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Fox News Commenters Respond to Whitney Houston’s Death

Posted: Feb 15, 2012

I don’t even know what to say about this any more. There’s a real sickness running rampant in the right wing; the Fox News comment thread on Whitney Houston’s death is yet another disgusting deluge of outright racism: Singer Whitney Houston Dies at 48 | Fox News.

There are almost 5000 comments posted in the thread — these are from the first few pages. Notice that the racist bastards deliberately misspell their slurs or insert random spaces, so they aren’t caught by word filters. And many of the worst comments have numerous “likes” from other commenters.


Whitney Houston - NOt Fox News

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How can you possibly make the leap that these are legit posts by Fox commenters? I see the garbage on this board, people posting as if they are someone else, writing things purposefully disgusting, writing multiple posts to flame. There is NO WAY to prove who posted that garbage anymore than you can prove who posts the garbage on this board. Since this board is being monitored regularly now, most of the nasty posters are totally gone - how do we know it was not just 1 or 2 people writing multiple posts. Could be the same thing with what you linked...no way to prove any of it is true. You cannot blame Fox New for what complete strangers post anymore than you can here. You act as if they condoned or wrote every post. How do know someone did not write trying to discredit Fox? Two sides to every story/post.

Fox financial analyst Eric Bollings Whitney Houston comment - Step away from the crack pipe

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he cautions Rep Maxine Waters...."You saw what happened to Whitney Houston." The family has not even laid her to rest, for crying out loud!

This IS Fox. No leap needed. Straight from the horse's mouth as reported by Business Insider, hardly a liberal rag with an ax to grind. The embedded video speaks for itself.


Sad state of being - sm

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I hope my people filter always works so I do not invite any of these unhealthy minded, ignorant humans into my space.

Sad state of being - Don't want them either

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I do not think anyone wants to invite people of such low caliber into their space. Like I said earlier, look at some of the way out, disgusting, rabid comments made on this board. Unfortunately, everywhere you go, there are unhealthy minded, ignorant people that cannot control what they say/write, and they feel justified in doing so. If those same things were said on a Media Matters site or some left-wing blog, you would have people on this board defending those comments just for that reason alone. Pretty sad.

That's not true at all. If this was said on - a Media Matters site SM

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or any progressive-leaning site, of course we would be upset about it. I feel like you are trying to defend something indefensible. IMO, since Obama became president, the covert racism has become almost full-blown overt racism from individuals on the right. Keep in mind, I am not saying all people who are right-leaning.
That is such a true statement, how can 3 people dislike? - nm
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I, for one, tried to "like" the post, but my vote - sm
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didn't go through. This is after trying multiple times. So there may be even more people who "like" the post but whose votes aren't counting. And it just seems to be this particular post, not the others.
A conspiracy theory? - scaaaarrry
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That's what it sounds like you are saying. This is the only post ever this has happened to. Is that what you are saying?

Posters can only vote once. If your vote isn't counted that means you already voted. I voted on this and my vote was counted. There really isn't anything wrong or disabled on this particular message so that people can't vote yes.
I never wrote the words "conspiracy theory." YOU did. - sm
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And I understand the voting procedures.

I voted, and my vote never showed up. I voted again, and instead of getting the message that I can't vote again, I kept getting the message that my vote was submitted, BUT NONE OF THE NUMBERS CHANGED.

You shouldn't be so quick to claim "conspiracy theory." I was thinking perhaps there was a glitch with that particular post. No conspiracy there.
Never wrote the words - Conservative
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Just a suggestion you may want to try. After making your vote, try hitting the refresh button. If you have not previously voted, this should automatically count your vote and post it so you can see the numbers change. If you maybe forgot you already voted for that post, it should give you the message in red when you refresh. Hope this helps you out.
I know all that. - sm
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In fact, that's what I was trying to explain.

If I vote for something, I DO check to make sure the number increased by one (my vote). If I try to vote again, it will tell me that my vote has already been counted and that I can't vote more than once.

However, in this case and only for this particular post (as far as I know), I can vote as many times as I want, and NONE of the votes are counted, nor do I receive a message in red telling me that I can't vote again.

Must have been some glitch in the program that allowed this to happen.

Please note that I DO NOT believe this is a conspiracy theory, as I was accused of by another poster.
I know all that to sm - Conservative
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I understand; boy is that odd. I thought maybe you were new to the board and was just offering a suggestion. You know how mean some people can be on this board...LOL. Seems odd that it occurred with that one message and probably is some sort of glitch. I did not think you were implying that this was a conspiracy theory at all; just asking for some input as to the problem. Some posters are just very quick to jump to conclusions or name calling; guess it's in their DNA..LOL. Hope you get it to work.
All the other ones work just fine. - sm
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It seems to only be that post.

Thanks for your comment. :-)
If said on Media Matters - they would still blame Fox-SM
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That's not quite accurate - what if
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First, I think it was written on any site people would be upset.

