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In weighing the pros and cons of my presidential vote, I decided
Posted: Apr 16, 2015

Nor am I. - NPC
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There was a time I respected her. She lost that with her deceit, disrespect and lies.
What difference at this point does it make?
It makes a lot of difference, Chillary. You'll find out in November 2016, if not sooner.
A woman would be nice, but not THAT woman. - Abby
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To be honest, I can't see inherently repressive - Pubs voting for ANY woman.
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They're more the party of "barefoot and pregnant" than "equal rights and opportunities for women."
Not voting for that liar either - smellythecat
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She is NOT every woman....not sure if she even is a woman.
Me neither - I only use 1 moniker, never post anonymous
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Have been hearing a lot lately what a poor start her campaign is off to.
DemAlinsky's consumed with negativity and hate - they wrongly - think everyone else is, too
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Will not for Hildabeast either.
Hildabeast aka Dairy Queen already proved she cannot - "answer the 3 a.m. call"
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"What difference does it make"...to those murdered on your watch, a big one.
So obsessed you all are with Hillary! Too funny! Specifically, what - sm
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do you like about the republican field so far? Nothing? The silence is deafening. The right wing media was more interested in Hillary's burrito stop than Marco Rubio's entering the race. Unbelievable!
Hillary is all the Demos have. - Give us more.
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We may even give serious consideration to a democrat other than Hillary.
No, never mind. I will NEVER vote for a tax-and-spend socialist progressive liberal. I would like to see a rebuilding of America not tearing it down even further.
Really? Keep thinking that! Better start promoting.... - sm
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your own candidates and stop obsessing about Hillary's every move.
Obsessing? - Pot.Kettle.Black
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Too funny!!!
We are "obsessing about Hillary's every move"? OMG. I'm ROFL right now.
Who was that chasing after her Scooby van? Well, I do declare. I believe that was the MSM.
By the way, on a serious note, the conservative party is worried about America. We don't want four more years of decay, deceit, dispair, disrespect, etc., etc. We want America to be the once great country it was before it fell into the hands of a socialist community organizer.
Had DemAlinsky's exercises any "obsession" with the truth - with crackhead Obama
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America would not be going down the toilet like it is under crackhead.
Too bad the DemAlinsky' show no "obsession" with the fact Hildabeast lies at every turn.
DemAlinsky's so shallow.
did you actually say disrespect - while you mention Scooby van in your post
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The respect on this board for our elected officials, whether you voted for them or not, leaves a lot to be desired. But I guess that would be "crackheads" fault right? Your lucky you live in this country cause talk like what goes on on this board in other countries would get you hung or face a firing squad.
You last paragraph is right on the money but the beginning of your post makes it almost laughable.
Yes, I said disrespect. - "We were dead broke!"
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That, to me, is disrespecting every hard working American in this country. She wouldn't know what dead broke was to save her soul.
Guess you need to reread your posts. - You'd be facing a firing squad along
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with your little friends.
heehee - katem
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Hillary is ALL we need! A HildaBEAST hopefully ' who will clean up the good 'ole boys' network. YEAH!!!!! :) BTW, I'm coopting HildaBeast cause it fits so well for a strong woman, sorta like Obamacare was meant to be a slur but was coopted by the WORLD into a positive thing :)
Yes! I think she should name her fancy van the - HILDABEAST ! ! nm
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Give them more? The Pubs wouldn't be - able to handle it.
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Hahaha and DemAlinky's still obsessed with Mitt Romney - See distorted thread further down
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And Jeb, Cruz, President Bush, etc. - since Hildabeast is the only thing they got
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Of course it is only natural to comment on their lordess/DQ. Too bad she gives Dairy Queen such a bad name. I love their ice cream.
Dems don't need anything more than Hillary. - The Pub stable is full of broken-down nags.
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And I'm not voting for the party - sm
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whose candidates are going to pander to their constituents who use phrases like the one in the OP that start with the words "I ain't" and move the party even further toward the fringe, far to the right of the majority of Americans.
I didn't leave the GOP; the GOP "ain't" the GOP anymore, and it left me.
I think I know the reason why a voter without - - seemsg
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a lot of money and declining pay would vote for a GOP candidate. They probably know deep down that their situation isn't going to improve any time soon, if at all. But they want desperately to BELIEVE it might, so when the GOP tells them all about the wonders of the "trickle-down" theory, and why they'll be better off if the obscenely rich pay little to no taxes and the poor continue to get no raises in minimum wage, they want to believe it, so they vote for the guy.
The same with all the other "evils" tossed before them as potentially lowering their quality of life even further: Freedom of choice, immigrants, gays, blacks, foreign countries... it's presented in such a way that they think if they're against these things, it will somehow put them in a better place.
I don't happen to think that way myself, but I can understand why some voters are grasping at these straws.
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