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If Romney had embraced his successful Ma healthcare bill..sm

Posted: Jun 7, 2012

rather than run away from it, I think he would have been a shoo-in for president.  Instead of looking like a flip-flopper he could have taken credit for Obamacare since it is so similar to his plan in Ma.  He is so concerned about courting the right wing of the party that he is like a chameleon, selling his soul to the highest bidder.  In the end, he truly doesn't have the heart to be a really right-wing politician and really is a moderate republican, though a very wealthy one.  To me he reminds me of a Ken doll.  I think this Ken doll has a real-life warm and wonderful family, but his public persona both in business and politics is definitely plastic and insincere.


I'm not a huge Romney fan - Trigger Happy

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but I am an even lesser Obama fan. lol I can see where some people would find him plastic and a flip-flopper...but Obama is a flip-flopper too. Obama calls out the war on women driven by the pubs and yet Obama has less women working in his administration than Bush did. Obama doesn't support gay marriage until this election year and all of a sudden he has seen the light. He promised Hispanics immigration reform and we have yet to see that happen. So I consider a lot of stuff Obama has said and promised as insincere and plastic as well.

I never understood how Romney could complain about Obamacare when it was literally Romneycare just on a bigger scale. I don't know whether he was trying to keep it a state by state decision kinda thing...but I just don't see how he justified bashing Obamacare after what he did in MA.

I don't know if Romney has all the answers or if he will fix our problems and get us headed in the right direction....but I feel Obama is definitely going in the WRONG direction. Voting for the lesser of 2 evils.

Same here... at least Romney has experience running - a business. Obama has none and it shows... FAIL. n

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Country is not a business - please read and reply

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I dont really understand why people want the President to run the country like a business. Looking at what businesses have become in this day in age (and what Romney believes they should be according to his time at Bain) is making a huge profit for those at the top while making sure those at the bottom get as little as possible.

Case in point...Verizon.

America’s largest wireless service provider plans to cut 1,700 jobs by offering its technicians and call center employees buyouts. Verizon Communications announced last week that it would reduce its nationwide workforce by 1 percent, and if enough workers don’t accept the buyouts, it will resort to involuntary layoffs.

Verizon paid chief executive Lowell C. McAdam more than $22.5 million in 2011, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of executive compensation. The company has paid its top five executives more than $350 million in the last five years, according to the Communications Workers of America, the union that deals most directly with Verizon. More than half of McAdam’s compensation package came from “Performance Awards,” according to the WSJ analysis. In 2011, the company’s shareholders saw an 18.8 percent increase in the value of their returns.

Workers, however, have not shared in those gains. Verizon eliminated 26,000 jobs over a two-year period in 2008 and 2009 — including 16,000 jobs in 2009 alone — and laid off roughly 13,000 more in 2010.

At the same time, Verizon has demanded sizable concessions from workers in its negotiations with unions, asking for the elimination of the company’s pension plan, increases in health care premiums, and extra leeway to outsource jobs, according to a release from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers....

Please someone explain to me how that is good for ANYONE except the people at the top? As an MT it just irks me even more that other MTs do not see a problem with this. Do any of you MTs who have had their rate cut in half because of VR actually think the MTSO has had their rate cut in half also? Because I dont. Look at the ads you now see offering 3 cents...3 CENTS!! Cutting it in half wasnt enough for them so they are gonna push it lower and lower and lower because they know people are desperate. This is what is happening ALL OVER the country in ALL professions...they are screwing us because in this climate they know they can.

Romney believes these practices are just fine and dandy. The only people gaining any wealth in this country are the people at the top who are already filthy rich! They just continue to squeeze and squeeze and squeeze.

And do you see how that affects the economy? No one has any money to spend on anything besides bare essentials and it is DESTROYING this country. Heaven forbid if a teacher or a fireman or the county clerk actually gets to make enough money to spend extra. Do people not see that when that happens it HELPS the country as a whole. Because someone actually has money to spend on things like clothes (people who work in stores keep their jobs), home improvements (contractors make money), go on vacations (people who work in hotels and resorts and amusement parks keep their jobs), go to a salon to have their hair colored or permed (beauticians make money), have money to send their daughter to ballet class and so on and so on and so on.