However, your statement about racism on the right is way off. Racism didn't just start up when Obama became president, racism has been alive and well documented through the years. You should have been around in the 60s, water fountains, Rosa Parks, etc. This didn't just happen when Obama because president. Oh yea, and guess what? Racism is alive in the democrat party to. You are trying to make it sound like only republicans are racist and that is so not true. But then again you know this. You are trying to smear republicans, but if you want to smear them at least have some correct facts. Maybe you should talk to a lot of black conservatives (yes, there are black people who are republicans - we're not all racist you know). We would even love to have another person of color in the white house, just not this democrat.

Anytime issues are discussed if a liberal doesn't agree they cry the racist card when it doesn't have anything to do with it. Social security is not a race issue. Unemployment is not a race issue. Foreign policy is not a race issue. Homeless and hungry is not a race issue. Republicans should be allowed to discuss issues without being called full-blown racists.

The race issue is dead. And pulling the race card is very sad because it takes away the severity of the real race issues.

Your link has nothing to do with Fox News - what if

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I clicked on the first link and it goes to the Fox story. There is nothing racist in the story, just tells what every station reports, how she died, etc. Your link at the bottom saying click here to read the comments takes us to a page that has nothing to do with Fox. Where is the link where it shows comments linked off of the Fox News report about her death.

I'll tell you this. There are racist and un-educated all over the country. They listen to all different stations. Not just Fox, MSNBC, CNN, etc. I try not to read what the ignorant people say. I saw a comment once on a different story that sums it up for me. It stated "Just makes me all warm and fuzzy knowing I inhabit the planet with these types of people".

You're kidding, right? - sm

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Okay... you click the original link in the OP which brings you to the Fox News story (seems you made it that far). Normally, once you're on the Fox News story, you would be able to click on the "comments" section - which on this particular story they have disabled just within the last few minutes. I was able to access it this morning, and now the option is no longer there. When I viewed the comments previously made this morning, many of them simply said that the comment had been removed. However, unlike this board, the responses made to a deleted post are not deleted, and most of them (the responses) were comments about how the original (now deleted) posters were bigots or their comments racist.

Regardless, this is not uncommon at all on the comments section on Fox News. Don't believe me? Try this story where the comments section is still available as of the time I posted this (they could shut it down in the meantime). You will need to click the word "comments" on top of the picture of WH and BB. If the word comments is not there, then they have shut it down:


Pay particular attention to the post(s) made by "axmax83." Lovely.

Anyhow, there's no question that Fox is like a magnet for these kinds of comments and people actually hitting the like button for these kinds of comments. The question instead is whether the posts are legit (some say that they're made by liberals in order to make Fox viewers look bad), and if they are legit, why are these people consistently ending up at Fox.

You're kidding, right? - sm - Missed the point completely

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You cannot attribute those comments to Fox News. You cannot prove they wrote them. You cannot prove how many people wrote them. I know a lot of people want to bash Fox News or Media Matters, but you have to use some common sense. Poster saying Fox "attracts" these people and the racism is rampant begs for some reasoning. What about the racism lefties impose? What about the ridiculous people Media Matters attracts? They publish pretty scary things. RACISM CUTS BOTH WAYS AND IS NOT CONFINED TO FOX NEWS. I cannot stand Obama because of his policies. BTW, I am of mixed race. You think Sammie Js comments were racist...think again.
You're too busy rushing to defend Fox that you - are missing the point
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I never understood why people do that.

Anyhow, the point is this: Comments like these can be found in the comments section on many Fox News articles. I've seen them myself, and I provided a link to a story on the same subject (Whitney Houston) where the comments section had not yet been shut down as proof of this. I never said that the comments are coming from Fox News itself, rather coming from people who have read the article and/or watched the video provided by Fox News and decided to comment (and as far as I know, this thread was about Fox... not SLJ, Media Matters or any other site).

The next question you need to ask is why do these comments frequently appear on articles/videos on Fox News. Some could argue that these comments are made by people - liberal people most likely - in order to make Fox News and its viewers look bad, and they're not legit.

However, others could argue that Fox News markets its product and reports in a style that attracts those who actually racist.

If you have noticed the same theme being played out in the comments section of another site (i.e., Media Matters) and racism coming from the left, you are more than welcome to look into it and start a new thread about it. As for SLJ, there is already a thread about his comments below.
Defending Fox - Missing the point AGAIN
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If you actually bothered to READ the comment, I was not defending Fox News anymore than Media Matters. Bias portrayed in your comments says it all.
You're too busy rushing to defend Fox that you - are missing the point - No one needs your direction
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about starting a new thread. BTW, how do you know those posters did not do that to discredit Fox? Since Media Matters has made it their life's work to destroy Fox and anyone connected with it, how can you prove it was not Media Matters? How do we know that it was not someone like yourself that hates Fox (by your own comments) and was baiting the race point. You jump to a lot of assumptions. BTW, also noticed how you skipped right over Sammy Js comments. Also notice how you call so many people racist towards Obama (who is half white), then skipped over the fact I am of mixed race and cannot stand Obama because of his policies. Very convenient to ignore I guess, since it does not support the "racist" theory that is so loved by so many that just do not get that there are people (OF ALL RACES) that just do not like his policies or him (very arrogant and disrespectful).
And your too busy bashing Fox that YOU have missed the point - what if
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And I can never understand why people do that. Did you even look at the two links. Or just jump on the bashing bandwagon. They are two different sites. One has nothing to do with the other no matter how badly you want it to be.

