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Final Health Bill Omits some of PO's promises
Posted: Mar 25, 2010
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Health BillDec 19, 2009Today he used our money, the "stimulant" package, to buy the Nebraska vote to get it through the senate, just like he used it to buy the Louisiana vote to get it through the house. That's called redistribution of wealth, our pockets to his...
But, of course, pointing this out is just another crazy right wing tactic....right NJ? ...
Senate Health BillOct 20, 2009
Senate Health Bill - 1502 pages
"It's important to remember that the bill won't exist in this form for long. Senate Majority Leader Reid and Sens. Max Baucus and Chris Dodd along with senior White House aides are merging the Finance and Health Committee legislation into one bill that will be considered on the floor of the Senate. The behind-closed-doors dealings have drawn criticism from Republicans, particularly because President Obama had promised a transparent process and ...
Health Care BillNov 20, 2009
BREAKING: Full List of Tax HikesIn Senate Democrat Health Bill
From Ryan Ellis on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 9:46 PM
Read the full bill
Read the tax revenue score from the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT)
Read the budget and tax score from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
PDF of this Document
Individual Mandate Tax (Page 324/Sec. 1501/$8 bil): Starting in 2014, anyone not buying “qualifying” health insurance must pay an income surtax according to the following ...
Health Care Bill Mar 20, 2010x ...
My Health Insurance Costs More Than My Tax BillApr 14, 2011I added up my federal, state, and property taxes. If I was paying the full cost of my health insurance (employer shares cost), my taxes would be about $3,000 LESS than the cost of my health insurance. I get a of a lot more for my tax dollars than I do from my health iinsurance. But, I am so glad I am paying all that so the insurance CEOs can afford gas, car payments, and nice vacations. ...
Well This Is Something To Be Hopefull For - Health Care BillNov 23, 2009Support for health care bill falls to new low
And say what you want about Sen. Joe Liberman, but he is earning my respect.
Ms. Lincoln even stated she was "shocked by the “unbelievable type of threats” she had received.". As I was thinking this morning I wonder how many will be threatned if they don't vote for it. ...
IRS Will Enforce Health Care Bill Mar 19, 2010CBO estimates IRS will need nearly 17,000 new agents to look for people who don't buy a government-mandated insurance policy. This is basically going to be another reason to audit tax returns, and people who don't comply will essentially be treated like tax evaders with the IRS using its "normal" powers of enforcement by levyings fines, penalties and liens against bank accounts, seizing property, etc.
And, assuming that the IRS will fold this into its usual enforcement operations, ...
Health Bill Will Tax State Workers By 40%Mar 24, 2010THIS BOTHERS ME. You go to college, you get a job making 60,000 a year. Your employer happens to have excellent medical coverage and now I will be taxed 40%? So it will cause the employer to go to a crapy coverage which includes my coverage?
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:1-1W0JbQoF8J:www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2010-03-22-health-you_N.htm+health+care+bill,+tax+increase+on+people+who+have+good+coverage&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk& ...
House Passes Health Care BillNov 07, 2009Now it's on to the senate.
NJ ...
Health Reform Bill Summary Of Top 18 Immediate EffectsMay 15, 2011I'll admit that I really have never understood what the Health Reform Bill is supposed to do, but I thought this summary was interesting.
An End to Pre-Existing Conditions---which certainly would benefit me.
Small Business Tax Credits for business with fewer than 50 employees will cover up to 50% of employee premiums---my family business will benefit from that one.
No Lifetime Ca ...
State Attorneys General Sue Over Health BillMar 23, 2010State attorneys general sue over health bill
They say bill's requirement to buy health insurance is unconstitutional
States sue feds over health mandate March 23: Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning tells msnbc's Chris Matthews that he, along with 12 other states, is suing the federal government over the individual mandate requirement of the just-passed heath care bill.
msnbc tv
Health Care Bill Clears Key Senate TestDec 21, 2009By The Associated PressMonday, December 21st, 2009 -- 8:55 am
Dec 21, 2009 07:22 EST
Health care bill backed by Obama clears key Senate test on party line vote
Landmark health care legislation backed by President Barack Obama passed its sternest Senate test in the pre-dawn hours early Monday, overcoming Republican delaying tactics on a 60-40 vote that all but assures its passage by Christmas.
"Let's make history," said Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, shortly before the b ...
U.S. Senate Republicans Block Veterans' Health BillFeb 28, 2014"With Democrats pressing for passage this week, Senate Republicans, backed by their leader, Mitch McConnell, attempted to attach controversial legislation calling for possible new sanctions on Iran that President Barack Obama opposes."
"The legislation had the backing of most veterans' organizations, but was doomed by deep disagreements between Democrats and Republicans that have made this Congress one of the least productive in decades.
Sanders, an independent who caucu ...
Health Reform Bill Includes $250M For New Abstinence-only ProgramsMar 29, 2010(As you can see, this was not a Democratic initiative. So much for Democrats banning Republican ideas.)
By Gavin DahlSunday, March 28th, 2010 -- 4:57 pm
Buried in the landmark health care bill passed by Democrats is $250 million over 5 years for state programs to try to convince young people to wait until marriage for sex.
Proponents of abstinence-only education are thrilled, but there is little evidence this money will be effective in fighting pregnancy or HIV.
"We're very happy to see ...