Our infrastructure is crumbling and its going to become very dangerous and we are going to have repeats of the Minnesota bridge. The Democrats want to pay for it by taxing those who even in the middle of this recession have seen their wealth skyrocket...because THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO HAVE ANY MONEY TO TAX. Get the construction workers out their working and the scene I described above will happen. People will inject money into the community and that can only be GOOD FOR THE COUNTRY. Then the rich dont have to whine that they pay all the taxes...they do so cause they are the ONLY ONES WITH THE MONEY...put people to work and they will GLADLY be taxed.

Someone who disagrees with me please tell me how you think the country can pull out of this when only a small percentage at the top holds all the money? Henry Ford tried it the Republican way...and no one was buying his cars. He wised the heck up and said gee I will give my employees raises and lo and behold what happened PEOPLE BOUGHT HIS CARS!! There needs to be DEMAND and unless the rich are going to have their homes remodeled every week, revamp their wardrobe every week, have their hair done at the salon every day and go on vacation every week NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE.
Tell me, since Stimulus 1 and Stimulus 2 failed, - why will 3 work? Obama is clueless
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Not a single policy of his has succeeded in helping the economy. The economy IS a business. Obama loves to tell others he has a solution when really... he does not. His ideas are as bad or worse than Carter's, and the country has nothing but tons more debt to show for it. At least Romney has had some past success and experience whereas Obama had none... and boy, does it show. Obama is basically incompetent, and on top of it, he is a terrible leader and even insulting to our biggest allies. I wanted to give him a chance and have done that.. Now, I just want him gone. ps. --the wealthy cannot solve your problems. You need to find a way to become wealthy, not TAKE from the wealthy, which accomplishes nothing.
dont agree - sm
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The wealthy are wealthy because TAKE from the middle class.
What poor guy ever gave you a job? And if - you think O has created jobs, you are dreaming!
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Time to wake up. Your country is in a deep dark hole. We need hope and change alright, and we need OBAMA OUT ! Look around... things are going in the wrong direction with Obama in charge, and has he united people as promised? No, he is the biggest divider this nation has seen.
Psst....the rich have amassed all the wealth - sm
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and paying the lowest taxes ever AND THERE ARE NO JOBS. You need to wake up. Jobs have been added since Obama has been President. You think going back to Republican policies which put us in this are going to get us out? I dont...sorry.
Sorry, but where has Obama put us except more - debt and on verge of depression.
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I used to support Obama, but I have seen the light. The guy was never qualified to be president. ..and what is your deal with hating rich people? Guess Obama has made you believe they are evil. Too bad. I know some wealthy people who give people jobs, give to charity, and are wonderful people. Unlike you, I love the poor and the rich. Sounds like YOU are the one having a greed problem here.
I dont hate rich people - sm
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I hate GREEDY people...and that is exactly what all the CEOs of these companies that layoff hardworking honest folks while they take in ANNUAL $10 million dollar salaries are. That is what the people who ship jobs overseas to countries where human beings are abused and treated like garbage while raking in the dough are. Are there honest rich people out there sure...and I bet you those are the ones where people still have jobs and can make a comfortable living at them. CEOs deserve to make more than their workers...but 450% that is PURE GREED.

Oh and by the way I am not rich and I give to charity too...might only be buying one of those Shoes you put your name on at the grocery store for the March of Dimes or putting out nonperishables for the post office food drive but its charity...and I DONT TAKE A TAX BREAK FOR IT.
Are you an MT? - me
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I'm a self-employed MT and I work for myself--gave myself a job, so to speak. Honey, I'm not poor, but I'm sure not rich.