Umm - sm

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I see rude comments on many websites unrelated to Fox or any of the news sites. It is just the nature of the beast. When you put a comment section, no matter where, you get idiots.
Re: Ummm - sm - Conservative
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Sounds like what you said is what one of the posters that was accused of defending Fox was trying to get across. Because someone posts on a site does not mean that site is an agreement, or even knows, what those posters are saying. Poster immediately began bashing Fox and "illness" rampant in right-wingers. What about the constant battle cry of racist employed by left-wingers? That smacks of illness, but never mentioned. Unfortunately, there are just nasty people everywhere and people that jump to a conclusion without any facts because they think it shores up their POV. Unfortunately, just makes this conclusion jumpers look silly.
Your "battle cry of racist" is trumped up - The only time
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I have ever heard anyone liberal cry "racist" was when they were of a minority race and they had a legitimate concern. Btw, there are minority conservatives with legitimate concerns about racism as well. Are you saying racism does not exist? Perhaps you should cry racist a little more often when you see it.
Ummm - That's not what she said and yes, there are cries of racism - from liberals when no race is not an issue
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If you've never heard any liberal cry racist without a legitimate concern then you have not been reading this website very long and you don't watch MSNBC or CNN. It's there all the time.

The poster did not say racism does not exist. Its everywhere and not just Fox or conservatives/independents. Good example is Samuel Jackson - see link below with the article.
To Umm- clearly "battle cry of racist" - Conservative
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is nothing more than a baiter/flamer. Specifically directed comments to me, and about me, and made comments that were attributed to me that I never said. Obviously, this individual is so hellbent on attack, throws the truth out the window. I am not going to sit by and let this poster lie and then attribute those lies to me. Very libelous comments.
You are denying a direct quote? - Must be confusing
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let's see. You said something about left-wingers saying "battle cry racist," and now you are saying that the comment was not said by you. Then you accuse someone else of lies. Really.
Yes you are mightily confused - Conservative
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and obviously did not read the OP. That was a term used by the OP, whom I was quoting directly. IT WAS NOT MY QUOTE and still isn't. Some of you will grasp at any straw to start a flame. Still confused? Figures.
"must be confusing" - SM
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If you can't follow the thread probably should not reponse. Just sayin'
Battle Cry racist - Conservative
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Perhaps you should actually read the post and not read into it. I do not like racism in any form from anyone. I have never said racism does not exist. I will be very, very clear for those on here that like to twist and spin every single word. Many, many times when anyone says a single word in opposition to Obama and his policies, the first thing that usually follows is the "battle cry" that you are racist and you "hate Obama because he is black" (watch CNN or MSNBC for about 2.1 seconds). First of all, I do not care if Obama was purple; I still do like any of his policies and do not find him anything other than completely divisive in his constant denegration of groups of people. Obama constantly pits one group against another, continually without facts, which I find to be a form of discrimination. Maybe you should heed your own advice. Pretty sad you cannot make 1 single comment without turning it into assumption and a personal directive. Just shows all the other posters there is complete lack of self control by a few here so consumed by ideology they cannot see anything else and will do everything in their power to flame.
Please post your examples, - I do not understand
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your big deal re: this Samuel J. guy. Do you recall the mel gibson guy? I am sure there are a lot of examples. I do not see anything inflammatory about the above opinion and question, and it certainly is not personal. How does Obama pit people against each other?
Please post your examples, - I do not understand - Conservative
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It is unfortunate you do not understand. Again, reading things into a post I did not state. Sam J is not my "big deal", although his comments are racist, and is very odd that you would attribute comments to meI did not make, never said he was my big deal. Never said I defended Mel Gibson either, or Biden when Biden made racist and derogatory comments about Indians owning 7-11s. I am posting nothing for you. If you want examples, read the entire politics board. It is loaded with comments accusing others of being racist because they do not agree with Obama and his policies. One poster actually listed 10 points of the Obama policies they did not like and stated they would list more...flamers passed it right up and just went for the jugular. Understand?
You have made the accusation that - sm
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That Obama uses race to divide people. I have never seen that and I would like to know how you come to that conclusion.
You have made the accusation that - FLAT OUT LIE - Conservative
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Again, your post is a complete lie. I never said Obama was racist. Perhaps you can actually have someone read the written word directly to you. Clearly, you are not grasping what is being posted. But that's okay. Pretty obvious this is all to flame anyway. Enjoy...I certainly am. :)
Oh, I will just wait until you try do it again - I know you will
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Oh, I will just wait until you try do it again - I know you will - Conservative
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Keep waiting. No idea what you are talking about, but then again, I don't think you do either. Enjoy your evening..LOL
You have made the accusation that - sm - OPEN NOTE TO MODERATOR-CONSERVATIVE
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After much consideration, I am posting this note to the moderator for all to see. This poster has continually (see above thread) quoted and attributed statements to me that I did not make. This poster has listed these so-called quotes for public viewing and written these quotes in such a manner so that others would believe they came from my moniker. This poster has been repeatedly corrected; however, these erroneous comments, assumptions and quotes continue. This poster does not contribute to the thread or discussion, merely tries to do whatever possible to discredit, libel and slander me whenever my moniker appears. This constant misrepresentation, false statements and harassment needs monitored and the poster banned if they cannot control the lies in regards to what I post. Thank you.
Honest question for Conservative - sm
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Re: Ummm - sm - ConservativePosted: Feb 16th, 2012 - 1:59 pm In Reply to: Umm - sm

