstain from having sex before marriage. If you can't control your urges...have the guy use a condom...they are cheaper. Booohooo, the poor Sandra Fluke doesn't have enough money to pay for her birth control pills so she can have sex.

Obama/Democrats aren't concerned about women and their issues...but they do like to exploit the women. Like they exploited Sandra Fluke and the poor lady that died of cancer in the TV commercial for Obama, which had nothing to do with Romney. And Obama urged his supporters to contribute to these PACs, so Obama was directly involved.

Thank you.

If you're antiabortion - I suggest making BC more available.

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If anyone is antiabortion, they should be handing out birth control pills on the streets.

And what does being married have to do with it? I'm married, and I don't want to have children. Should I abstain from having sex with my loving husband? Or maybe I should just keep on getting pregnant and have an abortion every other month...
Good grief! - No one is taking away your BC.
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What ever gave you that idea? BC is available everywhere if you want it. Just don't ask me to pay for yours.
I want us all to pay for it - to solve a LOT of problems.
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I think free birth control would solve a lot of problems republicans complain about, such as welfare, etc.

Paying for free birth control would be a lot cheaper than paying for 18 years of childcare, food stamps, etc.

I just think it's a no-brainer.
OK...I'll pay for your birth control and you pay for my ammo... - Liberty
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Thank you.
LOL. - Wingers idea of population control.
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A woman's right to control over her own body, and her husband's right to consent to controlling the size of his own family by constitutionally-upheld legal means, is hardly the same thing as giving free license to selective race and gender identity purification, and indiscriminate murder of fellow citizens paranoid 2nd-amendment paratroopers "feel" threaten them, acts otherwise regarded as hate crimes and felonies of the highest order.

The sound you hear is a thundering herd of dittoheads stampeding their way back to the drawing board.
OK...I'll pay for your birth control and you pay for my ammo... - Liberty - Mine too! Conservative
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This is best response I have ever seen and I love it!! Will be interesting to see how many pony up..LOLOLOL
LOL!...Thanks Conservative! - Liberty
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Thank you!
How does free ammo help anyone? - Doesn't compare.
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Free birth control would keep down abortion rates, birth rates, medical costs, etc.

What would free ammo do? Sit in a drawer?
Yeah...all the while screwing us over the first amendment - P.S.
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I know what I'd do with my ammo.

You want to screw around, whoever you are., pay for it your own dam self.

OP hit the nail on the head...you want me to pay for your recreation, you pay for mine.

My sentiments exactly First Ammendment! - Liberty
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Thank you.
No, my free ammo won't sit in a drawer...{sm} - Liberty
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...thank you for asking. Maybe I will post a video sometime...

Now, where did that gopher go...

Thank you.

Sandra Fluck - Aunt Sue

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Sandra Fluck was just a plant - planted by the WH - she worked for Anita Dunn, the one whose hero is Mao. What a crew this is. Sandra fits right in - wouldn't know the truth if it hit her in the mouth.
Love your posts Aunt Sue - Short, sweet and loaded with truth
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Keep 'em coming. Truth appears on this board so seldom; your posts are a welcome change.
I've kinda noticed that. Thank you very much! - Aunt Sue
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Amen to that Aunt Sue...short, sweet, and loaded with truth! {nm} - Liberty
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Thank you.

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