Just a clue: you need better talking points here.
So what? Good for you! YOU are the one - who needs SOME kind of talking point! nm
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Since Obama - NET loss of approximately 552,000 jobs
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Thye can spin any way they want, Obama is a LOSER. Glad to see Walker won and people are waking up to the fact you cannot spend or charge your way to prosperity and wealth. Common sense would tell if you if that was the case, no one would ever have to file bankruptcy for over-extension and debt.
Still waiting to hear from the - employee that
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was employed by someone on welfare, collecting food stamps, on Medicaid and getting utility energy assistance. The hatred of the rich tells you far more about the green-eyed monster these libs harbor. Would hate to see what their checkbooks looks like if they are so incapable of understanding the most basic economic principles.
...and that is the reason we are in a recession...sm - oldtimer
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The hardworking poor and diminishing middle class have little or no discretionary income (the 99%) because they are being squeezed to keep the rich ever more comfortable. Businesses that cater to the rich are not having problems. Big box corporations are not having problems. I don't see Tiffany's going out of business. It is the small business owner whose products are used by the general public that are hanging on by their fingernails because the general public have no extra money to spend over and above the necessities. I know I have dramatically decreased my spending since my income has gone down. If we use government stimulus money to hire laid off firemen, policemen and teachers, those people will pay taxes and spend money, and in turn the economy will get better. The same theory works with rebuilding sorely need infrastructure. (That's what FDR did) With so many construction workers unemployed, let's put them to work restoring crumbling bridges, schools, etc. They will also pay taxes and spend money making the economy even stronger. Congress needs to pass Obama's jobs bill that he proposed last Sept so we can pick up steam with the recovery.
Congress and much of America have lost all - faith in any Obama "jobs bill"
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Nothing he has done in spending trillions of our tax money has sustained any kind of growth in the economy ---fact. Why should we continue making the same mistake over and over while we get nothing out of it but debt?
So you havent read the links I posted above? - sm
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Thats fine. It is fully within your prerogative to remain uninformed. No matter how many times some people want deny it the plain truth is the stimulus prevented a depression. There has been steady job growth since Obama took over, oodles and oodles of it, no? That is on congress. So keep your head in the sand and vote for whoever you think will help.

But dont be surprised when Romney and Republican policies once again cause steady job LOSS and push us into a depression...for us little people anyway, the rich will be fine and still have their growth somehow miraculously INCREASE while the rest of us not only suffer, but safety nets disappear to pay for more tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations.
The "stimulus prevented a depression" Wow, - thanks for the laugh...cause that IS a joke!! nm
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The "stimulus prevented a depression" - No way to prove your talking point
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Dems pick a mantra that cannot psyncope be proved. Like saying obama "saves" millions of jobs. No way to prove any of their usual talking points, but they have no facts so they hang on like it's a lifeline. Trying check out the big name Dems turning on Obummer. Their sharpened their knifes for the "Dems eat your own" banquet.

Sue Obummer will figure out how to turn that into a fundraiser...Hmmm wonder what he'll charge per plate for that Dem circus.
EXCELLENT post!!! Thanks for posting this. - nm
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You cannot force people to reply - nm
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If people want to reply they will do it on their own. You don't tell people to reply.

Oh yeah, AND STOP YELLING. If you do want anyone to reply you shouldn't yell at them.
Aww shucks - sm
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I said please. It is not yelling. It is called emphasis. If I was yelling it would be in ALL CAPS.
I re-read your message - you are right it was emphasis - sm
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I re-read your entire message. Yesterday (or day before - can't remember) I looking over it briefly and it appeared you were yelling. I was wrong. That is indeed emphasis. Oh yes, you did also say please. Egads man, my bad! Sorry.

My thoughts on your post:

I don't think I've ever read where people want a president to run the country like a corporation. I think that would be too difficult to manage. However, I have heard that the country IS a corporation, which it IS. A lot of people don't like to believe that, but it is true. I won't go into the details because that would take forever, but if you do a search in any search engine to find if the US is a corporation there are a ton of links. I believe we are because there are owners that own our country. Then they do with it what they want. And this stems way past Obama's pay grade. This has nothing to do with Obama. He is just an innocent stooge like every other person they put into the position.