Sounds like what you said is what one of the posters that was accused of defending Fox was trying to get across. Because someone posts on a site does not mean that site is an agreement, or even knows, what those posters are saying. Poster immediately began bashing Fox and "illness" rampant in right-wingers. What about the constant battle cry of racist employed by left-wingers? That smacks of illness, but never mentioned. Unfortunately, there are just nasty people everywhere and people that jump to a conclusion without any facts because they think it shores up their POV. Unfortunately, just makes this conclusion jumpers look silly.

Are you saying this was someone else using your moniker? If not, why do you say you didn't say "battle cry of racist?"
My observiation - sm
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What I read by Conservative is that she said she was not the first to use "battle cry of racist". She was replying to someone else who used that term first.
Honest question for Conservative - sm
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Yes, it does seem to be what she's saying; however, I don' see anyone else saying that libs use the "battle cry of racist" anywhere in this thread before hers. So I thought maybe she meant something else, like someone used her moniker. That, or she misunderstood the post that she responded to.
Perhaps she was thinking it, but had not actually posted it - and
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since when is asking a question stalking and not a discussion? A little strange and scary.
Honest question - sm - From Conservative
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First, I can answer this very simply for you (and those that measure every single word I write). This was in direct response a previous poster that had made very strange/inflammatory accusations and was taken directly from their text. The post was removed (obviously, the moderator found it crossed the line; otherwise, it would still be on this board). There were specific names this poster was calling me that were completely unsubstantiated and unfounded and accusing me of making comments that I just did not make.
Secondly, there is as subsequent post here by "sm", not sure if you wrote that, but will address that comment in case you did. No one ever said asking a question was "stalking" or not part of a discussion; so, no idea what those comments are based on. Many of the disgusting posts that were written because someone recognized my post name have been removed (again, obviously by the moderator since posters have no control over that, only what they personally post). I have been called a racist, liar, crazy just to name a few. As I stated before, there is no problem with anyone having a different opinion; however, I am not going to back down to the few bullies on here that think they can say whatever they want, misrepresent what I post, lie and make disgusting, uncalled for comments that have nothing to do with the thread or politics. It is very juvenile and tells you much more about the mentality of an indivdidual that has to attack with such venom than it does about the comments of the person they are attacking. Hope this clears up your confusion regarding the original post.
FYI--then you are guilty - sm
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Of what you accuse others of. None of my posts have been deleted and I have never seen any posts on here that you are describing that have been deleted, but you decided to accuse me of attacking and stalking you. Please don't do that anymore.
Guilty - not - SM
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Just because a poster in unaware of post being removed for inappropriate content does not mean it did not exist. Who ever said it was your post? Just because you have not "seen" it does not mean it was not there and subsequently removed. You respond to every post with accusations...Please don't do that anymore :)
My theory is correct. Conservatives cannot apologize gracefully - genetics
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The fact is, I was chewed out over a nonexistent post. Perhaps it is just plain delusional.
My theory is correct. Conservatives are the best - to genetics - Conservative
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No one was/is apologizing to you or any other poster. If you got "chewed out", speak to the moderator, as no one seems to have a clue what you are talking about. I certainly would not apologize to you. :) Perhaps it is delusional as YOU stated, in which case, I don't think the moderator will be of much help. Good luck to you. :)
Honest question for Conservative - sm
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I am the poster who used this subject line above, and have only posted the two posts with same subject line in this thread.

