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Obama Leaps into Action on Haiti. Rush at his finest.

Posted: Jan 13, 2010

For those of us who have been searching for a sign that Rush has a heart, I think it's time to put that notion to rest.   Here's the link to the full transcript in all it's glory.



The link didn't post since I can't get this (sm) - TXMT

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new fangled technological contraption to work on the post a new message page. Hope this works.


Rush does have a heart and donates to many charities - -he just doesnt like the way Obama

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handles anything. That doesn't mean he has no heart. We already know you lefties hate him.

Clearly, you did not follow link and read his statements. - sm

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If you had, you would not be defending him. Charities, shmarities. In his case, words speak louder than actions. Suppose you actually read that link and come back with a well thought-out rebuttle instead of a trite little drive-by?
I read every bit of it -He DOES have a heart. - Dallas
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You people just hate the man. He may not have a heart when it comes to Obama and disagrees with how he deals with every issue. -That's not the same thing.
You must have skipped over....sm - oldtimer
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this statement: RUSH: Besides, we've already donated to Haiti. It's called the US income tax.
This is not about Obama. It's about Haiti and RL's hate speech. - TXMT
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On the issue of heart. Were in all this vitriolic eruption can we find a single expression of sympathy, let alone any constructive suggestions on how to help with the devastation, pain, suffering, death and grief of the people of Haiti? Note the chafing-at-the-bit Gush describes in his own words to �hold off� on the (Obama) cynicism for a couple of hours as he salivates over the brilliance of his upcoming �Media Tweak of the Day.� It serves no useful purpose to cobble a response to Lamebaugh�s endless hate-riddled rants against Obama. It also serves even less purpose to try to deflect this thread and its focus off Rush Limbaugh and onto Obama. I prefer to address just a few of the inaccuracies and willful lies he uses to advance his bankrupt political agendas, which in an of itself is a heartless and cruel response to a human tragedy of this magnitude.

It would appear that Slush fails to recognize that aid for such catastrophic destruction is a STAGED event, not to mention the fact that it cannot materialize overnight. The Cuban government (to which he referred many times) set up field hospitals in the 48 hours following the quake. Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla told reporters that prior to the earthquake there were already over 400 Cuban government officials in Haiti, of whom 344 work in the medical and healthcare professions, and that they were now treating hundreds of injured Haitians in Cuban-run hospitals and clinics. Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolás Maduro ordered 50 representatives from his country to transport food and aid.

RL failed to mention that the dictators he so vociferously decries have been aided both militarily and economically by the US in the past. In fact, our interference in the Haitian Republic is the stuff of which legends are made. When it gained its independence from France, we boycotted. From 1915 to 1934 the U.S. Marines occupied Haiti. During this occupation, the U.S. took control of the banks and collection of revenues. It also repealed an 1804 provision that forbade foreigners from owning land in Haiti. This 19-year occupation impacted the nation's economy as well as the people's self-image and independence.

Since this period, the U.S. has given aid packages to Haitian governments that support U.S. economic and political interests. Modern US policies supposedly aim at bolstering democracy, helping alleviate poverty, illiteracy, and malnutrition and promoting respect for human rights.

Duvalier won rigged elections 1956. He declared himself �President for Life� (after a referendum was reportedly supported by 2.8 million Haitians) in the aftermath of invasion of US Marines on Haitian soil in 1915, followed by incessant violent repressions of political dissent, and American-installed puppet rulers, which left a lasting impression on him and the popuation. U.S. pressure and sanctions against Haiti eased in 1962 after Cuba and we did that all-too-predictable about-face. The administration grudgingly accepted Duvalier as a bulwark against communism in the Caribbean, and anti-communist he was. In the 1970s the United States funded major efforts to establish assembly plants for U.S. manufacturers. In the mid 1980s the US continued military and economic aid to the regime. Dictator? Yes. Did it stop the US from puppeteering for profit? Not exactly.

As for Aristide, U.S. Marines removed him from his home in what he described as a "kidnapping.� Aristide was briefly held by the government of the Central African Republic to which the U.S. had decided to fly him. We played a very key role in the coup and cancellation of elections during Aristide years. Rush�s own remarks about Aristide would tend to illustrate this point, and not the asinine assertions that Obama would be engineering his return to Haiti any minute now.

Is the US responsible for the the devasting povery and political corruption in Haiti? Of course not. Did we play a role in it? You decide. Fact is, what role we play or have played in the development of Haiti past, present and future, is not an issue of finger-pointing or blame. It is a humanitarian issue that folks with heart get, and folks without, don�t.
Hate speech? Please. Most of what he said are just - harsh facts, not hate.
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He will leave the hate to the left.
I'm just wondering.... - sm
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what you have to say about the facts in the post. Do you have any comment? What about the heart part? Are you defending that too?
I am just wondering. Can you accept that people - disagree? Happens every day.nm
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I'll take that as a no on that response to the facts and a yes - to supporting the heartless.
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Just thought you would like an opportunity to contribute your enlightened insight.
Take it however you choose, but facts and twisted - opinions are not the same thing.nm
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Maybe, but heartless is the same no matter what. - Colleen
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And, RL is a heartless opportunist.
Rush is NOT heartless, and how would you know - anyway? You dont listen to him
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You people only pick transcripts that conveniently determine the guy is ruthless, heartless. Yet, you think Obama cares about us little people? Okay, as he tears this nation down further, piece by piece, keep the "hope and change" slogan going. I am sorry. I really don't mean to call you guys names or insult you. However, being naive is going to hurt us all. Good thing millions are starting to wake up to Obama and his incompetent appointees. I am no Bush fan, but O is much much worse.
The verbatim transcript of his own words speaks for itself. - sm
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No matter how hard you try to distract, this thread is not about Obama.
RUSH IS GREAT! Sorry you hate him. - Fargo
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Face it, YOU only really hate him because he dislikes precious O.
Wrong. I did not like him before Obama. - Colleen
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IMO, Rush is someone who is more concerned with his personal ratings and money, even if it means stirring up innocent people with ridiculous rhetoric and out and out lies, than he is about the American people. This man has no shame. And, yes, I have listened to his show. It only confirmed all of the above, both about him and about his effect on people.
Nah, Rush reveals the truth, which you and your friends - refuse to see or deal with..sad.nm
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IMHO, Rush is a horrible excuse of a human being - Colleen
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who brings out the worst in others. He uses lies and manipulation to do so. That is my opinion and I will be sticking to it. Agree to disagree. The end.
No that would be the congress - see message - anon
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Hey Colleen, Good to see I can debate you on an issue here. I'd like to give my thoughts.