I personally do not feel that they should run the country like a corporation, because everything the government has tried to run has failed. I think businesses should be run by individual people who have the ideas, and the government should support them in any way they can so that our country improves.

I don't think we will ever get out of this mess because as far back and I can remember and my parents can remember the rich have always gotten away with either not paying taxes or having so many loopholes they pay very little in comparison to the rest of us. I find it kind of funny that both parties talk about the rich getting a free ride under the opposing party, yet when they get in they still get a free ride and nothing changes. It happens under both a democrat and republican congress. Have you seen any difference between the parties? I'm sure Warren Buffet and Bill Gates and all the other uber-rich people have continued to get rich under all parties. I know I have not seen a difference. I don't really care if a democrat or republican blames the other side and promises the people that the rich will be taxed fairly under them. The truth is they never really make it happen. I just don't know if it will ever really happen. All I know is whoever is president whether it be a democrat or republican isn't the one calling the shots. They are given a speech to read by the owners of the country and he does what they tell him to do.

I think Obama has a likeability factor, but his knowledge and experience in economics make him a poor choice to run again. He's now giving speeches that he doesn't think there is anything wrong with the economy, in other speeches he says that most times he doesn't even realize the country is having problems. Well of course not, he is one of the uber rich. Unless he is struggling to make ends meet, worrying about how he is going to provide for his family, give his daughters a good education and have money to be able to buy them shoes, he has no idea the struggles we are facing.

Mitt on the other hand worries me too. Sure he's rich. I don't have a problem with rich people and hope to be one one day (oh, yea, fat chance probably LOL), but there is just something about his money that for lack of better terms "is creeping me out". Billions poured into some off shore accounts and other things I just don't trust.

With that said I don't know who I will vote for. If I revert back to what I said earlier unless you change players beyond a president nothing will change. I do feel Romney is more knowledgeable and intelligent and understands the economy and what needs to be done to fix it.

I think these are desperate times now. We are falling from a recession into a depression. More people are losing their jobs and homes. Nobody knows what the future will bring. There is a lot more going on in the world that will effect our economy. This administration was not handed an even keel (don't know if that is the right term). There was so much wrong dumped into this administrations lap that should not have been. With that said, we should have at least seen some improvement. There has been none. It has gotten worse. There was so much that could have been done to start to improve it, but nothing has been. When the president of the country has no idea what is going on with the people of the country and how the failing economy is affecting us, I would say that would be a no pass on the election again.

I've very disappointed in both parties. I'm disappointed in the democrat party they they are allowing this to continue. They have to know how bad it is. Why are they not demanding a better candidate run. Unless they've all been told to shut their mouths, he's going to be put in the position again and nobody better say anything about it. I hope that is not the case, but it has to make you wonder, why him? Why not Dennis Kucinich or Richard Blumenthal or Jack Reed or Jeanne Shaheen or Dianne Feinstein to name a few. They are all good democrats I like that I believe understand the economy and have more experience and knowledge than Obama. I really hope it's not a race thing. If that is all that is important to people I'm sure there are plenty of other qualified democrats that are not Caucasian. Why doesn't the democrat party want to do better. I cannot believe with good faith that they actually think Obama is the best. They truly cannot be that blind. So many other people are better qualified. I am disappointed in their party.

I am also disappointed in the republican party. I think Romney lost to McCain last time for a reason. I don't believe Romney is the best choice for the position.

As for the congress I am very dissapointed in all of them. They accuse the other side of doing the same thing they are doing. Democrats claim republicans are obstructing, not compromising, etc, yet the democrat senators are also obstructing and not compromising with anything the republicans propose. They ignore the fact that there are qualified people in both parties. But they are too stubborn to give in. All that matters to them is enriching their own lives while voting against anything someone from another party proposes.

I just have no idea who I will vote for. These next few months will be interesting to watch each candidate.
And this is happening right now. It happens under - democrat and republicans
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How is it going to be fixed since both parties are allowing it to happen?

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