You still did't answer why you said you didn't say "battle cry of racist." You said you were replying to a post, but you clearly did say it. I'm just trying to understand what appears to me to be a misunderstanding between you and the poster you got upset with.
See previous posts - Conservative
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See the previous posts and incidentally I am not "upset". Since everyone on this board is a complete stranger, no way to make that assessment about any individual here. I answered your question in great detail; evidently it was not read. Why are you so involved in what you term a "misunderstanding" between 2 complete strangers that supposedly has nothing to do with you?
Honest question for Conservative - sm
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Incidentally, no you did not answer my question. But I see now that you don't plan to. And I came to the conclusion you were upset because in your post to the moderator you didn't exactly sound "not" upset. And the reason for my interest is that this resulted in a post to the moderator and a subsequent post FROM the moderator telling people not to misquote others, in so many words. Also, I happen to be fascinated by human nature and interactions between people. I didn't see you being misquoted in regards to the "battle cry racist" thing, but you claimed you were. I saw you say it in your post, and then in a later post you admitted you said it and why you said it. But hey, I suppose you have a reason behind what you do and say.
Honest question for Conservative - sm - Last time trying to answer you
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There is a post on this board directed to your attention, written to you several days ago. If you cannot locate it and the answer, which clearly indicates I did not know which "sm" you were, you can contact the moderator for help. I have repeatedly answered your question, but you just keep asking the same thing over and over and over again. As fascinated as you may be by human nature, you are way off in reading my demeanor. I answered each question directly, and if you cannot see that, there is nothing more I can say. Try reading all of the posts and maybe will locate what was given as a direct answer to you specifically. As I said, if you cannot figure out this thread, contact the moderator for help. Maybe they can explain it to you so you can locate what you are looking for.
Honest question for Conservative - sm
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There's no way that you, or anyone else, could have written anything to me several days ago, as this thread is the first time I've posted in the political forum in months. I mostly just read here without posting. You're assuming I'm someone I'm not. Perhaps that's the reason your answers and replies aren't making any sense? But nonetheless, I'm no longer concerned with your answering my very pointed question because you've made it clear that, for some reason, you don't want to. There is a slight undercurrent of paranoia in your replies, though... hmmm....
Your own paranoia- HMM - see below
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Entire post below since you clearly do not know how to read this board. Since there are several posters hiding behind "sm", no way to know which one you are hiding behind personally (pretty sure I know who you are, though - pretty easy to spot your technique and motiviation of your posts). Sad you are so disconnected regarding undercurrent of your own posts and inabilty to follow these threads. Because you did not get the answer you wanted, does not mean an answer was not given. Clearly incapable for some posters to recognize the difference. Personally, do not care when you were on the board, how long ago, etc. Your participation holds no importance to me at all, but clearly my posts hold great significance to you, as you seem completely obsessed with them. Out of courtesy to your obsession, I did answer your multiple posts.

Honest question - sm - From Conservative
Posted: Feb 17th, 2012 - 6:56 pm In Reply to: Honest question for Conservative - sm

First, I can answer this very simply for you (and those that measure every single word I write). This was in direct response a previous poster that had made very strange/inflammatory accusations and was taken directly from their text. The post was removed (obviously, the moderator found it crossed the line; otherwise, it would still be on this board). There were specific names this poster was calling me that were completely unsubstantiated and unfounded and accusing me of making comments that I just did not make.
Secondly, there is as subsequent post here by "sm", not sure if you wrote that, but will address that comment in case you did. No one ever said asking a question was "stalking" or not part of a discussion; so, no idea what those comments are based on. Many of the disgusting posts that were written because someone recognized my post name have been removed (again, obviously by the moderator since posters have no control over that, only what they personally post). I have been called a racist, liar, crazy just to name a few. As I stated before, there is no problem with anyone having a different opinion; however, I am not going to back down to the few bullies on here that think they can say whatever they want, misrepresent what I post, lie and make disgusting, uncalled for comments that have nothing to do with the thread or politics. It is very juvenile and tells you much more about the mentality of an indivdidual that has to attack with such venom than it does about the comments of the person they are attacking. Hope this clears up your confusion regarding the original post.

Honest question for Conservative - sm
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Oh my, this is getting funny! None of what you copied above addressed my original question. Nice tap dance, though. Also, I did point out that the only posts by me on this thread/forum are the ones with this subject line. sm isn't my moniker, simply indicating to "see message."

And it gets better. Now you're insulting me, too. Let's see: I don't know how to read the board, I'm disconnected, I'm obsessed, you think you know who I am... your buttons are awfully sensitive and easy to push. When I started out with my question, I didn't have any kind of problem with you whatsoever. You're a little defensive, and yes, now I just think it's funny. You report others for making erroneous/insulting comments, and yet you've sunk to that level. Interesting indeed.
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And the bait was taken; hook, line, and sinker - by Conservative
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Yes, but the comments made by Eric - sm
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Bolling were terrible about Maxine Waters "stepping away from the crack pipe." This was not just some everyday person making a comment. This is a bona fide Fox commentator. Who else is there to blame for these comments OTHER than Fox when they broadcast them?

I certainly hope you watched the Fox video of Eric Bolling. The link is supplied on this board.
Eric ?? - Conservative
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Have no idea why you are directing this comment to me...I've never said anything about that post, for or against, yet you post this as a response to me??? IF this was not taken out of context and he actually said it, I think he owns the comment, not Fox. He owns it the same way that Biden owns the nasty comments he made about Indians (using his version of an Indian accent), and the history of horrific comments that both Maxine Waters and Shirley Jackson Lee during their contributions to CNN. Same way that Dr. Marc Hill Lamont (liberal Fox contributor) needs to own his outrageous comments; Ellen Ratner (liberal Fox contributor) Anthony Weiner and many others; all need to own their comments. Have never seen any of them listed on this board. You say it, you own it. Anyone can write Fox at any time and let them know if they are displeased with a show, host, commentator, contributor.

Yes, but the comments made by Eric - sm
Posted: Feb 17th, 2012 - 5:38 pm In Reply to: Re: Ummm - sm - Conservative

Bolling were terrible about Maxine Waters "stepping away from the crack pipe." This was not just some everyday person making a comment. This is a bona fide Fox commentator. Who else is there to blame for these comments OTHER than Fox when they broadcast them?