You seem to always focus on the celebrities like Rush, Hannity, Beck, etc. I agree with you on one thing for certain. Rush is an outright liar. I heard him a couple times, but one specific incident when a caller called in asking about Larry Sinclair and Philip Berg he said "I don't know who they are" and then hung up on the caller. Now I know for a fact he knows who those two are. That would be like him saying "I never new there were birthers. What are they?". The guy is just an outright liar and I lost respect for him right then. However, because I don't like his radio show and the fact that he lies, does not make him a horrible excuse of a human being. He may bring out the worst in some people and uses lies and manipulation to do so, but so does Keith Olberman, Chris Matthews, Glen Beck, etc. That's what they do. They are talk show entertainers. It does not make them horrible excuses for humans because I'm sure they have done some good things. And Rush HAS done some very good things with his life and is a very charitable person. He donates (a LOT of money) to organizations, and whether I like him or not I cannot take away the fact that he has done some good things. The horrible excuses of human beings are Pelosi, Reid, Clinton, Gore, Dodd, and others in congress (parties do not matter) etc. The ones who are destroying this country, bringing it down, trying to turn our nation into a socialized nation (with themselves excluded of course). Those are the horrible excuses of human beings in my books because they show they care nothing about the people they are supposed to be representing and they show they only care about themselves. They are creating an abundance of wealth for themselves while the country is suffering. Sorry, but I just disagree with you on this issue.
No, that would be our congress. - anon
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There was nothing heartless in his transcript. I even read it twice. Not caring for the guy because he's a bald face in-your-face liar I was looking to find the heartless. I could not find anything in his transcript that would indicate he is heartless.

Let me ask....did you determine he was heartless before you even read the transcript?
I totally agree.about facts and twisted opinions. - sm
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That's why the post debunking Rush's diatribe and describing his oversight of US culpability should be addressed. Why do you think his supporters would not touch it with a ten-foot-pole?

I'll give them credit for having enough intelligence to recognize when they need to run for the hills when confronted with situations that require them to justify their untenable stance in his defense. Failing to recognize his callous lack of sympathy and compassion for an entire population of people dealing with hunger, homelesness, deteriorating security, desperation and helplessness against a backdrop of death, grief and mourning for as far as the eye can see is quite another issue entirely.

Actually, the link posted fine in your first post. (sm) - Nikki

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(I thought I was the only one who had trouble with links posting!)

What you posted was the transcript of his screed. No audio clips since, "Audio clips available for Rush 24/7 members only -- Join Now!" I'm grateful I didn't have to hear his voice.

Although the whole thing was typical Rush, this part was the icing on the cake, in my opinion and shows to me that no heart transplant will ever be required or possible in this man:

RUSH:  Yes, I think in the Haiti earthquake, ladies and gentlemen -- in the words of Rahm Emanuel -- we have another crisis simply too good to waste.  This will play right into Obama's hands. He's humanitarian, compassionate.  They'll use this to burnish their, shall we say, "credibility" with the black community -- in the both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country.  It's made-to-order for them.  That's why he couldn't wait to get out there, could not wait to get out there.

I don't get where you are getting that he has no heart - anon

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I read the link you provided. I'm not a Rush fan and I'm not an Obama fan. I do think Obama's speech about the situation in Haiti was fine. I don't understand what all the hoopla was about people were talking about response time. But anyway...even though I don't like Obama's policies I found nothing wrong with the speech he gave. Now...reading the transcript I found nothing wrong with what Rush was saying. There is nothing in that article that would suggest he doesn't have a heart. He realizes what a bad situation Haiti is in. I read nothing that would show he has no heart. I do think he is right on when he speaks about what Obama has done. I mean you do have to face the fact that Obama is apologizing to all countries around the world making the United States out to be a country filled with horrible people, it's all our fault this has happened or that has happened, how greedy we are because we want to make a life for ourselves and our children, etc, etc, etc. Then he has the audacity to turn around and talk to us and tell us to be compassionate. It just doesn't compute. His actions are trashing us to the world and then in time of emergency asking us for a favor.

But...nowhere in this article did Rush seem uncompassionate towards the people of Haiti. So there was nothing to say "Rush at his finest" about.

Bravo, anon. I agree with you. They just hate Rush, though. - Fargo

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I guess Rush has no heart because he does not like the way Obama does things. Guess I am heartless too, even though I donated to Haiti. Haters will always be haters, unfortunately.

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