What? Health Care Countdown: Senate Bill Could Hit Middle Class HardJan 04, 2010In fact, the Senate is counting on raising $120 billion in new taxes over the next 10 years, the majority of which will come from the middle class. Another $30 billion is expected to roll in from the actual tax on insurance plans, but far more comes from wages.
"This is a big tax on the middle class," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, former director of the Congressional Budget Office, noting that 95 percent of people with the so-called Cadillac plans make under $250,000.
And that tax, critics sa ...
Public Says Health Care Bill Doesn�t Go �far Enough�Jan 12, 2010By Sahil KapurMonday, January 11th, 2010 -- 8:14 pm
Far from overreaching on health care reform, a plurality of the public thinks President Obama and Democrats have done too little to regulate the insurance industry, hold down costs and extend coverage, a new poll finds.
Forty-three percent of Americans said the health care bill goes "not far enough" in regulating health insurance companies, according to a new CBS survey released Monday evening. Just 18 percent deemed it "about right" and 27 p ...
It's Final!!May 05, 2011Well - for those of you who followed my thread 1-2 months ago - my divorce was finalized yesterday (on what would have been our anniversary). It was a very quick process - 8 weeks from finding out he was cheating on me. The tears are coming a little less frequency and i'm trying every day to let the anger part go. He has taken a job 3 states and 900+ miles away. For that i'm sad for my 10 year old boy. I'm a single child and my parents live 4 hours aw ...
Final Day May 21, 2011Since this is the End of the World, I thought I would say goodbye to all my friends and frenemies. Prognostication: Those of you who have spent your final precious earth days fomenting hatred against President Obama and his party are going to be getting mighty, mighty toasty this evening.
The Final InspectionFeb 04, 2010http://www.wrensworld.com/soldierheaven.htm ...
Final StagesApr 09, 2013You do know that so-called stand-your-ground, concealed-carry, "castle-doctrine," and many other laws and regulations having to do with arming the population to the teeth have been pushed by corporatist business cartels like ALEC, and the gun industry, and the myriad astroturf front groups and think tanks they fund, right?
As A Final Act Of DefianceJan 24, 2017Oblunder sent $221 million to the Palestinians in direct opposition to the GOP. I guess his fellow Muslims needed the money more than Americans (particularly homeless vets). So glad he's gone!
I wonder what the Palestinians will use the money for. Of course, they will say one thing, but do another. IMO, it will probably go toward funding more radical Muslim extremist group(s). ...
This Should Be Final Word On The ProsserApr 08, 2011Nickolaus apologized Thursday for the error, saying the most significant error occurred when she entered but did not save totals from the city of Brookfield, a suburb of Milwaukee.
"This is not a case of extra votes or extra ballots being found," Nickolaus said. "This is human error, which I apologize for."
Kloppenburg's campaign manager, Melissa Mulliken, demanded a full explanation of how the error occurred and said an open records request for all relevant documents would be filed.
Ram ...
Final Year In PhotographsDec 31, 2016Pete Souza the president's official photographer released his favorite photos of the year and they are fantastic. I think my favorite is the one of the little boy looking up at Obama with shining eyes. It make me think about the photo of Clinton with Kennedy. I wonder if this moment was a life changer for the little boy. ...
Health Care Reform Repeal Would Rob 4-Year-Old Jackson Whaley Of Health Security Jun 15, 2012What happens when your ailing son is about to exhaust a lifetime of health insurance benefits before his third birthday? Kelly Whaley came dangerously close to finding out...... ...
Deficit Commission Final VoteDec 03, 2010Guess it's back to the drawing board.
It's true that a commission that began with only limited authority failed in its most significant goal, which was to win at least 14 votes among the 18 members. Fourteen votes were needed to send the package to Congress as an official recommendation and force a vote on the proposals.
It's also true that prominent members of Congress on the committee took a walk on the commission report. That group included Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.), who will ...
Health Insurance Is A Poor Measure Of Health Care.Sep 14, 2011On Tuesday, the Census Bureau released its annual report on health insurance coverage in the United States. News media widely misconstrued the data and presented the problems facing the nation's health care system through a distorted lens.
Many major news outlets made a basic error when reporting on the Census Bureau study. The Los Angeles Times wrote that "the number of Americans with no health insurance rose in 2010 to 49.9 million from 49 million the year before." But the figure c ...
Promises, PromisesMar 08, 2011At a press conference at the end of the year, he said it was important to close Guantanamo because it is "probably the number one recruitment tool that is used by these jihadist organizations." "It is important for us, even as we're going aggressively after the bad guys, to make sure that we're also living up to our values and our ideals and our principles," Obama said at the press conference. "And that's what closing Guantanamo is about -- not because I think that the peop ...
Hillary's Disgusting Past Exposed Before Final DebateOct 21, 2016https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4LUmSOEY6NM
David Knight breaks down Hillary's divide-and-conquer strategy and the racist past of the democratic party before the final presidential debate in Las Vegas
"That guy is great 'off the cuff.' Not easy to do in front of a camera. He's well spoken and frankly nailed it!" ...
Obama's Broken PromisesOct 08, 2012Need I say no more
Here's Something For All Of Us - Complete List Of Broken Promises.(sm)Aug 23, 2013Oh, and just in case it's not clear, this doesn't have anything to do with our former President. These promises all belong to the current WH occupant.
Link ...