I certainly hope you watched the Fox video of Eric Bolling. The link is supplied on this board.

Yes, Eric Bolling. - sm
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I was responding to your post:

"Sounds like what you said is what one of the posters that was accused of defending Fox was trying to get across. Because someone posts on a site does not mean that site is an agreement, or even knows, what those posters are saying. Poster immediately began bashing Fox and "illness" rampant in right-wingers. What about the constant battle cry of racist employed by left-wingers? That smacks of illness, but never mentioned. Unfortunately, there are just nasty people everywhere and people that jump to a conclusion without any facts because they think it shores up their POV. Unfortunately, just makes this conclusion jumpers look silly."

The link to the comment made on air by the Fox employee is:


You were speaking of posters on the Fox site and suggested that the site wasn't at fault because of its posters, and I agree with that.

However, when Fox does it itself (and this isn't an isolated incident), the comments do seem to reflect the opinion of the site.

Please calm down. I was just trying to engage in non-name-calling friendly conversation.

Never mind.
Yes, Eric Bolling. - sm - Conservative
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If I was any calmer, I would be sleeping. I thought I answered your question. Oh well!
ROFLMAO - Bout fell out of my chair laughing - what if - sm
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Always good to start the weekend with a smile. I have no idea why she wrote what she did. There was nothing in any of your posts that would even lead anyone to think to write "calm down". And why she had decided to keep after you I just don't know. But yes, you did answer all her questions.
ROFLMAO - Bout fell out of my chair laughing - what if - sm - Conservative
[ In Reply To ..]
I don't get it either, but don't care to at this point. I actually have a life I tend to, which is far more interesting than trying to figure out some of nonsensical posts...LOL. Thanks!

Not kidding. Are you? - what if - sm

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And please dispense with the sarcasm of seems you made it that far. That was rude and made no sense.

Yes, of course the first link went to the Fox News story. Duh! (yes, you give rude in you get rude back). So, as you so astutely made the observation that "Normally, once you're on the Fox News story, you would be able to click on the "comments" section - which on this particular story they have disabled just within the last few minutes." Well there you go in your own words. There was no comment section available to click on - another duh for you.

Look, I don't care whether the comments box was there or not. I'm no fan of Fox, but I'm not going to attribute some other websites racist and rude comments to Fox when the two places have nothing to do with them. I may not like Fox but I'm not that hateful.

If those comments were at the bottom of Foxes website then I would attribute them to Fox, but since they were not you don't. Look, there are racist jerks all over the country who have no heart or sympathy for what a beautiful human being Ms. Houston was. She was beautiful and she had a beautiful voice from the angels to match. I've been in such shock at her death. She will truly be missed. However, like I said there are jerks all over the country who write stuff they shouldn't. But the website where all that garbage was written had nothing to do with Fox. BTW - There is no question they are not the only magnets for pieces of human debris. Many other stations like MSNBC, CNN, and even CSPAN get the same garbage. Guess its human nature that if you have a site where people can voice their opinions the stupid ones do.

BTW - I read the first filthy comment about her and was disgusted. I don't need to read anymore. It's sickening and I don't want to subject myself to any of that. Those people who write garbage is garbage themselves.

But please, no matter how much you hate Fox, have a little respect for yourself and don't try and link two different sites together. Aint gonna fly as they say. I think people here are intelligent enough to know one link has nothing to do with the other.

Show me the comments written on the Fox website and I will listen, otherwise there is nothing else to say (for me that is).
Wow! - Defensive much?
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What sacrasm, and what rudeness? Obviously you didn't get the OP (and that's not rude... it's not my fault you had trouble with it). Of course the original link posted at the bottom of the original post was a link to a site other than Fox. That was the point. You were supposed to be directed to an article about the racist comments frequently found in right wing (namely Fox News) comment sections. Since you were wondering how to see the comments directly on the Fox News site, I simply told you the answer to your question on how to find them. Since Fox disabled the comments section as of early this morning, I told you what I saw when I had access (that there were many comments where it said it had been deleted w/the responses intact), and I told you how to find the comments section on another Fox News article about the same subject so you could see for yourself.

THEN... I didn't blast Fox at all. The topic of the original post (you know... that non-Fox News site you were supposed to be directed to) was the racist comments that can be found on RW/Fox News comments sections. I then offered 2 answers as to why this is occurring:
1. It's coming from trolls on the left. The posts are bogus.
2. Perhaps Fox is marketing and delivering their product in a way that is appealing to folks who make comments like this, and the comments are legit.

You tell me where I said anything about hating anything. Don't sweat it though, I actually think it's hilarious to be told duh by someone who clearly didn't understand my (as well as the original) post.
Wow back at ya - what if - sm
[ In Reply To ..]
You give in sarcasm and rudeness, you get sarcasm and rudeness back. What part of that didn't you understand? Thought I stated it pretty clearly in my message. Don't care whether or not you like it. That's the way it is. But of course you didn't understand my post at all. Just focused in on that while ignoring the rudeness of your post. Wow - talk about hypocrisy.

Once again, let me repeat. You cannot connect one site to another when they have nothing to do with each other. The OPs post was linking the two different sites as though one had something to do with the other. Looked all over the racist site for Fox and didn't find it. That would be like me linking some racist website to MSNBC. What's that saying, the round peg doesn't fit into the square hole.

So if Fox disabled the comments box, the poster just searched all over the internet until she could find some racist comments and tried to attribute them to Fox? and clearly stated in her message that the link at the bottom were the comments from Fox. She said nothing in her message that it was a different website that had nothing to do with Fox. Now you are trying to backtrack and say "oh no, nothing of that sort was said"???? You need to read the OPs message again.

If Fox puts the comments section back up let us all know and we'll read them and say, yes there are racists people who comment on Fox site, just like there are on MSNBC, CNN, and any other webite where stupid people are allowed to put up their biggotted opinions. Sorry, but I don't waste my time reading garbage, but at least I'm intelligent enough to know that they post everywhere.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm no fan of Fox. I have my suspicions behind the group who is running them and their purpose, but I just don't hate them enough to take some off the wall website and say.

You don't have to say you "I hate Fox", your post clearly shows it though.

Oh I understood your post and the original post quite well. Especially when the OP Post was titled "Fox News Commenters Respond to Whitney Houston’s Death" And no where in the OP did it say that she was providing a link not affilitated with Fox. Read it again. The whole post itself is saying that the racist comments are from Fox commenters.

Oooh another duh for you. Well earned.
Wow-Defensive much - where did - you ever attribute
[ In Reply To ..]
anything to a "It's coming from trolls on the left. The posts are bogus". I, as did many others, see many slaps to Fox News. With Media Matters all over the place lately, ADMITTING they want to destroy Fox News and their employees (read Media Matters' own emails), would not believe for one minute these posts were legit. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to understand there is a POSSIBILITY that many, if not all of these could have been plants/trolls. I have not heard one newscast, Fox News or others, that were disrespectful of Houston's memory or trash her in any way.
Try decaf - sm
[ In Reply To ..]
This came from my first post: "Anyhow, there's no question that Fox is like a magnet for these kinds of comments and people actually hitting the like button for these kinds of comments. The question instead is whether the posts are legit (some say that they're made by liberals in order to make Fox viewers look bad), and if they are legit, why are these people consistently ending up at Fox."

This came from my second post: "The next question you need to ask is why do these comments frequently appear on articles/videos on Fox News. Some could argue that these comments are made by people - liberal people most likely - in order to make Fox News and its viewers look bad, and they're not legit."

And from my third post: "1. It's coming from trolls on the left. The posts are bogus."

Still confused?
Try decaf - sm - Conservative
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What is wrong with you? Posters on here are asking legitimate questions, apparently expecting a reasonable explanation or a more in depth explanatin of your POV and you answer with this crap? Maybe if you just spent more time on actually developing some sort of civil exchange with people on this board, it would be nicer all the way around. No wonder your posts are bombarded with negative; beginning to think it is more of an assessment of the attitude in which your posts are written rather than the actual content.
STOP POLICING THE BOARD! The moderator - needs to stop this
[ In Reply To ..]
I do not care what you think of my supposed attitude. Do. Not. Care. Most people on here don't care what you think of my attitude (or anyone else you guess to be liberal). Your impression of my "attitude" has NOTHING to do with politics. Stay on topic.

The original "what if" post was made with obvious trouble understanding how to see - via Fox News - what the comments were in their comments section. I TOLD THEM HOW TO FIND THEM!

However, since Fox News disabled their comments section on that particular article as of this morning, I went on to describe what I personally saw when I was able to access it AND provided a link to another Fox News story on the subject of Whitney Houston where the comments section had not been disabled so he/she could go to that one and see the racist comments for themselves.

And this was met with those throwing on a cape and leotard to rush to the defense of Fox. Why? The comments were there, and I even offered up explanations as to why WITHOUT bashing Fox or RW/pubs/conservatives in general. I stayed on topic and was not rude.

I will be reporting your and any other policing/bordering on harassing post to the moderator. This nonsense needs to stop. PERIOD.
STOP POLICING THE BOARD! The moderator - needs to stop this - SCREAM MUCH-SM
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STOP POLICING THE BOARD! The moderator - needs to stop this - You just don't get it
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Nothing to do with Fox. Ohh BTW, if you are reporting, how about including YOUR snarky comments...I'm with Conservative on this one. Not all your comments were as pure as the driven snow.
Stop policing the board - SM - Conservative
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I can read and post whatever I like on this board, as do you. If you do not like it, I suppose you will have to figure out a way to handle it because I am not going anywhere. Whether you like it or not, some of your comments were offensive; evidently you did not think so, but many others did. I will be more than happy to "report" all of those, as well. I do not "police" this board, and no one is harassing you. It is called a difference of opinion, which all of these posters are entitled to. "This nonsense" of lambasting others because you do not like their posts is "nonsense". PERIOD.
Please read - Moderator
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What the poster you replied to wrote is not policing the board, nor was it harassing. Every poster here as the right to post their opinions. If you don't like what a specific poster writes then skip over their messages. People need to develop a thick skin when talking about issues.

I will be reading all post and if I find any policing from anyone I will put a stop to it, but if a poster writes something someone disagrees with that is not harassment and nothing that poster wrote is either policing or harassment. If you don't like what a certain poster writes the simple solution is not to read their posts.
I just want to make sure I got this right - sm
[ In Reply To ..]
Okay, even though the sticky on the top says:

Do not try to police the board yourself nor try to rally people to your support. Let us simply weed out the posts and posters, as necessary.

We actually CAN make posts devoid of any political content whatsoever and comment on what we think about that person's attitude? Silly me... I thought that was policing. I'm glad to know we're free to do this.

Oh, and we can call the content of someone else's post "crap?" Also good to know.

Okay... if those are the rules, I think we're good to go.

No, - what if - sm
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I read the message. Nothing in that message would lead anyone to believe she was policing the board and you said she was harassing? Nothing in her post even borders on harassing. But other posts do.

Not every post on this board has political content. I've been on the receiving end of snarky comments that had nothing to do with politics. So has conservative.

Speaking of snarky comments your messages goes right at the top. It's been said before that if people don't like what other posters write, then since they know the moniker to just skip them. It's not rocket science you know.

But then again it's always good to argue with the Moderator when she is only trying to get civility back on the board. Hope that works out for you.
Reply - what if
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Since you mentioned me in your post, thought I'd reply.

You evidently do not like people calling out what was clearly in error (i.e. linking racist comments from some far off website to Fox news). There was no "obvious trouble understanding". I understood what you were trying to do. What you obviously don't understand though is you don't put two totally different websites links up and then claim one is comments from a news source when they are not. What is so hard to understand about that.

I know how to find comments on websites. Everyone knows how to find comments. HOWEVER, the link with comments that was attached in the OP were not comments from the bottom of Fox's page. So we are supposed to just take your word for it on what the comments said? From someone who has a strong dislike for Fox. Trying to link two different website and then proclaim Fox commenters and viewers are racist is just plain wrong, and I'm sorry you don't like to hear that, but that is the simple truth.

If you provided another link with the comments on Fox News site I did not see it, can you please post again and I will read it.

BTW - I have never rushed to defend Fox, unless of course somebody throws a blatantly false accusation at them. I have no love for Fox. If you've read any of my messages you know that. But just cos I don't constantly bash them doesn't mean I love the station. I don't bash any news station. You know why? Because they are all the same. The same stories on Fox are on CNN and MSNBC and sometimes word for word. Who do you think owns and runs these and who makes the decisions on what stories to report and who to fire and why. Same place.

However, back on topic. The OP posted two totally different websites and said those were comments made by Fox commenters when they were not.
Incorrect - kakes
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Actually, stating that FOX, CNN and MSNBC are owned and operated and run by the same people is incorrect. They do not broadcast the same material. You know what they say, you can choose your opinion, but you cannot choose your facts.
Oh no Mr. Bill....it's you again LOL - what if
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I remember the last time you posted the line about choosing an opinion. However, the fact is I am not incorrect. Read up on who owns all these news stations.

They do broadcast the same material. Just each one puts their own slant on it. But nothing like watching one station, then you turn to the other station and they are reading the exact same lines as though they copied it. Then you turn to a third one and same exact story. You should watch John Stewart. He had a segment awhile back and he played clips. Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and a bunch of local and other TV stations were talking about the same news story and used the exact same words.

I remember the last time you wrote "you can choose your opinion, but you cannot choose your facts". It was kind of funny the first time. Not really the second. Kind of like the old knock knock jokes. I wrote back then and I'll write it again. Yes, you can have your own opinion, but facts are not owned. Facts are facts. The facts are out there, you should really do some research. It's really enlightening when you find out the facts.
you're mistaken - kakes
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Just to prove how people make assumptions which are incorrect, I have never posted in this forum before. I have never used this saying before because I just heard it today and thought it was cute! And, I have no idea who MR. BILL is, but it is not me. Sorry to dissapoint you as you obviously carry a grudge for MR.Bill. LOL

YOU check your facts. You are lumping incorrect facts. Prove what you have shared. I love The Daily Show and the Jon Stewart show. What, you think other people are idiots? Please.
A grudge? For Mr. Bill ?- oh noooooo. LOL - what if
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For those wondering and too young to remember, Mr. Bill is a little character made of clay that was used in the old Saturday Night Live skits. When something went wrong they'd say "oh no Mr. Bill" and the person immitating him would say "oh nooooo". It really was quite comical in the days of the original cast.

I was mistaken. You're saying was exactly what someone else wrote. Was an unusual statement I have only heard once before here.

However, what I wrote is true whether or not you want to believe it. Check your facts.

P.S. - Not nice to call people names. I never in my post even eluded to that. Is that what you think they are? Shame on you.

P.S. - I have no time to go back through all the Jon Stewart videos, and since you are not interested in the facts there is no point in it. It's there, you can find it if you want to.
mr. bill - kakes
[ In Reply To ..]
Thats funny about Mr. BILL. LOL

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